Thursday, September 6, 2007

to tom and wolfy

hey... if you two are planning on joining forces and becoming rouges then you had better include me... i could be your "beautiful:" assistant (*smirks thinking about that... um yeah right*)
well i could definatly be a distraction... you know handing them a bomb and running off type of distraction.

though i think i would be better at accually stealing stuff considering ... well i'm just good at it

by the way don't ask how i know this


Silvertongue said...

I say we do it. We would make a great team.

The Jester said...


The Jester said...

let's see what wolfy says to it

Silvertongue said...

Now for where to rob.

The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

I would feel bad if we robbed a bookstore. It would be stealing from our own kind.

Anonymous said...

ow no worry's mate. I might not be good at stealing, but...

hotwireing cars, makeing bombs (only for you jaki) and distraction (well jaki you could be our beautiful assistant, though you'd much rather play with the bombs wouldnt you?)

Anonymous said...

I say tobacco companies and junk like that, hmmm... always wanted to test a molotov cocktail offensively

Silvertongue said...

I like fire.

Silvertongue said...

Why can't i play with the bombs?

The Jester said...

yes i would much rather play with bombs

The Jester said...

you know i am going to invent an automatic glasses finder

although i don't know how that will help considering i would loose that...uggh glasses need to come when you call them

The Jester said...

ugh... can't see out of one eye

Anonymous said...

okay, I'll make enough for everyone.

hmmm, airports ... no bombs but the ingredients?

The Jester said...

hello... you didn't say hi

i'm sad

Silvertongue said...

Sorry i was gone. I was frosting a cake.

Silvertongue said...

Although i did something stupid before frosting it.

The Jester said...

... i have that asl event to sigh tomorrow and i haven't practiced yet

The Jester said...

whatted you do

Silvertongue said...

What event?

Silvertongue said...

You know how the frosting container has an aluminum thing to keep it fresh. Well i slid my finger along it pushing up to get the top plastic part off and i cut my finger open.

Silvertongue said...

So now i have a cake partially frosted in blood.

The Jester said...

my internet just booted me off

Silvertongue said...

At least it didn't restart your computer.

The Jester said...

where's wolfy... i'm telling you he hates me
he sees i'm on and runs away

and you know the "happy" story i'm going to be telling the class about murder, exacution, jail, and prison

The Jester said...

true enough

it just restarted the internet

Silvertongue said...

Oh yeah, the one you asked the teacher the words to.

The Jester said...

where's wolfy

(*crys at once again being abandoned by him*)

The Jester said...

yes that one... i need to practice, and read for english and us history

Silvertongue said...

Wolfy, if you really don't want Jaki spiraling into depression you will come back.

Silvertongue said...

I did my pre-cal work now i need to read the pages for english.

Silvertongue said...

And by now i mean eventually.

The Jester said...

why does he always abandon me



(*crys on computer; computer shorts out; causes an explosion; in which jaki dies)

Silvertongue said...

NOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T DIE!!!!!!! That would be such a lame death, death by computer monitor explosion.

The Jester said...



i have taken a cat nap and that is all... but hey now i have enough energy for the rest of the night

Silvertongue said...

I will telepathically block the shrapnel from hitting you.

The Jester said...

it's wolfy's fault

Silvertongue said...

I wish I could cat nap. You are lucky. I can only sleep during designated nocturnal hours.

The Jester said...

if i die that is

The Jester said...

oh... i wish i could sleep noctornally

i can only cat nap

Anonymous said...

im here, dont worry , I was still on just working.

Silvertongue said...

Can we trade internal alarms for a week?

Silvertongue said...

Wolfy is still alive!!

Anonymous said...

no dont die *crys* then I would rebuild ur computer just to kill it again, dont worry I love you.

so where were we?

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm still alive!!1

Silvertongue said...

I wish you guys could have a piece of the cake i made. It is very fluffy and very good if i do say so myself. (maybe it was the blood)

The Jester said...

no... then i wouldn't me able to get my homework done becaus ei'm irish and used to a lot less sleep then "normal" people so if i had your internal system i would be passing out because my small cat naps wouldn't sufice for the entire night

Anonymous said...

I swear blood tastes like wine, it is SO GOOD!!! sorry, mabey I've been drinking to much.

The Jester said...

oooooooh i want some... can i have some


Silvertongue said...

What if i throw in my spine for free?

Anonymous said...

I'm like 80 % irish, dont have an accent anymore because I live in vegas and it slowly went away, but when I yell or get mad it comes back

The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

If you want vampire cake you can have some, just remind me tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

bones? not so tasty, blood, yeah!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going anywhere.

Silvertongue said...

Bones are just giant toothpicks.

Anonymous said...

yeah but they rub off and taste nasty, trust me.

