Wednesday, October 3, 2007


ARGRRRRRRRRRGRGGRGGRRGRGARGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so out of it, man I need to go destroy something, get my self arrested, beat someone to a bloody pulp, or all of the above, not in that specific order though!!!! I need sleep and to swim and to play with fire, I'm so tired people arent as afraid of me enymore, and trust me thats alot of people,. wewll I'll sleep tonight for once and they are all screwed tomorow.




Silvertongue said...

I would ask, but i think i know.

turnabout said...

need i even comment? you know exactly what i WOULD say so there, that should be enough.

try not to kill yourself.


starz said...

well, I know that feeling pretty well
except...maybe not as extreme :)
when I was little and got really mad at something, I would bite stuff (like, non-edible things)
It helps
except probably not in your case...
now I just pretend that someone i dislike's head is right in front of me and I get to kick! huzzah

Becca said...

ummm. well then. violence is not the answer? how does some respond to that...

Anonymous said...

violence is like the only answere, sorry, well not in some casses but most