Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm All Alone!

I'm All Alone!!!!! There's no one here beside meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


Voice In Head: Gone.

A REAL Lone Wolf: Really?! I never knew!!!

Voice In Head: Don't get all smart mouth with me!

A REAL Lone Wolf: I will if I want to. Besides, I have nothing better to do. *sniff* Everyone's left....I'm so very very alone...

Voice In Head: What am I? Chopped-liver?

A REAL Lone Wolf: No, chopped spinich.

Voice In Head: What?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Yes.

Voice In Head: .....Why spinich?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Because I said so and I like it.

Voice In Head: ....okay....

A REAL Lone Wolf: Would you stop that?!

Voice In Head: Stop what?

A REAL Lone Wolf: Saying "dot dot dot." Its annoying.

Voice In Head: ......

A REAL Lone Wolf: GRRR!!!!! *hits head*

Voice In Head: Ow!

A REAL Lone Wolf: OW!!! That hurt!

Voice In Head: Stupid! Of course it hurt! That's what happens when you try to hit me.

A REAL Lone Wolf: GRRRRRRR!!!!! That is SO not fair!!!!

Voice In Head: Sure it is.

A REAL Lone Wolf: Whatever. PLEASE! Someone get on the blog!!!!! I'm begging you!!!

Voice In Head: Yeah. She's on her hands and knees....*snicker*

A REAL Lone Wolf: You're not being very helpful. Anyways, seriously someone get on the blog. I can't take much more of this talking to my voice in my head! PLEASE!!!!


turnabout said...

a little dramatic? ;)

i'm here if that counts...

Anonymous said...

YESH!!!! LIFE!!!!

SMILEE said...

hey hows it going, lets just keep it breezy