The Jester said...

i think i'm about the same amount but i have no accent unless i talk my normal spead but it's still not completely irish sounding because my grandpa and grandma live in missouri so they now have a weird accent... and mine is wierded for the few who pick up on it

Anonymous said...

yeah my friends stare when I revert, so I try not 2

Silvertongue said...

You sound like being Irish is bad.

Anonymous said...

no , but its wierd . "cant be talking like a frieken laprechaun" fie- burn notice

Silvertongue said...

What about talking like Jin?

The Jester said...

yeah... i hold you to that wolfy so you better not leave me... by the way i e mailed you

so i say a picture of my great grandma once (the polish one) and she is beautiful

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah I repplied

Anonymous said...

if you send me email I usually reply like always

Silvertongue said...

Jin is an Irish guy in Yu Yu Hakusho

The Jester said...

don worry when i talk my normal speed all the people around me just stare and are too overwelmed with the fact that they didn't think anyone could speak that fast to even notice an accent

but sadly enough i can't speak that fast because human's brains don't work that fast

Silvertongue said...

He is funny.

Anonymous said...

well sure ;) no idea

Anonymous said...

my doggy says hi! she loves 2 meet new people.

Silvertongue said...

Tell her i say hi.

Anonymous said...

hey tom jaki, want 2 be on my other blo, (the blue one)?????

*puppy eyes*

The Jester said...

oh... didn't see the reply yet

so it's funny... i have an uncle who speaks almast as fast as me and my mom said if we ever started takling like that togeather we would sound like a bunch of chattering chipmunks

Silvertongue said...

What breed/breeds is she?

Anonymous said...

she left, she decided that i was rude by taking her screen name

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

corgy, blue heeler

The Jester said...

yep sure... i'd love to have another blog on which to disclaim peoples attachment to society and piss off more humans

Silvertongue said...

You should send me a picture of your dog. My email is if i haven't given it to you yet.

The Jester said...

ooh ooh it was so aewsome today... a kid named me a psycopathic, homicidal, freak

i was so happy

Anonymous said...

thats awesome!!!

Silvertongue said...

I put up a pic of Jin as my profile picture so you could see him.

Anonymous said...

one sec guys I'll be back in a sec

The Jester said...


i wonder why he thought that (*smiles innocently*)

it's sad though... he didn't call be a pyro...(*sniffles*)

Silvertongue said...

I think he was to overwhelmed by the psychopathic/ homocidal freak part to notice you were pyro too.

The Jester said...

what's awesome... the fact that i'm called a psycopathic homicidal freak because if thats what you're talking about then i so agree



The Jester said...

true enough

i don't get why people think they need more of a classificaion than just "i'm Jaki that explains everything" they always look for more which gets them into trouble

Silvertongue said...

I like getting weird classifications. Probably not as much but i do enjoy ones like the most likely to bring a gun to school and shoot someone classification.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys the way you are. ur my homocidal phsycopath freak.!!!!

and ur an awesome pyro

The Jester said...


i feel as though i am talking to an empty void

then again maybe i should stop talking to my reflection

Anonymous said...

now both of you check ur emails.

Silvertongue said...

I guess your comparison of me to a whipped dog just keeps fitting more perfectly.

Anonymous said...

girl or boy dog?

The Jester said...

i love wolfy

i feel loved.... (*hugs screen*)

he really loves me yeah

yeah i have a new found attachment to wolfy... other then the fact that he's a wolf

The Jester said...

he's a fimaligin dog... and that was my classification for him... i love the fact that everyone thinks i 'm an assisine

kay i check e mail now

Silvertongue said...

Yay, thanks Wolfy. My only other blog now.

Anonymous said...

well I didnt choose the name for no reason

Silvertongue said...

Wolfy is a fun name to say. Like a pair of wings flapping.

The Jester said...

i e mailed back

Anonymous said...

I know, well I'm getting a haircut My hair is too long and I'm going back to spikes;)

Silvertongue said...

Hey Wolfy, do think you will be in arizona anytime soon?

Silvertongue said...

or Texas?

Anonymous said...

ummm, yeah after the school year durring summer, my pyro friend I told you about, well he lives in texas so I'll be there for 2 weeks, dont know what city though

Anonymous said...

and when I get there I expect 2 see you all or I might bark at you, *argg*

Anonymous said...

nice post jaki, tom go check new blog.

The Jester said...

hello... sorry i was on wolfy's blog

Anonymous said...

yeah why dont we talk there? I'll be waiting.

Silvertongue said...

I am posting there.

The Jester said...

wolfy... i read the comment about your hair color... i wanna see... i need a haircut to... my hair no longer spikes

The Jester said...

kay see you in a few

Anonymous said...

yeah jaki spikes :)