Friday, September 28, 2007


hey y'all! so whats everybody's plans for this weekend? guess what i get to do!? yeah, you guessed it...WORK! and, of course, lots of homework and papers to do...bleh.

anyone else struggling with getting homework done as well as filling out college applications and scholarships? i mean honestly, how do they expect us to do it all!!!? its insane!



starz said...

I bow down to you, 'o great college application filler!
i honestly don't think that it's humanly possible...
but then again, who said we were humans? :)

Anonymous said...

lol, have fun with that hun.

Anonymous said...

I'm not human, I'm a Vampirate!!!!

Anyways, yeah, I'm having trouble doing homework, working, and taking care of my horse along with making time for my puppy. I just got back from a bike-ride with him. He was SO VERY VERY happy to get out and run and go to the park. My sweet little Toboe!

I'm going to start at ACC so I'm not concerned about college applications right now.

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of luck and I'll see you Tuesday!