Friday, August 31, 2007


So... i know i don't usually ask but can we play tennis


pretty pretty PLEASE

anyway i'm lonely

someone talk to me

wwwoooollllffffffyyyyy were are you?




seiri... why have you abandon me??!



nobody likes me
(*crys in corner by myself*)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ceck the vids

I'm uploading vids on my blog
trying to get through life
so go check them if you want

Rules rules rules!!! LOL!

Alright, I LOOOVVVEE you peoples but I am reposting the blog rules cuz' some of the newer members don't know them. If you've already disobeyed the rules, that's fine, I'm not going to come through the computer or anything.....Jaki might cuz' her computer has issues with loading pics and vids. Anyways, just read through the rules and please remove or delete certain things such as pics or vids. If you'd like us to watch or view something then please notify us with a post telling us to go to your blog. Thanks! Again, I love you guys and no ones mad.

1. No obscene language. Which means no cuss words. If you've already written some please edit them out. Thanks! :D
2. No pictures due to downloading issues.
3. No YouTube vids also due to downloading issues.
4. No using the Lord's name in vain please. I would really appreciate it! So would several other people. Thanks!
5. No sexual references, innuendos or other things to that nature. This blog will not be reduced to trash by such talk. (Directed toward future bloggers not the current posters as i am positive nobody here would do that). *suggested by Tom*
6. No spam posts, or promotion posts. That means do not come and post a whole lot of comments just to annoy people. This is not a place that will be tolerant of such idiotic behavior. (Again directed toward future posters as the current people will not do such things you may post to tell us to view something). *suggested by Tom*
7. All new members must choose a color to post in, so long as that color is not already taken by another member. *suggested by Tom*
Alright,...let me know if there are anymore you'd like to add.


~Lone Wolf~

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


i really gotta get used to this blog thing

i keep messing up!!

i mean

the previous post... i typed the title

and hit "enter"

and they published it!!!

i ment to hit tab...

im very clumsy at times...


sorry bout not posting on my blog...and this blog...
ive been busy

as u started and hmwk already

thats my school!!!

i have a pretty ok scheduale...

here it is...

1st period: Algerbra 8 Honors w/ Mrs. Hershey
2nd period: P.E w/ Mr. Madrid
3rd period: English 8 Honors w/ Ms. Stevens
4th period: Spanish 2 w/ Mrs. Cunningham
5th period: US history w/ Mr. Dickinson
6th period: Physical Science w/ Mr. Dubois

so yeah
i kinda hoped for Mrs.Griffen for math
and P.E 3rd or 4th period

other than that...its an ok scheduale

bak to hmwk...

-tenshi ♥

Hey Yal'!!!

Saved And Loved

I'm posting to inform everyone that I have another blog. To be exact its my pets' blog. Take a look. They will be posting their stories. All my pets, except Toby, were rescued in one way or another.



~Lone Wolf~

Read This

I stole this from my blog so that EVERYONE could read it if they so choose. It is NOT mine.

A two minute read.......
Read this story, and
follow the recommendation at the end...
As I was walking
down life's highway
many years ago
I came upon a
sign that read
Heavens Grocery Store.
When I got a
little closer
the doors swung
open wide
And when I came
to myself
I was standing
I saw a host of angels.
They were standing everywhere
One handed me a basket and said
"My child shop with care."
Everything a
human needed
was in that
grocery store
And what you
could not carry
you could come
back for more
First I got some
Love was in that
same row.
Further down was
you need that
everywhere you go.
I got a box or
two of Wisdom
and Faith a bag
or two.
And Charity of
I would need some
of that too.
I couldn't miss
the Holy Ghost
It was all over
the place.
And then some
and Courage to
help me run this race.
My basket was
getting full
but I remembered
I needed Grace,
And then I chose
Salvation for
Salvation was for
I tried to get
enough of that to do
for you and me.
Then I started to
the counter
to pay my grocery
For I thought I had everything
to do the Masters will.
As I went up the aisle
I saw Prayer and put that in,
For I knew when I
stepped outside
I would run into
Peace and Joy
were plentiful,
the last things
on the shelf.
Song and Praise
were hanging near
so I just helped
Then I said to
the angel
"Now how much do I owe?"
He smiled and said
"Just take them everywhere you go."
Again I asked
"Really now, how much do I owe?"
"My child" he said,
"God paid your bill a long long time ago."
I know interesting set up. Anyways, my friend emailed this to me and I thought it was cute so I decided to post it. I DID NOT make it.
~Lone Wolf~

Bleach Quotes

"I can't protect you without holding a sword.
I can't embrace you while holding a sword."

"If it rusts, it can never be trusted
If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him
Yes, pride is
Like a blade"

"We think a flower on a cliff is beautiful
because we stop our feet at the cliff's edge,
unable to step out into the sky
like that fearless flower"

"Red like blood.
White like bone.
Red like solitude.
White like silence.
Red like the senses of a beast.
White like the heart of a god.
Red like molten hatred.
White like chilling cries of pain.
Red like the shadows that feed on the night.
Like a sigh piercing the moon
It shines white, and scatters red."

