Saturday, September 15, 2007

good/up/down/something yesterday

Yesterday was a fun, happy, joy-filled day (for like an hour)
so what happened was that:
a friend came over to my house on Friday
and I explained to her about the big huge spider on my porch
and she said she would go kill it!
thus my face was like (in order)
1) O.O
2) O.o
3) o.o
4) ! _ ! (sudden thought to be happy)
5) :|
6) :)
7) :D
8) xD (and then i turned into a hyper, happy......thing)
so I totally bounced around and handed her 2 bottles of air freshener spray cans
we went on the porch
and then:
and i was all like YESH and HUZZAH!
and so after about 2 minutes, the spider turned white on top, yes POWERY WHITE!!! (from the soap/foam in the spray can) and it was black originally! ><'
and it was creeeepy!!!!
and then it was all drunken, crawling around dazed, the air freshener is really poisonous to spiders after all
so my friend asked me for a broom, she got one...and WHAM! (when the broom came down, I ran about 10 feet away *seriously!!* and cowered until she said it was ok to come and look)
fortunately, the broom was on top of the spider's remains, and i felt glad (that it was gone!), sad (I just caused the death of an animal!), enraged (causing the death), and disgusted (...well who wouldnt be?)
so that was a good/up/down/something yesterday...*sigh*
and sorry to those spider-lovers lurking out there! =/


starz said...

Oh my oh my oh my...

I was eating a yummy something when I read over the post I just posted...


Anonymous said...

FINALLY, glad its gone though

Silvertongue said...

Wow, killing that spider only took...forever.

turnabout said...

spiders creep me out. i wont get within 10 ft of one.

starz said...

I so agree with you, Kat!

it took like 20 hours to kill, seriously they're SO tough to kill

starz said...

it sounds like slaughter...OMG