Sunday, September 30, 2007

I know

I know you guys dont care but I DO! so I decided to post what I wrote for the love of my life, she's already read it, but I want to post it anyway, I LOVE YOU MY HOPE, MY HAPPINESS, MY LOVE!!!!!!

Floating through this endless galaxy,
Swimming through this endless sea,
Walking through this endless desert,
Climbing through this endless forest;

Not by myself but still slone,

I smile from time to time,
Feeling happyness in small unreaching glimpses,
But not fully, not completely.

A light shines from some distant star,
Ripples move from some distant swell,
A noise carries from some distant dune,
A voice carries from some distant mountain.

I drift closer to the light,
I swim closer to the ripples,
I run closer to the noise,
I climb closer to the voice.

What I find astonishes me.

I float closer and the light of a shining sun
breaks through to me, its warmth and beauty,
giving me hope and happiness.

I break through the waves and crawl to the shore,
I look up into the beautiful face of a girl,
she smiles at me and reaches down,
I take her warm hands into my own.

Walking through this lonely desert I have finally found her,
Climbing through this jungle I have finally reached her,
My Hope,
My Happiness,



okat I guess I'll post,.. so how is everyone? I'm okay, yeah jaki, thanx for the fight,. it was a giant time waster and hurt at first but... anyway. so school sux but it gives me an excuse to get on the computer and do non-school related things like the blog and email. I'm so tired cuz of my sleep diet of one hour a day and I might pass out.



Saturday, September 29, 2007


I'm curious to know how every one's lives have been going since school has started. Rant, complain, describe your amazing school life to everyone on the blog! Let it out! LOL! If you haven't guessed...I'm bored.

I've noticed that a few of our members have abandoned the blog. *sniff* I'm sad...They never post anymore....

Jaki, I tried calling you to tell you about this new show that's on TV, "Moonlight." Its about a Vampire investigator. The investigator IS the Vampire.



Friday, September 28, 2007


hey y'all! so whats everybody's plans for this weekend? guess what i get to do!? yeah, you guessed it...WORK! and, of course, lots of homework and papers to do...bleh.

anyone else struggling with getting homework done as well as filling out college applications and scholarships? i mean honestly, how do they expect us to do it all!!!? its insane!


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

hi ppl

sorry bout the absence


Anger management? WOLVIES *cough* and...yeah...

I was so mad about 20 minutes ago. I was seriously fuming, with steam out of my ears and everything! D:<
It was so weird, I felt this burning fire thing in my heart (well, it seemed like it), not painful, but like...evil almost...and angry, of course...

it was CREEPY! >.<>
ok, maybe not that dramatic...-_-

but I was really...pissed off! For no reason, too!! I was just suddenly furious.
Mood swings...or something
and I got super calm after doing homework, weird much? o.O

WELL, onto more exciting things:
I just read Eclipse! *insert girly squeal here* It was AWESOME! :]
oh, and-
Why do people not like Jacob??! Is it cuz he's not hot like Edward?
:[ poor Jacob...with no love in this world...
well, sorta...
but seriously, no one really seems to like him
but I love wolvies *cough*! x] KAWAII!! I SO want a werewolf, like REALLY want one.
i think that's cute
but vampires still rock :] they always will
which reminds me...
why do people like Edward so much? Well, I mean like...I know he's really nice/kind (stuff like that) and the most important thing (-_-), being hot -_______-'
I REALL REALLY need to read the 4th book, that's not out yet...*sobs* anyone know what it's called?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i was trying to get some ideas for our next song in asl and i wanted to do something different and hard so if you could recomend some songs for me i would apriciate it

if you have any ideas email me at or post the lyrics

thanks jaki

Calculus Mocks My Existance!

yeah, so whoever was complaining about Pre-cal a while ago and proofs...that is NOTHING, and i do mean nothing, compared with AP Calculus!!!!! haha try this on for size:

g(x)= x^2 ( 2/x - 1/x+1)
find the derivative of this function.
yeah, uh no fun! heh. ill just go quietly shoot myself now...

this is the reason i am currently writing this and trying to avoid these evil problems for as long as possible...haha. im sucha bad youth. oh well!

how are you feeling, Raoul? is your sinus infection gone yet? i wonder if we're hitting the barn tomorrow...i dont want to get my shoes dirty again. i smelled like goat the rest of the day, too! haha.

well, i guess ill go attempt calc. if anyone is like freakishly skilled in this area of devillry, please let me know! god knows i need a tutor!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Father Abel Nightroad to Elise....