"This entire world
exists for the sake of cornering you."

"Your shadow, quietly
Like a vagrant poison needle
Stitches my footsteps.
Your radiance, lithely
Like lightning striking a water tower
cuts down the source of my life."

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Black Day

No the title is not to be depressing. I got bored and for some reason I thought about Valentine's Day. I could not remember what he was also the patron saint of so i looked it up (It was plagues, by the way) and i found something interesting. I will tell the back story for a second.

Valentine's Day (Singles Awareness Day) is on February 14 and is for girls to give presents to guys.
White Day is on March 14 (1 month later) and is for guys to give gifts to girls who gave them a present for Valentine's Day.
(Here is the interesting one) Black Day is on April 14 and is for singles to give gifts to themselves to commiserate
their singledom.

Just thought I might mention this so we can add another random day that nobody else in school knows about to celebrate this school year.

P.S. Jaki and Lone Wolf should come to Anime Club on Thursday. We may get another chance to put Riceballs into a position of power *evil laugh*.

Konnichiwa! ^^

Glad to see everyone's enjoying school! *cough*

I've missed the computer SO much, haven't been on for 2 days...can you even imagine the horror?

...just kidding...

So I just had my second day of school...
The first day was all wild and jumbled up, I got lost on my way to my classes, and was therefore late...which sucked big time
At the end of the first day, it was history class and I fell asleep for a couple of times, but they only lasted like 2 seconds, so no one noticed. The teacher just kept droning on...and on...and on again.
But then today I discovered that he actually has an exciting personality...
And also, next Monday's Labor Day, right? It's odd how on Labor Day we get school off...therefore we are NOT laboring...when it's Labor Day...the ironies of life ^^

Back to School (Day 2)

Well today was the second half of the first day back to school. More of the same stuff as last time but still a good day.

I started with US History which was just boring. We listened to her talk about the year the whole time, and when we went down to get our school text books we got there late and there were too many people there for them to finish getting everyone. I was right at the door to be next when they said no more too, needless to say i was pissed off. Next was BCIS 2 with a different teacher than i had last year which saddened me because i liked my old teacher. We just did some quick assignment in the class. Afterwards i had Physics (YAY!!!) with Jaki and we found a teacher that we like, and will inadvertently scare off. He did not give us a long boring lecture on how his class will be, he even listened to both of us ramble on randomly. Last period i had Computer Science 2 with one of my favorite teachers ever, Mr. Mitchell. We just talked about how the year will be for a little bit, then introduced ourselves to the class, and finally just talked the rest of the period about random stuff, wherever the conversation led us. We did this because the computers in the room were not ready yet so we could not do any work on them. That and the class is laid back. Well i hope everyone is having as good a day as me.


When You're Annoyed and Frustrated People Seem To Enjoy Making It Worse

Earlier, when I got home from school, I was annoyed and frustrated so therefore, naturally, I get home and someone decides that I must also be angry. That someone was my mom. Apparnetly I was going to get mad at her if I sat down in the living room to read my book because she was cleaning and was going to turn on music and have the vacum going. Okay, first off, WHY would i even bother going into the living room if I was going to get mad at her for being noisy? I told her that it wasn't going to bother me and she got mad and told me to leave. I glared at her and then took my bowl of cookies and my book to my room. Instead of reading I put on Linkin Park, blared it while eating my cookies and putting my shoes on, to go for a nice looonnnnngggg jog. Jogging helps me de-frustrated myself as well as de-anger. I ended up taking my dog Toby (which I always do) on this three and a half to four mile route. I jogged probably over a mile. I don't know for sure. All I know is that I jogged for a REALLY long time. To be exact, I ran until my vision got blurry/spotty. I stopped and started walking when that happened cuz' I figured that that was a bad sign. My lungs kinda hurt too. It was quite interesting, the burning in my lungs. I'm pretty sure that that's also bad....oh well.

When I got home we went school shopping and I was in one of my moods where I'm not interested in talking to people so my mom took that as a sign of me WANTING to talk. *sigh* I can't stand humans sometimes. By the way, I'm a Vampirate. Not a human. All of us Riceballs are something other than a human. Tom. Jaki. Post what you are please. Let's see how many people try to hunt us down. LOL! Anyways, my mom kept pestering me in her 'happy voice' (if you know what I mean) to the point where I felt like slamming my head into the window. I LOVE my mom but I had had enough of humans for one day.

Later on I had to deal with my peoples in my house just being rude and inconsiderate which added to my bad mood. I was REALLY pleased and happy though when my mom took my brother and me to Bush's Chicken and she bought me a cup of ice (yum yum!!!) and six of their AMAZING ROLLS! I must say that that was probably the high-light of my day.


