Monday, September 17, 2007



YAY!!! I just finished my AP Government homework!!!! I've been working on it for like 3 hours. I was absent the day before and I have had make-up work to do. I never knew how much there was to government. I'm actually quite interested in it now.

The whole time I've been working on my Government homework I've been listening mainly to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Its SOOOOOOOOOOOOO pretty!!!!! :D I want it!

Unfortunately, I am sick. I can't stand it. I keep coughing and my throat feels like my cat stuck her paw down it and clawed it up. I also keep getting the urge to sneeze but can't. I hate being sick. I absolutely despise it!

OH! I'm posting on my other blog, "Saved And Loved" the story of my first pet, as well as my favorite. Please go take a look at it. Thanks!

I must now go do my ACC English 4 memoirs. Wish me luck!




Michelle said...

do u play piano?

Silvertongue said...

I am sorry that you are sick Lone Wolf. You should blame your brother.

starz said...

Yays on finishing your homework!
which I have yet to do...

procrastination sucks something horrible

Anonymous said...

*nods* Yes, procrastinating is something you should NOT do in High Schoool. It sucks.

No, I don't play the piano. I no how to play the titanic song and the Teen Titans theme song. Other than that, I would like to learn though. That would be SO FREAKIN' AWESOME! I'm attempting to learn the guitar right now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think I'm running a fever. I'll go check.

Oh, sorry if the Amber story makes anyone cry. My mom cried reading it....opps...

Anonymous said...

No. My temp. is 98.9 which is technically a fever for me considering my normal body temp is 97.6 instead of 98.6. Though at the same time its considered normal because the noraml range for humans is 97.6-99.1 So I suppose I'm not running a fever. I believe I am talking to myself....

Michelle said...

the guitar is SO COOL!!

turnabout said...

being sick is poopy. very poopy. (sry i've been in obsessed with that word for some time now. real mature huh? *giggle* i feel like a two year old) i know what you mean about feel like a cat's clawed up your throat. i get that feeling at least 5 times a year...weak immune system and all...

feel better!


The Jester said...

i love you seiri... i can take your sickness if you want me to... they i can cure myself (*chuckles softly and cracks knuckles*)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks you guys! I stayed home sick today. I think I have Walking Pneumonia. I haven't been this sick in several years.

That's terribel Kat. I shall come up with a cure for a weak immune system!