"So, you like cats?" ~Father Nightroad

"We use to have a lot of them...back when Mommy and daddy were still alive." ~Elise

"I could tell. You sounded like a real one just now." ~Father Nightroad

"Yeah, sure. ust like the dirty old stray I am." ~Elise

"Now why would you say that? That's not what I meant at all." ~Father Nightroad

"I hate people. When people find out about me,...bad things happen. They always want to try and kill me or put me in a cage. That's what my mommy and daddy did. They decided that they didn't want me anymore because I was a freak. The vampires tried to kidnap me for the same reason. In the end everyone hates me. I don't have a friend in the world." ~Elise

"No Elise, that's not true. Trust me. you don't want to make the whole world your enemy. Besides, at the very least you do have one friend in me." ~Father Nightroad

"That doesn't matter, just leave me alone." ~Elise

"I'm afraid I can't do that." ~Father Nightroad

"I almost wish I hadn't been born in the first place. There's no point in my even being alive." ~Elise

"We are all God's children Elise. Every life has value in His eyes. It'll be alright, I promise." ~Father Nightroad

"I don't get it. Why do you care so much about me?" ~Elise

"Because you remind me of someone." ~Father Nightroad

"Really? Who?" ~Elise

Father Nightroad smiles.

I just felt like sharing that because it touched me when I watched it.



Pre Cal

so... today in pre-cal i was blacking out at my seat because for some reason i don't think our room had air on. it was bad i felt like i was going to through up. yeah so i'm pretty sure i was haveing a major heat stroke


Sunday, September 23, 2007

For All You Single Girls Out There. This is your Song!!!

Okay, being a single girl puts a LOT of pressure on some of us. So, here's a song, sung by Natasha Bedingfield, that I LOVE to help you girls who feel pressured to have a boyfriend just because everyone else does or says you should. These are just the lyrics. If you want to hear the song go to my blog.

Ah yeah that's right
All you single people out there
This is for you
I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me(Cos I'm happy where I am)
Don't depend on a guy to validate me(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole
Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't
[Chorus:]This is my current single statusMy declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single(Right now)
That's how I wanna beI'm single(Right now)
That's how I wanna beAh yeah Uh Huh that's right
Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cos I would
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cos you say I should(Can't romance on demand)
I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood
[Chorus]Everything in it's right time everything in it's right place
I know I'll settle down one day
But 'til then I like it this way it's my way
Eh I like it this way
Make your move if you want doesn't mean
I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't
'Til then I'm singleThis is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant


~Lone Wolf~

Friday, September 21, 2007

hey y'all!

so guess what today is for Cedar Park? HOMECOMING! im super excited! i have this huge mum that like swallows my entire body...its pretty awesome. lots of feathers and ribbons and such. but sadly i dont get to go the pep rally cuz i have work =[ kind of depressed about that.

anyways so im going to the game tonight and if anyone by chance wants to watch us slaughter Shoemaker Kileen, its at Bible Stadium at 7:30. I'd get there early cuz the parking goes fast.

well, off to the animal hospital! time to get down and dirty and hairy!

x. BellaBeck .x

:*) Amongst the stars forever...


(babyish American name, I know)

Hyperactive, excitable,
guinea pig

Have fun squealing your head
off amongst the stars

One of my guinea pigs died, the white and gray one. The fluffy and hyper one. The one who was always so cheerful and enthusiastic.
Oh, I know that a little guinea pig passing away may be nothing compared to a cat or dog passing away, but all the same
I miss him...even though he was only a little rodent...I still miss him
I wanted to have a small funeral for him...but I couldn't.
Beanie deserved a funeral at the very least

Thursday, September 20, 2007

How do I get one of these to be my profile picture?

i want one of these to be my profile picture. yeah, so how does that happen?
and which one do y'all like best?



Everyone should go to my blog and read the latest post.


heh heh heh,...We Have A Plan!!