~Lone Wolf~

Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Back to school Post

So ... i'm back sorry for the long absents... i was helping my mom get ready for back to school (her being a teacher and all made that complacated)

so anyway that first day of school was stupid boring like always... the only class we did anything in was art and asl 2 so yea... i think the first days of school shouldn't exist... or at least not the first two. All we do in every single class is fill out the exact same papers and i maen ...COME ON all that info is in the office and the teachers don't even use it so WHY MAKE US FILL IT OUT...

anyway.... tom ... don't you agree with me that it is majpor akito... like baka akito to force someone to stand "respectfully" for a baka consited states flag...



oh and wolfy... it's a good thing that you appoligized about the animal thing because i was going to go there and also cut you down for saying things like that but then i saw your appology... yeah... now the best thing to say to a group of vegitarians.


First Day Back To School

Well, today was the first day back to school and it was... amusing, tiring, stupid, fun, and just about everything else. I will start at the beginning...

I woke up at 6:00 and did my morning routine. I got a ride with Jaki from her dad to school to find out that they wont let people in the library yet. The library is like home to us so being homeless was not fun. So we ended up making the lunch area into a temporary meeting spot. Then when it came time for classes to start we all went to our separate rooms for 'orientation', a room to get us our schedules and any other papers we need to get. After that ended we went to a shortened 1st period, i had pre-calculus and had to take some notes. Second period was Drawing 2 with me, Jaki and two other friends so i believe it will be fun. However, we will be getting assigned seats so the likelihood of us being at the same table is...doubtful. Next was Basic Computer Tech where i found out that i was getting a different lunch period than i had been told, now i have lunch with Lone Wolf, Tim, and Sky. For last period i have English which was... interesting. I got to write a very depressing/evil/homicidal poem (I will type it if anyone wants to see/hear it) and await the reaction from the teacher after reading it.

Now for some bad news. Chase or as we sometimes call him, Momo, moved to Arizona (I think that is where) over the summer. He was our anime club president and friend. This leaves open spots in the anime club hierarchy that need filling (Hopefully by Riceballs) , but more importantly it means that Mr. Aizen's plan to get rid of Momo has succeeded. Truly a dark day in the school's history.

Well that was the first day back, i will report news of the second day/first day of the last four classes tomorrow.


Here is the poem I wrote/filled in the blanks to.

Today I'm canceling humans.
Because of the rampancy of them, a virus.
I'm getting rid of life.
Because of the pain it brings, a nightmare.
I'm releasing their souls from physical ties.
I'm doing like soldiers do when they fight, writing off casualties and forgiving nobody.
There are some things that need to be written off.
Some people too.

*Italicized words were what i filled in the blanks to.


School starts in exactly 1hr and 45mins.


~Lone Wolf~

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Torture Academy

School officially starts in exactly a day...sorta
24 hours and 9 minutes, to be exact
well, not in middle/southern USA time

oh well
another year awaits...



i updated my other blog!!

4 new posts
(one is a mess up)

a new poll

so ppl
i wanna see LOADS of votes
and hopfully the topic is better

(if u choose "other" on the poll, email or leave ur answer in a recent post)

thats it

love love love
-Tenshi ♥



nervous breakdown
(not really)


i dont wanna go to school
summer was sooooooooooo short

who agrees with me??

im gonna be an 8th grader...
im gonna die...
on the bright side...

(im just happy bout that)

but the bad thing is...

i cant use it until my dad is in china
due to the fact that he doesnt want me to carry a "shoulder bag"

o well...
he's leavin in less than a month
and will be away for more than a month

i gotta go
im gonna pick out my outfit

-tenshi ♥


I hate school. If anybody has any tips than I can use them . I usually ditch but getting caught ruined my summer.


Even More Quotes

I seem to get quotes every few days and have noticed they are almost always from either Fruits Basket or FullMetal Alchemist. Those shows always have good things to use for quotes, so here are some more from Fruits Basket.

"I have a better idea, why don't I drown you in the lake?"

"We have just witnessed a classic example of what I like to call 'misdirected rage'. Although I believe the technical term is 'being an ass'."

"If I wore a tie, it wouldn't change who I am. If I had no piercings, it wouldn't mean I'm nice. And if my hair was black it wouldn't stop me from kicking your ass!"

Yuki: "Shouldn’t you be at school?"

Hatsuharu: "Yeah, well actually I left on Sunday with the intention of coming here, but I was swept away into the heart of the dark urban wilderness and it took me three days to find my way out."

Yuki: (sighs) "Why don’t you just say that you got lost?"

*In Fruits Basket, Hatsuharu is a character with hair that is naturally white on top and black towards the back of his head by his neck. He represents the cow/bull in the zodiac.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


"Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game." ~Paul Rodriguez

"I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her." ~Ellen DeGeneres

"Well, this is diffenetly a good-news-bad-news moment." ~Danny Phantom

"That's all you do? Put people to sleep? Are you sure you're not a teacher." ~Danny Phantom

"Uh...Hello, operator? Could you connect him with someone who cares?" ~The Emperors New School (I was actually thinking this today when my mom got mad at me cuz' I drove the ranger and didn't put the seat back. A baka thing to get mad about.)

