Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hoas, Ias Atehas Athmas!!!!!! Avesas emas!!!! Iedas vileas athmas ookbas iedas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiSas,.................odas omethingsas!!!! Leasepas!


~OneLas Olfwas~


Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

Ackbas otas athmas omeworkhas...*niffsas*

Anonymous said...

*Sings angerly to her pre-cal review*

"Stranger than you dreamt it can you even bare to look?! Or think of math this way?!!!!???!??!"

(from Phantom of the Opera only I altered a few words....)

Silvertongue said...

Oh, i get it now... took me a while.

Silvertongue said...

Hey Lone Wolf.

Anonymous said...

*sighs* Is it possible to say I took the test tomorrow already but not take it but have taken it so therefore I won't have to take it because I would have already of taken it tonight????

Silvertongue said...

... Confusion.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, send me to an alternate reality where math doesn't exist.

Silvertongue said...

That i can do. *summons magic tupperware powers*

Silvertongue said...

Did it work?

Anonymous said...

yes! I am now chibi Kenshin and I don't have to worry about math anymore!!!! Just people trying to kill me....COOOLLLL!!!

Anonymous said...

*swings sword around wildly*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They're making fun of Mark Twain on TV....GRRRRR!!! *goes over to the TV with the sword and attempts to kill the man in the box*

Anonymous said...

*cries* I have been one loves me. *curls up with Toboe and sobs*

Silvertongue said...

Sorry, i had to go to the store. I love the picture. Where did you get it?

starz said...

or perhaps...this "AS" Pig Latin?

yes...I tink so...

Anonymous said...


The Jester said...

fun fun encripted message... i can read it ha ha ha haha ha

Anonymous said...

somthing bout a math book

The Jester said...

yep yep