I know, I know. "Why is she posting again?" Well, my brother Blood and I have decided that Saturday when we go out to eat for my dad's birthday he is going to ask the waiter/waitress if he can have a cup of milk (which they usually do NOT serve: Inspired by Black Cat) and I am going to ask for a cup of tea with 13 spoonfuls of sugar (inspired by Trinity Blood) just to see what his/her reaction will be.

Have a great week-end!!!


~Lone Wolf~

Sinus Infection

The title says it all. I. have. a. sinus. infection. Yes. I went to the doctor today cuz' I was not improving but getting worse. My doctor asked me what my symptoms were then proceeded in putting pressure on both my temples with his hands and my automatic response was, "Ow. Thank you." He laughed and then said, "You're welcome. I aim to please." I love my doctor! He then explained to me that I had a sinus infection and gave me nasal spray and Azithromycin, which is a drug used to fight bacteria in the body. In this case, the bacteria in my sinuses.

So, how is everyone? How's life been?



Hola Amigos!

well hello people I've never met before (excluding Raoul)! I thought I'd say a happy "hello" to y'all and introduce myself. Well, not really, because I'm not going to give out my real name...

but I'm BellaBeck! and I am new to this whole blogging business (obviously)--which, btw, thank you Jaki for inviting me!

and Raoul, where the heck were you today? You missed an important quiz in pre-vet. Shocking I know, we actually did something in there. Were you sick again?

Anyway, just saying hi (as you already know). So who all is in this blog and what is it's main purpose?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Baka, baka, baka!"

"You fool! I am no ordinary pervert! I get inspiration to write better novels from peeking!"

"Liar. Stop with the excuses."

Naruto is funny...xD
well, like the anime...and him I guess...maybe...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


thank you ppl who gave me ur addresses
it will help my school

expect the letter soon!


-tenshi ♥

Monday, September 17, 2007



YAY!!! I just finished my AP Government homework!!!! I've been working on it for like 3 hours. I was absent the day before and I have had make-up work to do. I never knew how much there was to government. I'm actually quite interested in it now.

The whole time I've been working on my Government homework I've been listening mainly to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Its SOOOOOOOOOOOOO pretty!!!!! :D I want it!

Unfortunately, I am sick. I can't stand it. I keep coughing and my throat feels like my cat stuck her paw down it and clawed it up. I also keep getting the urge to sneeze but can't. I hate being sick. I absolutely despise it!

OH! I'm posting on my other blog, "Saved And Loved" the story of my first pet, as well as my favorite. Please go take a look at it. Thanks!

I must now go do my ACC English 4 memoirs. Wish me luck!




wat im gonna ask out of is COMPLETLY optional
and u DO NOT hafta do it

so there is this fundraiser thingy at school
and because last year i forgot the packet i didnt get to sell anything

we r selling magazines
and i need to send a postcard to 10 ppl to get credit
but the prob. is that i dont have 10 ppls adresses
well i dont have 10 adresses of ppl that arent doing this fundraiser...

so if u want
u can either
email ur adress to
or leave it in the comments
or leave it in the comments of my other blog:

that i will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER use ur adress for any other purpose than this

(home adress btw...)

and again...this is OPTIONAL

<3 u guys!!!

-Tenshi ♥

(p.s i need ur REAL name)

Sunday, September 16, 2007


i need someone to talk to!



starz.shadow just hung up on me...on the phone...leaving me in complete silence...



-Tenshi ♥

hi guys

hi guys

im bored...

i should be doing my hmwk...

im bored...

thats all...hmwk time...again

love from

-Tenshi ♥

ahh i have the hiccups again!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

to tom

since me and raoul changed our names to the boys from the phantomof the oprea that means tom should change his to christine yep yep

love eric

Check Out Gypsy On My Blog!!!

Okay everyone, please go take a look at my blog and the post "Gypsy". If you're interested let me know (even if you don't live in Texas) or if you know someone who might be interested. Thanks!



Jaki and I Changed Our Names!!!

So, Jaki and me were talking on the phone last night and we've decided that I will now be Raoul from the Phantom Of The Opera while she is Eric. I shall now go feed my poor grumbling belly.


~Raoul~ (hmmm,...I'm going to have to get accustomed to typing that..."


im gonna make this public

i mean

and that really hasnt happened before....