"Let's celebrate this agreement with cold pizza and milk of the chocolate variety." ~Life With Derek

From Inu-Yasha:

Hiten: "I shall relish in your prolonged suffering."

Inu-Yasha: "I've heard similar threats from a number of poor fools whose memories I keep alive by dancing on their tombstones."

"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot." ~Mark Twain, What Is Man, 1906

"Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow-creatures is amusing in itself." ~James Anthony Froude, Oceana, 1886


~Lone Wolf~

"My Wish" Rascal Flatts

I wanted to post the lyrics to this song cuz' I LOVE it so much!!!

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you wanna go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,I
hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,Oh,
you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And always give more than you take
But more than anything, yeah, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.This is my wishI hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big

Pretty song pretty song pretty song!!!! YAY!


~Lone Wolf~


If anyone's got spare time, my blog is always for viewing! *cough*
oh, and PPPLLLEAAASE vote on the poll? ^^ arigato...or aligato

i forgot my posting
I hope this one is it! ^^

oh and my blog is |


this is to try out a color...


The huge black spider (a.k.a. IT) has been in the exact position out on my porch for a week now
and I mean seriously, IT has not moved for a whole week...
I'm wishing that IT's dead...but I can't get my hopes up

I think IT's planning it's little beady head...grr...
I wish IT would just go crawl away half across the world and leave the porch forever!!!!! GRRR


Oh, and I was just bored...^^ and I wanted to try out a that's why I posted...^^ even though this color probably won't show up well on the blog

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tennis Sunday at 6pm...if I finish my project...if...

Okay all you tennis peoples out there. Tennis will be on Sunday at 6pm so long as I finish my project. Everyone has to leave by 8:30pm though cuz' school starts Monday. Those are my parents conditions. Let me know if you are coming. Oh, and all you new people on the blog you may join us IF you live in Texas. If not...well, can attempt to come down here sometime to play if you'd like.


~Lone Wolf~P.S. I left the bag of tennis balls on the floor in my room and a LOT of them have vanished. I think Toby ate them.

I apologize.

I guess I should apologize for being a smart-ass and not making myself completely clear. I really didnt want the expected toung-lashing that I got, I think that its wrong how animals are killed its just that I eat what I kill, if I go hiking and we need food, we usually hunt.

dont worry, if I ever find somebody who kills for fur or tusks, for anything other than the need to consume food that is needed than I'll kill them and feed them 2 some starving animals. sorry 2 say that I am a farmers kid and grew up as one and we do farm bulls and kill them when they are readdy, but we dont make them suffer in any way, we arent a slaughter house we keep six bulls and make sure theyre okay.

please dont stay mad at me

-wolf boy

Changing The Subject!!!!! YAY!!!

I've decided that we could argue about this ALL day everyday for the next billion years so I am changing the subject tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......COOKIES!!!! Everyone, talk about your favorite cookies!!!!


~Lone Wolf~

How Animals Are Slaughtered (Not for the softies)!!!!!

Cows, sheep, pigs, and even horses(when they were slaughtered but luckly it has been banned in the U.S. to kill horses for human consumption as of this year. YAY!) are all slaughtered the same. They are forced to stand in long lines after having gone a day or more without food or water, to wait their turn to be shoved into a 'knock box' and be shot in the head with a 'captive bolt gun' which sends a metal spike through their skull and into their brain rendering them unconcious,.....sometimes. Other times the animal is not properly shot and is still concious when he/she is hoisted by one hind leg to dangle and then have his/her throat slit and left to bleed to death. They do this to get all the blood out of the animal but in my opinion it is just plain cruel to let ANYTHING bleed to death and suffer. After the animal has bled to death he/she is then cut up and must I keep going?

Its not just the method in which the animals are slaughtered but the fact that those animals must stand in a line and watch the animal before them get killed. All animals are acutely aware of sounds, smells, of each other and therefore they can sense the fear and terror in each other while smelling the blood of their own kind being killed. Yeah, I don't know about you but if I was in a place where I could smell my own kind being killed and sense their fear I would be pretty stressed and freaked. I'd most likely have a heart-attack and solve the whole 'killing-me' problem. Either that or I would try busting out and kill myself on the fence.

Argue with me all you like. Argue with Jaki and me all you like. You WON'T win.


~Lone Wolf~ P.S. I'm posting a pic of a horse knocked out in a knock-box. Well, INJURED, not really knocked out on my blog if you're interested.


apparently i cant see my posts that i posted on this blog
so if anyone can
just uhhh
comment on my latest post of my other blog
and tell me
the URL is


bored out of my mind!

heya!!!! :)

i didnt know i would get so many comments on my last post...

tom and Wolf boy... im actually 13, my name is Michi, but i dont mind being called Tenshi
i actually like it :)

thanks for everyone that left a comment
and thanks kanga...
u posted loads as well

oh yeah
everyone can visit my other blog
and vote,
and post more comments!!!!

2 bad vegetarians!

I just wanted 2 make the animal subject clear, now I dont want 2 hurt anybody but I'm gonna be a smart ass, so if anybody gets mad, dont worry I love U I'm just being me.

