Saturday, September 1, 2007

Riceballs claim to nonhumanity

seiri= vampirate

tom= spirit beast

jaki= 1/2 elf 1/2 demon hybrid


Silvertongue said...

YAY various races of non-humans.

Silvertongue said...

I suddenly saw that the blog posts column had disappeared and thought, WHAT??! Why did Shi delete them. then i thought about it and, it is a new month technically. so it just made a new month section. Well, heres to a month of blogging, Cheers!

The Jester said...

it's a new month?

didn't know that so it's october right?

they are advertising ketchup on my other site... weird right?

Silvertongue said...

ketchup... yeah maybe they are just being as random as us in their advertising.

The Jester said...

apparently... you should read what i wrote to the other comments

Silvertongue said...

Which other ones?

The Jester said...

shi... an amazing name to make corny puns off of

The Jester said...

the ones on all the other posts i wrote today

Silvertongue said...

Just like Hi, Yuu, Ai, Mii, and what were the others?

Silvertongue said...

i read the ones on tennis, this one, and on Bookworm.

Silvertongue said...

I don't know exactly, but i somehow ended up searching for lockpicks and techniques on the internet. now i want to try to break into my own house.

The Jester said...

fun teach me how... not that i really need to know how considering if i ever need into a house i'll just whip out an ax of a lighter

The Jester said...

we're all alone

were's wolfy?

and the rest of the girls

Silvertongue said...

I want to buy lockpicks to see if i can do it. I like the axe and lighter method better though.

Silvertongue said...

I love how you say the rest of the girls.

The Jester said...

well lets see you post, wolfy posts, michael's can't be considered much so that leaves the girls,

so we are at least twice of you guys

Silvertongue said...

I just like how it makes it sound as if the blog only has girls on it. I claim no association with the term male.

The Jester said...

well then, this blog does have only girls excluding wolfy

Silvertongue said...

unless... Hey Wolfy, do you reject all ties to the term male?

The Jester said...

i don think he's on... read bookworms again

The Jester said...

i'm hungrey

The Jester said...

must find food

looks for human prey

Silvertongue said...

I was just reading bookworms. And i hope wolfy comes on later and reads the post.

Silvertongue said...

Deviating from topic a bit, but if humans have "humanity" what is the demon version? Demonity?

The Jester said...

yes i think so but don't quote me on it

Silvertongue said...

I wish it was a word.

Anonymous said...

hey guys I'm here, read my comment on the other post and u'll know why I was gone

Anonymous said...

I'm sad. I missed out on the non-humanity talk. *sulks in corner*

By the way Shi, it is September, not October. Though I wish it were.

Did you notice that most of our blog nick-names end with an 'i?' Counting everyone on the blog that is.

starz said...

i'm on! ^^

Hoshi's my name right? what does it mean again??

Halloween should come a LOT September 3
or something...

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Hoshi. Better yet we should have Halloween once a month. No, everyday!!! YAY!!!!

Silvertongue said...

Hoshi means star. Halloween everyday would be great, although I would run out of money very fast.

Anonymous said...

True. That would suck. Using all your money up.

Silvertongue said...

"*happy* KYO!!!!!!!... My darling... *evil angry face* I MISSED YOU!!!!!"

"Aw hell, shes here!"
-- Kyo

Sorry i was just going to say Kyo, but i was reminded of that instance in the series. I couldn't help myself.