*dreamy look*

-tenshi ♥

good/up/down/something yesterday

Yesterday was a fun, happy, joy-filled day (for like an hour)
so what happened was that:
a friend came over to my house on Friday
and I explained to her about the big huge spider on my porch
and she said she would go kill it!
thus my face was like (in order)
1) O.O
2) O.o
3) o.o
4) ! _ ! (sudden thought to be happy)
5) :|
6) :)
7) :D
8) xD (and then i turned into a hyper, happy......thing)
so I totally bounced around and handed her 2 bottles of air freshener spray cans
we went on the porch
and then:
and i was all like YESH and HUZZAH!
and so after about 2 minutes, the spider turned white on top, yes POWERY WHITE!!! (from the soap/foam in the spray can) and it was black originally! ><'
and it was creeeepy!!!!
and then it was all drunken, crawling around dazed, the air freshener is really poisonous to spiders after all
so my friend asked me for a broom, she got one...and WHAM! (when the broom came down, I ran about 10 feet away *seriously!!* and cowered until she said it was ok to come and look)
fortunately, the broom was on top of the spider's remains, and i felt glad (that it was gone!), sad (I just caused the death of an animal!), enraged (causing the death), and disgusted (...well who wouldnt be?)
so that was a good/up/down/something yesterday...*sigh*
and sorry to those spider-lovers lurking out there! =/

Friday, September 14, 2007


jaki/shi is now eric

love jaki

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hoas, Ias Atehas Athmas!!!!!! Avesas emas!!!! Iedas vileas athmas ookbas iedas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiSas,.................odas omethingsas!!!! Leasepas!


~OneLas Olfwas~

My New Blog

So i finally started my own blog. You should visit it.


wat grade r u ppl in?

if ur in Algerbra 8 honors

u will know wat im bout to say


i had to let that out...


so ... umm.... sorry i haven't been on for a while... so i invited a new person in case you haven't noticed(which would be interesting) and welcome kat nice to have you on the riceball alliance

*note: have you seen wolfy? if so tell him to contact me please

love jaki

*note: kat please choose a color and check out a post titled blog rules for the rules that were put on in order to not cause my ancient computer any unnessacery stress


hey. i'm kat. i gotta go do some hw but i though i'd say hello first... so hello!

<3 kitkat

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Naruto and Sakura Finally Meet Sasuke After Two Years!!!!!

I posted a vid from YouTube of when Naruto and Sakura meet Sasuke after two years of looking for him. Take a look if you want. The vid is NOT mine.


~Lone Wolf~

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The's overwhelming...*maniacal look in eyes*

Twilight is SOOO freaking unbelievably good!!! >.< OMG, sooo sooo good
well, actually New Moon is almost better...
I CANNOT BELIEVE EDWARD!!! If I was Bella, I would've kicked him or something

...well I wouldn't, but still...
I SO NEED TO READ ECLIPSE! >__< The urge...the overwhelming...I must have it...I must... *wild, crazed look in eyes*

I'm almost done with New Moon, and I checked it out (along with Twilight) 5 hours and 45 minutes ago
books are seriously my life...GO VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES!! THEY TOTALLY ROCK!!!!!
hmm, along with wolves, but I suppose that goes under the category "werewolves" and horses...and cats...and anime...and watermelon

Monday, September 10, 2007


Ok so first off:
The day before yesterday, our dining room table got completely attacked by ants, like millions of scurrying black insects
*shudder* it was honestly enough to give me nightmares! >,<
There was one chicken wing bone with about a half an ounce of meat on it...-.- and ants were swarming ALL over that little bone
*shudder shudder shiver*
I, yes ME, I had to take napkins and attempt to squish the poor things (well, not really poor things...), and after squishing (attempting to) the ants, I had to walk ALL the way over to the bathroom (HOLDING THE ALMOST SQUISHED ANTS) and dump them in in the toilet and flush away...
at the end, we used too many napkins to throw down the toilet that my dad had to use the plunger (or sucky reddish thing for toilets) and flush it correctly...
afterwards, my mom and I sprayed the doorstep (where the ants came from) with about a gallon of those air freshener spray bottles (since we didn't have any other 'insect poisonous' sprays) and the living room plus the dining room ended up smelling like spring, yes spring
^^ that was my fuuunnn (NOT) fuuunnn, day the day before yesterday
and the black spider is STILL on the porch...its been there for about a month I think

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sorry ppl

Sorry bout not posting on this blog
or my blog

ive been busy with school, hmwk, piano, swimming, etc...

so yeah
thats all
gotta get bak to hmwk...

i just updated my other blog
so if ur interested to see the last poll results, my newest posts, etc...
check it out

u know...the usual

love love love

-Tenshi ♥

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I just had some VERY NICE new ideas 2 modify the molotov cocktail, I wont give anything away but I will make a video with my friend cuz he knows how 2 upload vids 2 youtube and then I can upload 2 my blog.