Its fair 2 give an animal a chance,... so if they can run faster than a bullet, than they deserve 2 live. Hey if God didnt want us to eat them why'd he make them so tasty, (no offence to anybody who doesnt believe in God). I LOVE venison, duck's okay, pheasent is GOOD. Sorry but our body needs meat, we might be able 2 live without it but I still think we need it. And if ur dads a farmer and U had 2 work on a farm like me than U know that if a racoon or rabbit gets in ur grain than U need 2 kill it. No YOU CANT LET IT GO! do you think thats its gonna be gratefull, NO!!!!!!!!!!!! the animal hasn't ever had a better meal so it's coming back, so u HAVE 2 kill it. And I had 2 kill them numerous times.

I just wanted 2 make it clear annd I love U guys so dont get mad,

your animal killer,

Nasty Foods, Sleep, Cookies, and Sugar!

So I love how I say that I'm going to come straight home and go to sleep. Instead I get on the computer and load up on cookies so that I won't be capable of sleeping due to the sugar rush!!!! Yummy cookies!!!!

Has anyone ever heard of "Pigs Feet" in a jar?! SO NASTY! Don't worry I didn't try it, I'm a complete vegi! I don't eat murdered animals. Anyways, at work we sell pigs feet in a jar full of some kind of perservative. I must say, it looked SO FREAKIN' appauling!!! Then I saw "White Clam Sauce" and picked it up and was like, "That's a white something." cuz' it looks like one of my fish when they die and are mutilated by my other fish. Why would you want to eat something like that?! Why?! I am diffenetly going to have nightmares...well, daymares from that when I go to sleep today. By the way, why do we call nightmares nightmares. What's the significance?

Good-morning everyone I will talk to you tonight. Off to bed!


~Lone Wolf~
"Your horse is a mirror image of you. Becoming the active partner requires thought and consistency. The more consistent you are, the more consistent your horse's performance will become. If you want your horse to change, you have to be willing to change first. When you become the active partner, your horse will be confident and obedient, and you will be in control." ~John Lyons'

I just felt like posting that.


~Lone Wolf~

P.S. Off to work.....

4:51 AM and Wanting To Go Back To Sleep *yawn*

So I'm up and I've taken a shower and now I'm about to eat breakfast then head off to work when I'd much rather just go curl up in my nice warm bed and sleep. I most likely shall not be back on until later on tonight cuz' I will be sleeping from 10am to like 4pm and then heading out to EQ and I won't be back til' 8:30pm or 9pm. So until then! Right now I am going to go eat my BEAUTIFUL peanut butter sandwitch!!!!!!!!! YAY!


~Lone Wolf~


i dont think anyone is on.
im out.

sorry about all the random coments
escuse them.
i was bored.
very bored

love always-

i love.

man boobs.



bored as shit.

talk to me.

so i decided to say something

cuz its 1 in the morning and i just got home.
and im not tierd at all.
anyone else on?

talk to me.

so my day was pretty bomb.
woke up. (early) like 6am
watch sunami movie.
noah calls.
i drive over.
we chill
have some fun.
and then my daddy calls.
its been a while.
go up to the mall to have lunch and see a movie with him.
noah didnt come cuz he had to go do something with his car.
i get home.
go out to eat with parents.
cade and jeremy call.
want to chill.
i had plans to go out with noah.
it was cades last night here before leaving for college
i called noah and said i couldnt b/c i wanted to see cade before he left.
he was bumed.
he'll get over it.
we drove around.
watched a movie about some dog...i think it was called
firehouse dog
it was cheesy but i liked it.
then we cry and hug eachother bye.
jeremy takes me home and noah is parked right near by.
he gets out and hugs me for a long time, looks at me and says i just wanted a hug
before i went to bed. i wanted you to be the last person i was with.
and he gives me a kiss on the forehead and
then a real kiss. lol
sometimes i really love him love him aLOT.
(times like these)

hes so sweet. =]]

so that made my day/night/ week/ month
this post has been long enough so

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Me on fire,

You know when you here about those people that walk across those burnning coals?
( You probably know whats gonna come next, huh?)

Well my friends and I thought that we could do it, well... that I could do it, lol.
And of course I lovvvveeee. a chalenge, so I thought it was worth a try.

Well we did change it a little bit so it would be more interesting.( You're gonna like this part)
So to make it interesting I poured Gasoline EVERYWHERE. Then I lit a match, and threw it.

So I started walking,( now here's the really bad part), I walked across slowly and made it to the other side, and then it happened. The gasoline was stuck to my feet which were now on fire. I didnt really panick just stomped and it went out, and then like combustion atomatically started up again. It was VERY irritating. After I put out my flaming feet I noticed that the hose wasnt far enough to put out the gigantic fire.

( okay this part is really, I mean REALLY sstupid) I had to resort to stomping the fire out barefoot with my friend. And with gasoline doused dirt I took a very long time, ow yeah, and it was kinda hot, lol.

