Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ow, Ow, Ow, and COOKIES!!!!

Basically, I'm in pain due to cramps. All you girls (and some guys) know what I'm talking about. I've taken two pain relievers thanks to it. I don't believe it helps that I've had pretty much ONLY junk food today. For breakfast I ate six powered donuts, part of a candy bar, and I drank some hot chocolate (curtsy of my Grandma). Then when I got to school I ate vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate and caramel syrup. When I got home I had spicy Doritos and a chicken vegi-burger which was probably the only healthy thing I've eaten. Afterwards, I had more candy. Yeah...not smart. I feel terrible. I'm fasting until morning now. I've decided that in the morning I will eat a banana and some raspberries.

Last night my friend let me ride her draft horse Gypsy. We have been secretly training her how to be ridden because the owners of the boarding facility don't think that she should be trained until her ground work looks better but Gypsy seems to like being ridden and does what we ask. She's only been ridden about ten times and she rocks! Sadly, Gypsy will be going to an Exotic Auction soon to be sold.

My brother and I haven't gotten into anymore major confrontations, which is good. I'm hoping that things will get better between us. Seeing in how he's going to be here all of my Christmas break it better and I just don't like it that we ALWAYS argue. Its wrong.


~Lone Wolf~

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