I will be lighting myself on fire, like mostly ALL of myself, but thats no biggy cuz it'll be like my 7th time doing it,...

well, I'll just wrap all of it into one video so you guys will be able 2 see me, (posting this on other blogs as well)

comment, tell me im stupid, seya


Friday, September 7, 2007

Football And Ritsu!!!

Okay, so I was eating dinner while my dad was watching High School Football on the news. As I was watching them tackle each other I thought about how I wouldn't be able to play the sport because the whole time I would be saying, "Sorry!" everytime I slammed someone, which made me think of Ritsu. I then pictured him running with the football towards the touch-down area while screaming, "AHHHHH!! I'M SORRRRYYYYYYY!!!!! I APOLOGIZE TO THE WHOOOLLLEE WOOORRLLLDDD!!!!!! I'M SORRYYYYYY!!!!!"

heh....maybe its just me but that would be SOOOOOOO funny to see.


~Lone Wolf~


Just to clear things up, i don't hate sports nor the people who play sports. the people i hate are the professional jocks who think they are better then the rest of the world and continue to ridicule the geeks and nerds until they get hurt, then they need us but they still don't give the smart people credit. i also hate the people who pay the professional jocks millions of dollars so they can buy drugs and sluts when the money could be put to such better use

so in basis, i hate people who make their lives revolve around sports

Thursday, September 6, 2007

to tom and wolfy

hey... if you two are planning on joining forces and becoming rouges then you had better include me... i could be your "beautiful:" assistant (*smirks thinking about that... um yeah right*)
well i could definatly be a distraction... you know handing them a bomb and running off type of distraction.

though i think i would be better at accually stealing stuff considering ... well i'm just good at it

by the way don't ask how i know this

stupidity of americans

so.... this is stupid

have you ever noticed that in the US all people seem to care about is sports... i mean think about it... you have people who play professional sports and get payed over a million dollars, then you have people who save lives and make america a more civil place who sometimes get payed enough to barely make a house payment. not only that but when it comes to colledge you get the sports people who may have a smaller brain than sheep who follow each other off a cliff but they get a full scholarship to any colledge of their choice where people who actually try hard to seceed in school may not even get to go to colledge because by the time it comes to them... there is no longer any scholarship money left. it's a wonderful society we live in right.... the bookworms who strive to make a difference are cut down, ridiculed, pushed around, and taken advantage of while the preps and jokes sit in class disturding the few who are trying to learn.

we are never good enough in school to be respected but when it comes to the "star players" getting injured , the "nerds" are now of use

think about it... if all the "nerds" and "geeks" left the sports players they would not know what to do. they would be lost without us but we never get the deserved recognition were the sports people are admired for shoving people around and fighting over insignificant dead animals and inatimant objects.

i say all of us out there striving to make a difference deserve better

all of you who stand by me REJOICE one day they won't have us and then they will relize their true position in this world

leave comments expressing your opinions

love shi aka jaki

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


so i think my sceduale can make any middle schooler have nightmares

1st AP english
2nd drawing II
3rd AP US history
4th ASL II
5th AP statistics
6th AP computer science
7th AP physics
8th AP pre-calculus

hey at least i'm not still in latin III


it's sad that such an insignificant, low rate creature such as these can cause so much pain

how can humans go around saying such mean things to people with out caring what the out come may be

they are such hateful creatures and they call demons evil...

have they ever tryed looking at what they do by choice
at least what demons do is "evil" because they are suposed to be

humans do it by choice

they have free will after all

how can people go around saying things so hurtful and then try to blow it off or rationalize it

and why is it that we can never live up to other's expectations, why is it that we all have to have goals that we are suposed to reach already layed out for us

why can't we just be us

(*laughs sadly*)

i really shouldn't be left alone

i just make my self spiral further into depression

i don't think i have felt like this for about two years

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The "Oh, I Hate Math" Song!!!