All-in-all it was a fine day, lol.;)

-Wolf Boy


I. Am. Bored.

"Thank You" and I Almost Hit Some Deer!

Alright, I'm bored so I've decided to finally post something! I'm horrible. I post on my blog but neglect this one. *sigh* Okay, Shi, I read your comment on me not saying that you couldn't burn down someone elses house and I must say 'no' you are NOT permitted to burn down another persons house. I shall take away your magnesium burner!

So I was out at EQ cleaning stalls and I was thinking to myself about how dumb it sounds for us to say, "Thank you" to people to show our appreciation for what they do cuz' it sounds like you're telling them to thank themseleves for working hard. Just a thought.

Okay, I got SO SCARED tonight cuz' I was driving home from EQ and as I was coming up over the top of a hill (going 65mph) two deer came trotting across the road in front of me! I slammed on the breaks while hissing out, "SHOOT!" Luckly I didn't hit the deer. I would have cried and then tried to do CPR on him/her. If it had been injured I would have gotten him/her into my truck and taken him/her to an animal hospital. My parents would've killed me cuz' of all the blood. But...I would have done it. Poor poor poor animals that do get hit. *sniff* Us humans and our baka intelligence.

I'm done now. Bu bye!


~Lone Wolf~


im not really used to group blogs
but i guess this is my first one...
someone sent me the invite and i decided to join
if thats ok with all you guys...?

well bi 4 now

More Quotes

"Well that's very flattering, and also a little disturbing."
--Sana Kurata

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?"

"Shut up. Quit shouting like you're king of the friggin world. You're making my ears bleed you bastard."

"Cut it out, he's just an idiot."

"If it is possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it is possible for that person to be healed by another as well."

"It's fun messing with him." -- Ririn
"You call all those horrible arguments and fits of swearing 'messing' with him?" -- Cloud

"Without a higher cause behind it, justice is nothing more than slaughter. But slaughter in the name of that higher cause is justice."
-- Kaname Tosen

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


To Wolf Boy:

As you have probably relized, all my freinds have nicknames... at least one of which i have given them

so since i consider you a friend, which is shown by the fact that i haven't tryed to kill you yet(just kidding by the way), i have decided to give you a nickname... so i have two in mind the first Okami san the second is Hi (pronounced he and means fire)... tell me if you like either if not i can come up with something else

Also i would like to invite you to join this blog so if you want to you can give me your e mail

in yusuke's words

so... my computer is baka slow

like major stupid slow

anyway... i'm lonely and bored... if anyone else is on the blog talk to me

Back to the old background


hey now the posts look christmas like

Another Post Called Tennis

When might we be able to play tennis again? I am getting all fidgety sitting here doing nothing.

P.S. If you see the 11th grade counselor, Mr. I-hate-my-job-and-take-it-out-on-people-like-jaki-who-actually-
have-things-of-importance-to-their-future-to-discuss (Long name, isn't it?), his new name is Mr. Aizen. Or if you prefer, Baka, Aizen, Mr. Baka Aizen, YOU TRIED TO KILL MOMO!!, Mr. Baka, or just plain
Mr. I-hate-my-job-and-take-it-out-on-people-like-jaki-who-actually-

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Background

Hey me

so i am trying out a new background... tell me if you like it

Love, Jaki

Monday, August 20, 2007


i'm playing freecell and i just my daddy's getting me a popcicle

yummy popcicle


so hiei just when on a walk with his four female companions..and you can seriously tell that he is my baby... the entire time he kept glancing back to see where his sister was and when this scary big doggy barked he jumped and hid behind teddi (who was walking beside him)... teh- teh was very pacient and waited for hiei every time hiei needed an update to where his sis was (which was every five or six steps)

it was sooooo cute... it was like a mommy and a baby with by big black dog walking next to my little black was funny though because hiei's white spots glowwed in the street lamps


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... lots of green...much much green

somebody should come on so i'm not lonly

hey... wait... here comes...evil dummy doll

i'll talk to him

so ... an idea...(and yes i have any idea... yeah right)... so hoshi you should e- mail me your address then we can sent you pictures of us and things... just an idea though... if you don't want to give out your address i understand...if you do then my e mail is in the comment below


So that was an interesting dinner

i had, hot bagged rice with lukewarm frozen cheese noodles, house temp. canned vegitables (i just openned the can and dumped them into a bowl), and cold instant mashed potatos

i just love how all the things i eat are preserved or instant

well it was yummy considering i haven't had real food for about a week



i am happy...oh so happy

i should prouabably eat dinner or my daddy will be sad...oh so sad

(he doesn't make dinner for me very often and gets sad when i don't eat it when he makes it ....i usually fend for myself...he also gets sad when i don't heat my food up which is weird because i like my food cold but he won't let me leave it that way)

so out of curiosity how do you use quotes inside of quotes

Ranting and raving jaki style

So... if anyone can tell me how the following situation makes sence at all please do...

