Tuesday, December 25, 2007



~Lone Wolf~

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today I went out and rode Ariel. Its so freakin' windy outside that it was a nightmare when it came to riding though. Ariel was like, "you want me to run with you on my back in this wind?" I felt bad riding her in it because it made her have to work extra hard but she needs the exercise. Besides, afterwards I gave her some grain so she more than likely forgave me for it. I took some pictures of her and posted them on my picture blog, http://godisgoodyaygodyay.blogspot.com/


~Lone Wolf~

Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm All Alone!

I'm All Alone!!!!! There's no one here beside meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


Voice In Head: Gone.

A REAL Lone Wolf: Really?! I never knew!!!

Voice In Head: Don't get all smart mouth with me!

A REAL Lone Wolf: I will if I want to. Besides, I have nothing better to do. *sniff* Everyone's left....I'm so very very alone...

Voice In Head: What am I? Chopped-liver?

A REAL Lone Wolf: No, chopped spinich.

Voice In Head: What?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Yes.

Voice In Head: .....Why spinich?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Because I said so and I like it.

Voice In Head: ....okay....

A REAL Lone Wolf: Would you stop that?!

Voice In Head: Stop what?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Saying "dot dot dot." Its annoying.

Voice In Head: ......

A REAL Lone Wolf: GRRR!!!!! *hits head*

Voice In Head: Ow!

A REAL Lone Wolf: OW!!! That hurt!

Voice In Head: Stupid! Of course it hurt! That's what happens when you try to hit me.

A REAL Lone Wolf: GRRRRRRR!!!!! That is SO not fair!!!!

Voice In Head: Sure it is.

A REAL Lone Wolf: Whatever. PLEASE! Someone get on the blog!!!!! I'm begging you!!!

Voice In Head: Yeah. She's on her hands and knees....*snicker*

A REAL Lone Wolf: You're not being very helpful. Anyways, seriously someone get on the blog. I can't take much more of this talking to my voice in my head! PLEASE!!!!

Talking To Myself

So, I feel as though I am just talking to myself on this blog. Where is everyone????????


~Lone Wolf~

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Faith Almost Gone

I'm afraid that I don't really care about my faith that much anymore. I still like going to church and being at church but...I don't seem to care about praying or going to confession. I've been slowly going down hill in my faith for the last year and a half and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I feel extremely depressed because of it. All I ask is that you guys please pray for me. Thanks.


~Lone Wolf~

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ow, Ow, Ow, and COOKIES!!!!

Basically, I'm in pain due to cramps. All you girls (and some guys) know what I'm talking about. I've taken two pain relievers thanks to it. I don't believe it helps that I've had pretty much ONLY junk food today. For breakfast I ate six powered donuts, part of a candy bar, and I drank some hot chocolate (curtsy of my Grandma). Then when I got to school I ate vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate and caramel syrup. When I got home I had spicy Doritos and a chicken vegi-burger which was probably the only healthy thing I've eaten. Afterwards, I had more candy. Yeah...not smart. I feel terrible. I'm fasting until morning now. I've decided that in the morning I will eat a banana and some raspberries.

Last night my friend let me ride her draft horse Gypsy. We have been secretly training her how to be ridden because the owners of the boarding facility don't think that she should be trained until her ground work looks better but Gypsy seems to like being ridden and does what we ask. She's only been ridden about ten times and she rocks! Sadly, Gypsy will be going to an Exotic Auction soon to be sold.

My brother and I haven't gotten into anymore major confrontations, which is good. I'm hoping that things will get better between us. Seeing in how he's going to be here all of my Christmas break it better and I just don't like it that we ALWAYS argue. Its wrong.


~Lone Wolf~

Monday, December 17, 2007

Depressed and Life Is Complicated

I know I shouldn't complain but I'm going to. I need to.

First off, I'm going to start trying to post on Riceball Alliance at least four times a week because it is so very, very neglected.

Second, my truck was totaled (for any of you who haven't been to my blog, I was in a car wreck, someone hit me and totaled his truck as well as mine) and the insurance company is giving me a little over 2,000 dollars for it which is basically going to get me a crap truck. I say truck because I refuse to have a car due to the fact that I get dizzy and sick while in them.

Third, my older brother came down for Christmas. He's only been here for two days and we've already started fighting, arguing, and disagreeing on things. Not to mention that he use to work at the place I now work at so therefore, I have to listen to how GREAT he was and the pressure to live up to everyone's expectations just continues to pile up. By this I mean that since he's going to become a priest almost everyone expects my younger brother and me to behave like him, dress like we're always ready to go to church and not be into cussing, watching, or listening to anything that may be considered evil. For example, Twillight. yeah...I can hear you guys now. UGGH! I'm SO SICK of it. He keeps pestering my brother and me on how we like to watch Anime and read manga, and how I like to read Vampire books. GRR! *sigh* I keep listening to the song "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson. I know. But its how I feel right now.

I'm just feeling REALLY depressed and down right now and now that Christmas is approaching I feel even more down because it'll be the first Christmas without three of my pets: Chip, Oreo, and Misty.

Okay, I'll stop with my emo complaining. LOVE you guys! I hope to hear from you all soon!


~Lone Wolf~

P.S. I am now Dustfinger.