Saturday, October 20, 2007

In Memory Of Misty...



She was sweet and sour all at once. One moment she enjoyed the attention and in the next she was attempting to viscously bite your hand and was then on the opposite side of the yard. Demanding and loving. If she wanted something, look out here she comes! It was hers now! If she felt your sadness she was more willing to let you hold, pet, and cuddle her. When offering her your hand to bite she would instead shove her head under your hand and ask to be petted. Brave and fearless was my vampire bunny. Frightening all animals in her path from dogs to cats to squirrels to birds. Sticking her nose in places it didn’t belong. If she had found a snake I’m sure she would have attacked it. Clever and sleek she would get in and out of any pen or harness. She would leave destruction behind her in the garden. Ripping a leaf off here, and a leaf off there she would leave them lying broken on the ground and move onto her next victim. A mischievous gleam was always in her eyes especially whenever a human approached her or was within view. “Human! What shall I do to frighten this one?!” She seemed to say as she hopped quickly toward them. Lunging and grunting threats even the sneakiest of animals would leave her be.

As I walk to the shed now I remember all those precious moments I spent with her. The stepping stones are now gone. No more will the path to the back of the shed be there. She now walks the same path Oreo did only 6 months before. One that I cannot yet follow. Forever winding into the Heavens above. I stare up to the clouds that float endlessly above me as well and I picture my vampire bunny terrorizing all the animals up there and smile. “That’s my Misty.” I say to myself as I gaze at her grave. “That’s my Misty.”

"There's no difference between the teardrops and the rain."




Becca said...

aww raoul, thats the saddest story ever. i had to remove catheters from dogs today and i thought of misty! =[ poor thing. at least she is in a better place now, one with no pain and full hopping ability, so she can roam and destroy as she pleases. =]

starz said...

I'm so sorry raoul, it reminds me of Beanie...:(
and I still have no idea how to bring BoBo along with me on the evacuation! :(