so i went in to get a schedule change because i didn;t think i would be able to pass latin three and when i asked to get out of it he (the "counsler") was like, so... you're getting out of the ib program, and i said no i was getting out of latin but would still go for the ib certificate and you know what he says next .... he says ...well, we really don't have room in the ib program for people who are only going for the certifricate, but what i don't get is they had PLENTY of room when i was getting the diploma but NO THEY SUDDENLY DON'T HAVE ROOM WHEN I DROP LATIN... BECAUSE OH THEIR PRECIOUS STUDENTS MIGHT NOT GET THE ATTENTION THEY NEED BECAUSE I AM SO GOING TO TAKE UP SO MUCH OF THE TEACHER'S TIME...


so yeah, my prudent silents is going to be SUCH a bother to the other students....

oh and this is the greatest part... the councler was trying to convince me that i would be able to pass latin by saying that i have like a B average in the class... and i said, yes... that was because the teacher gave me leeway...
and do you know what he retorts back...

"well your science isn't much better, in fact it's worse"

that @#^&$%^& (insert bad word here)


yeah he makes a gggreat counciler

i hope no one ever goes to him for suicide he because the only help he'll give you is more reasons to commit suicide

Yippy-kay-a mother _ _ _ _ _ _

Saturday, August 18, 2007


I'm SO very tired. I had to get up at 4:30am this morning cuz' I had work at 6am. I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep do to the fact that I stayed up late watching 'Vacancy' with Jaki and Tom. Well,...Tom came in towards the end. I shall be going to sleep in a bit and I will be back on later tonight. But first I will write about whatever I feel like right now.

First off I feel like a horrible weight has been lifted from me because I discovered that my favorite character from Trinity Blood does NOT die like my brother Dark Night said. He apparently saw the episode where it appeared that he had died but really hadn't. *sigh* I will NEVER believe a word he says again. My fav. character by the way is Ion. He tis' SO CUTE!!!!

Second my older brother is leaving to go back to school in Lousianna today. ANNNNDDDDDD....*drum roll* I GET THE HOUSE TO MYSELF TIL' TUESDAY!!!!! *dances* YEAHHHHH!!!! In reality my close friend Ryan shall be here too and my neighbors will be checking in on me occasionally. But other than that; the house tis' all mine!!! I see blaring music, such as Linkin Park, in my future. *sings* I GET THE HOUSE I GET THE HOUSE I GET THE HOUSE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYYY SEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third: Tomorrow morning my outside kitty is getting her shots. I'm paying for them. YAY!!! She FINALLY GETS SHOTS!!!!

I am tired by the way,...but in a hyper crazy way cuz' I'm on my last bit of energy supply!!!!!!!

Alright, that's pretty much all I wanted to talk about.


~Lone Wolf~

Friday, August 17, 2007


So I was on my porch feeding my guinea pigs who were squealing their heads off demanding veggies, when I came across...IT

IT is a HUGE spider (ok, so about the size of a mini snickers bar) that was just danging there...*shudder* IT is black and terrifying

I think my dad shall have to take over feeding my guinea pigs from now on...seeing how I don't think I will EVER go out on the porch again
The sad thing dad will just say "Its a little spider...if it bites you, bite it back" He says that...every single time I scream for him to 'get rid' of a spider that's in my path. *sighs* that I think about guinea pigs are on the porch...with IT...alone with spiders bite guinea pigs/or suck them dry?????? uh oh


Alright, I have no idea what this world is coming to, but i SERIOUSLY think animal abuse/gaming/slaughter/anything that hurts them should just end!!!
Isn't there any way for people to stop???

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Testing new pictures

I have created this post to test out some new profile pictures. If you see this post that means i am still testing ones out. I will delete the post soon so it will not take up room. Please tell me which one looks best in your opinion or which ones you like. Thank you.


P.S. This is whether or not they look good when they are pictures next to comments, not full size.

Wild Horse Racing A Cruel Sport

I just wanted to post and tell everyone to go take a quick look at my blog cuz' I posted about a REALLY horrid sport they have that involves horses. There's pics. Its not like blood or anything just go take a look please and if you could post it on your blogs that would be awesome cuz' I'm trying to end wild horse racing for good. Thanks!


~Lone Wolf~

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Birthday

As the title suggests i am wishing happy birthday to people. I thought i would wish them a happy birthday on the blog just for fun. First off, today i wish my mom a happy birthday. Second i would wish to give an early happy birthday to my sister whose birthday is coming up on the 18th. So, have a happy birthday you two.

A favor?

My friend wants to join this blog,
Can she?

....ya, that was all....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blog Rules!

I've decided that our blog needs some ground rules.

1. No obscene language. Which means no cuss words. If you've already written some please edit them out. Thanks! :D
2. No pictures.
3. No YouTube vids.
4. No using the Lord's name in vain please. I would really appreciate it! So would several other people. Thanks!

5. No sexual references, innuendos or other things to that nature. This blog will not be reduced to trash by such talk. (Directed toward future bloggers not the current posters as i am positive nobody here would do that). *suggested by Tom*
6. No spam posts, or promotion posts. That means do not come and post a whole lot of comments just to annoy people or say the name of a website or product. This is not a place that will be tolerant of such idiotic behavior. (Again directed toward future posters as the current people will not do such things). *suggested by Tom*
7. All new members must choose a color to post in, so long as that color is not already taken by another member. *suggested by Tom*

Alright,...let me know if there are anymore you'd like to add.


