Friday, September 21, 2007

hey y'all!

so guess what today is for Cedar Park? HOMECOMING! im super excited! i have this huge mum that like swallows my entire body...its pretty awesome. lots of feathers and ribbons and such. but sadly i dont get to go the pep rally cuz i have work =[ kind of depressed about that.

anyways so im going to the game tonight and if anyone by chance wants to watch us slaughter Shoemaker Kileen, its at Bible Stadium at 7:30. I'd get there early cuz the parking goes fast.

well, off to the animal hospital! time to get down and dirty and hairy!

x. BellaBeck .x


Anonymous said...

Nice. Let me know who wins!

Becca said...

we totally dominated Shoemaker! the score was 36-7 i believe! it was much fun and i cant wait til we play leander!! we are so going to own y'alls souls.

starz said...

Cedar park?
Bible Stadium??


glad to know...that Shoemaker won
and OMG you work at a vet clinic???!!
SOOOO LUCKY! *envy envy*

Anonymous said...

hmmm...I beg to differ. We are SO gonna own your souls!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Anonymous said...

Honestly,...I don't care. If we win, we win. If we don't, we don't.

Becca said...

haha sorry about that starz...i realize that not everyone knows what the heck im talking about! lol. sorry. but Cedar Park actually won AGAINST Shoemaker just to be

yeah i do work at a vet clinic! its super fun times!

and sarah, we so will own your souls. and i care very much whether we do or not! (even tho my worrying is totally not needed) =]

Becca said...

oops, totally meant Raoul. heh, jk about that name, its totally not real!

starz said...

sorry bella (is it k if I call you that?) I totally meant that Cedar Park won!! *nods nods*
are teams? o.O
or maybe...schools???!
Shoemaker High Shoemaker Middle School...o.O
Shoemaker Elementary School...
Shoemaker Pre-school...
*blabs on and on about Shoemaker schools*
so what are they? maybe they're baseball teams...or basketball??? or...PING PONG??!

starz said...

It MUST be Ping Pong teams! *strokes invisible beard wisely*

Becca said...

haha i like your train of thoughts starz...and yes, you can totally call me Bella! thats perfectly fine.

Shoemaker and Cedar Park are High Schools, by the way, lol. And it was our Homecoming football game, so sadly its not ping pong! although we do have a ping pong team that meets in our cafeteria (they dont have a sponsor yet..)

starz said...

LoL! ^^
I just KNEW they were schools...yes, I knew from the very beginning...