Friday, September 21, 2007

:*) Amongst the stars forever...


(babyish American name, I know)

Hyperactive, excitable,
guinea pig

Have fun squealing your head
off amongst the stars

One of my guinea pigs died, the white and gray one. The fluffy and hyper one. The one who was always so cheerful and enthusiastic.
Oh, I know that a little guinea pig passing away may be nothing compared to a cat or dog passing away, but all the same
I miss him...even though he was only a little rodent...I still miss him
I wanted to have a small funeral for him...but I couldn't.
Beanie deserved a funeral at the very least


Becca said...

awww thats so sad! my condolensces starz. =[ that is quite a sad occurance. the only pet i ever had die was a beta fish and he ate the other one anyway. sorry bout your piggie!

starz said...

thanx! x]
sorry about your beta fish...

Michelle said...

sorry bout ur pets guys
my hermit crab is living
and waking me up in the middle of the night

Becca said...

how exactly does a crab wake you up in the middle of night? lol

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Hoshi. Its not strange or wrong for you to be upset about your guinea pig dying. Every pet at my house is family. In my opinion that goes for every pet for everyone. I pet is like your child; you have to take care of them and love them no matter how different they are. Every life is special and when that life leaves us its sad. Its always sad. I shall pray for you and your Beanie.



starz said...

:) Thanks!
Beanie would squeal at you happily...
But poor Bobo (my other guinea pig)
I wonder if guinea pigs experience loneliness? =*)

Anonymous said...

Yes. All animals experiecne depression when one of their friends dies. Animals don't like to be the only one of their species. A.K.A. they don't like to be alone. He'll get over it eventually. Everyone and everything has to go through a mourning process.