Tuesday, September 4, 2007

this is stupid

okay none of this is racist, just so U know.

what the hell is with people mostly black or mexican, going around saying whats up nigger.

that words definition is an insult 2 the black race and yet people greet each other with it. Even if it had nothing 2 do with the black race, its still an insult. thats like me walking around saying hey F***er 2 my friend, its just plain degrating and imorale.

mabey if these people spent sometime thinking about there slang and its meaning they might not say it.

think about it.



Anonymous said...

*puppy eyes* where is every one?

I need someone 2 talk 2,

lone wolf
rebel angel

awwwww, now I'm lonely................................................

Silvertongue said...

People that use slang like that will never stop to think about the slang they use. For the same reason they would start using it in the first place, they are baka. (also not being racist, just being stupidist.(i know it isn't a word))

I do however like your idea of insulting friends as a greeting, except use more sophisticated language.

Anonymous said...

nice, have any suggestions

Anonymous said...

got 2 go talk l8ter

Front Porch Society said...

"Nigga" is the term actually used when blacks are conversing among fellow friends. "Nigger" is the term used when referring to someone as a slave or someone of no value. It is all in how a person says it.
I agree, both are not appropriate words as both carry negative connatations.
It is a cultural thing, though, more or less. And if a person has been raised in that type of society, it is not viewed as being something of negativity.

Anonymous said...

I agree with usaincognito. It depends on how you were raised and who you were raised around that determines how you speak, think, and behave.

I don't like how people greet each other like that either. There's people in school who greet each other by saying, "What's up bi***?" yeah...you get it.

Silvertongue said...

Wow, i have never heard someone say that to greet someone Lone Wolf.

The Jester said...

i've heard alot of people greet saying what lone wolf said

mostly girls

i love you wolfy you think so much like us

i need a hug

sorry tom... i was trying not to let what that figment of my imagination say bother me but it does

Silvertongue said...

If you need to vent then you should. just not on yourself, please.

Blood Riceball said...
