Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Well, well, well!

hey y'all. sooo its been kinda quiet here for the past seven i thought id say a few words to all!

first, what did I miss in vet class Raoul? Probably not anything important, but ya never know! lol. btw, im getting my goat soon!! unfortunately, i can only show it at the major shows in Feb. and thats only if mr. evans can get me a tag for it. so we'll seeeeee!

other than that...lets see. Today was Senior Transition Day...SO BORING. They're like "be prepared for the life ahead! We want to help you! come to us with your problems!" ahahah...yeah right. everyone there was like uhh yeah..we could be sleeping at home right now, thank you class of 06 that ruined that for us by skipping the whole day! lol. anyway, after the presentation, i got to go home at noon so that was pretty awesome. ANNND i got to skip my classes at vista cuz i had a college class when they were going on. all in all a pretty sweet day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah...Senior Transition day at my school sucked! Afterwards I couldn't even go home. My AP's said that I had to stay at the flippping school for 5th and 6th and that I wasn't to go to Vista for them. I ended up sitting in the library reading for an hour before I could leave during 8th. It was SO BAKA! The only bright side was the fact that the guy I like was in my group for Transition.