Thursday, September 6, 2007

stupidity of americans

so.... this is stupid

have you ever noticed that in the US all people seem to care about is sports... i mean think about it... you have people who play professional sports and get payed over a million dollars, then you have people who save lives and make america a more civil place who sometimes get payed enough to barely make a house payment. not only that but when it comes to colledge you get the sports people who may have a smaller brain than sheep who follow each other off a cliff but they get a full scholarship to any colledge of their choice where people who actually try hard to seceed in school may not even get to go to colledge because by the time it comes to them... there is no longer any scholarship money left. it's a wonderful society we live in right.... the bookworms who strive to make a difference are cut down, ridiculed, pushed around, and taken advantage of while the preps and jokes sit in class disturding the few who are trying to learn.

we are never good enough in school to be respected but when it comes to the "star players" getting injured , the "nerds" are now of use

think about it... if all the "nerds" and "geeks" left the sports players they would not know what to do. they would be lost without us but we never get the deserved recognition were the sports people are admired for shoving people around and fighting over insignificant dead animals and inatimant objects.

i say all of us out there striving to make a difference deserve better

all of you who stand by me REJOICE one day they won't have us and then they will relize their true position in this world

leave comments expressing your opinions

love shi aka jaki


Silvertongue said...

I agree with you 100%. People that do make a difference in the world never get more than a write up in the newspaper. Meanwhile entire pages are filled ti the brim with brainless oafs who do nothing of significance to anyone, much less anything of significance period. People in sports fail to realize that everything they know is run or made by those same "nerds" (oh the sweet sweet irony). The teachers should fail ANYONE who doesn't do their OWN work. So i will stand with you, take out the sports scholarships, take down the beastly propaganda of such brainless "sports", and give the money to those who truly need or deserve it.

By the way for added irony about sports scholarships i looked it up on Wikipedia. "A scholarship is an award of access to an institution, or a financial aid award for an individual student scholar, for the purpose of furthering their education." - Wikipedia article

Pay attention to that last part the 'for the purpose of furthering their EDUCATION.' Yeah, education, NOT SPORTS.

The Jester said...

what "education"

they can't further something they didn't have to begin with

to have an education requires you to have a brain... which as we all know insignificant, bottom feeding, scum like them do not

Silvertongue said...

Sorry it was for Scholarships not sports scholarships. i forgot to correct it.

Silvertongue said...

Any "brain" matter they would potentially have went into their size.

Anonymous said...

thats why I chose, I'm completely jock material, I'm on the wrestling team, I go out 2 the gym all the time, 2 of my friends are completely jock but I chose the goths, my loser friends (who arent losers) and the emo and punks.

Silvertongue said...

So long as you chose the emo/goth/punk people you are fine. Just kidding, we will always love you Wolfy.

The Jester said...

awwww... he loves us losers... wait... i think that may be an insult... oh well... he loves us!!! yea!!!!!