Thursday, October 4, 2007


I'm just writing to tell how much I HATE proofs. Ok, so maybe I really loath, dislike, and detest them (but it's rather more like hate)
and I plain don't understand them! Algebra seems so easy now...*cries*
Why must there be proofs?
I mean, you can just prove it by looking at the picture! IT'S OBVIOUS IN THE PICTURE (in Geometry textbooks, at least)
I want to rip something...*goes off to destroy paper*
But that would be killing trees...:(


starz said...

*insert girly sob here*

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Math should not even be allowed to exsist.

Silvertongue said...

I completely forgot what proofs were, i had someone remind me. I guess i banished it from my memory the moment i was done doing them.

starz said...

lol and lol!