So, I'm in the middle of doing baka, baka, baka, baka math homework and I don't understand what I'm suppose to be doing on it so therefore I shall share my "Oh, I Hate Math!" song with you that I got from the Anime Kodocha.

"Oh I hate math!"
"Oh I hate math!"
"I can do a little bit of adding and subtraction!"
"Multiplying or dividing gives me a reaction!"
"I can't tell you anything about a hypothinus!"
"All those different angles simply make me feel obtuse!"
"Fractions, theoreums, Axiom"

"They beat me to the ground!"
"How can they say PIE are squared when I know pies are round?!"


Alas, I must return to the horrendus book of math.... :(


~Lone Wolf~

this is stupid

okay none of this is racist, just so U know.

what the hell is with people mostly black or mexican, going around saying whats up nigger.

that words definition is an insult 2 the black race and yet people greet each other with it. Even if it had nothing 2 do with the black race, its still an insult. thats like me walking around saying hey F***er 2 my friend, its just plain degrating and imorale.

mabey if these people spent sometime thinking about there slang and its meaning they might not say it.

think about it.


Sunday, September 2, 2007


Since i finally copied down Ritsu's quote i will share it.

Ritsu: "I am so worthless I can't even carry a paper bag. I don't deserve to share the same air with the rest of the human race. I am a blemish on the face of the world. What was I thinking, a lowlife like me should never have come to visit Shigire.
WAAAH!! I'm sorry, I apologize to the world, to the whole universe! I'm sorry i came here today!"

Tohru: "Um, are you... are you Ritsu?"

Ritsu: "Huh? WAAAH!! My reputation proceeds me, I am so infamous that even a complete stranger knows my name! I'm such a terrible person! I'm sorry. I'm sorry world! I apologize to all the people forced to share the same name as me! I'm begging you, please forgive me!"

For those Mapians (is that a word??) out there

Ok, well first off...
the annoying, fat, baka of a spider is STILL on the porch, not moving...hopefully dead

well anyway, I posted to ask everyone if they play/played Maplestory
and for those that don't know what Maplestory is, (you probably don't play it then...) it's this computer game thingy that you have to download and in my opinion, destroys the computer afterwards...
but that's life for you
so hai, if anyone plays, can you tell me? like your characters' names and what world you're in

...I'm just curious...

oh and HAH! i finally remembered my color!! WOOT

I Feel Faint...

So I literally feel like I am about to throw-up. I went for a walk with both my parents and my dad started to feel bad so I told them I would jog home and get the truck to pick them both up. Well, I had to jog about two miles to get home and I forced myself to keep going when I was past the point of blurred vision. I made it though and I picked my dad up. My mom wanted to keep walking. She just called and she said she's almost home. My hands are trembling as I'm typing this. LOL! Its kinda funny. Okay, I must go now cuz' Jaki and Tom should be here soon for tennis.

Oh, and everyone should go to my blog and take a look at this vid I posted of an AMAZING dressage horse!!! She is absoluely awesome!!!


~Lone Wolf~

Quotes From Govenment Homework!

"Every person was free to do what he or she needed to do to survive. As a result, everyone suffered from, 'continued fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.'"~Hobbes

"As soon as man enters into a state of society, he loses the sense of his weakness, equality ceases, and then commences the state of war." ~Montesquieu

"...the state of war among individuals and nations led to human laws and government" ~Montesquieu

"When people began to claim ownership of property,...inequality, murder, and war resulted." ~Rousseau

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." ~Rousseau

"It is impossible to live in peace with people you think are damned." ~Rousseau


~Lone Wolf~

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ion Fortuna!

Okay, I know this is random but I was watching a music video of Trinity Blood and I noticed that Ion's last name looked like 'For' and 'Tuna' and wanted to point it out to everyone. I think I'm going to make a picture on Paint that has Ion and then says, "Ion: For Tuna" and then have a picture of a tuna. LOL! xD


~Lone Wolf~

Riceballs claim to nonhumanity

seiri= vampirate

tom= spirit beast

jaki= 1/2 elf 1/2 demon hybrid