~Lone Wolf~


well a very good night to everyone

im asleep....(snores)


couldnt resist torturing my computer for a bit longer...

*pokes screen* die, die evil fiend!!
(it would be quite ironic if my computer just suddenly crashed)

-then i would burst into tears-

funny how life works

now, cya! ;)

Monday, August 13, 2007


I realize that i sound like a broken record since it seems that i am always asking about when we will play next, but yet again i will ask. Does Tuesday or Friday sound good to anyone to play tennis? That and i was wondering Lone Wolf, Jaki, Dark Night if you wanted to see about going to the mall someday before school starts?


Sunday, August 12, 2007


how in the world does one find a url of a song??!!!!


Please Delete ALL Pics and YouTube Vids!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, everyone who posted pics or Youtube vids.....delete them. We are having issues with computers taking too long to load the blog due to all the pics and vids. So PLEASE delete what you posted of pics and vids. Otherwise Jaki will have to leave the blog and maybe a few other people. Thanks!!!

F.Y.I: I left a comment informing everyone that if you'd like to show us a pic, just post it on your OWN blog and let us know. Again thank you SO VERY much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~Lone Wolf~

Good Bye

So...i realize that this will prouably be skipped over dueto the fact that i am sure there are more interesting things on this blog but i just want to say that this will be my last post on this blog due to the fact that i do not wish to wait for ten minutes for the computer to unfreeze because of all the things onthis site.

so good bye

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just to Say Something.

*Picture deleted due to load time*

I got bored and decided that i wanted to do another round of my infamous many random questions with no transitions and/or few links between them.

How is everyone today?
When can we play tennis again?
Was I supposed to fix your watch Jaki?
Why can I not be anyone from Bleach for Halloween?
Can I do another anime then?
Jaki, have you finished the book for school yet?
If so, can I borrow it?
Does that last line count as a question?

Alright I am done asking questions for now.


Friday, August 10, 2007


Hi people! I actually have no idea who everyone is yet, so sorry...-.-

That's a interesting Furuba clip, since I still have absolute no idea how to post a video, I had to retort to putting up the amateurish, but it can't be helped.
So, eh...I hope I get to know everyone more! ^^

More Pictures

*Pictures deleted due to load times*

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Halloween Fun

*Picture deleted due to load time*

Lone Wolf got me thinking bout Halloween. I still don't know who i am going to be, and since it is August that means that October isn't too far away. I need ideas, so if anyone has suggestions you should post them. Thanks.

P.S. If anyone can figure out what anime the twins are from in the picture that would be cool. I already know:

Kyoya - Roy Mustang (FullMetal Alchemist)
Haruhi - Light Yagami (Death Note)
Tamaki - Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
Honey - Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Honey's Bunny - Pikachu (Pokemon)
Mori - Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Jaki = Kaoru and Lone Wolf = Hikaru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*pictures deleted due to loading issues*

Shi and I are going to be Hikaru and Kaoru (twins) from Ouran High School Host Club fpr Halloween!!! I deleted the pic cuz' we were having problems with the computers taking too long to load.


~Lone Wolf~

Stalked! Scary stuff!!!!

Today during work I got stalked and asked out by a man in his mid-thirties or early forties. Yeah, I know, "CREEPY!!!!" I was out doing lot (which means bringing in carts that are left all over the place or in the corrals) when this guy walked from the OTHER end of the parking lot to me so that he could get a cart. I was thinking to myself, 'Why didn't you just go in and get a cart instead of walking all the way to my end?' but instead I said, "Thanks!" = Mistake Number One. A few minutes later the same guy comes out with NOTHING! He just went in and came back out. For the next like half hour I kept seeing him wandering around the lot. I figured he was just waiting for someone = mistake number two. Apparently not because he came up to me AGAIN and was like, "Hi, I'm Josh. You're doing a great job out here and working really hard!" at that point (after I shook his hand) I was thinking 'COOOLLLL!!!! Mystery Shopper!!!!!!!!!' A.K.A. They come in pretending to shop but are really are watching how the workers take care of the store and customers and you can get 'recognized' and honored by them. A. My first thoughts were, ' I look like a hooker to you? Go to a bar!' but instead I politely told him "Nooo. . ." and he asked me again. 'Buddy do you REALLY think that I'm going to go out with someone that's likegain, that's what I 'thought' = mistake number three until he spoke yet again, "Would you like to go out sometime with me?" Yep. That's right. That's what he said thirty or more years older than me?! Someone that has approached me while I'm working? That I don't know? That seems to have issues? I DON'T THINK SO!!!' were my exact thoughts. Me and my stupid politness just told him no again and then he said he was sorry and walked off. I immediately went inside, found my mangaer and told him. He went out to look for the guy and, unfortunetly, couldn't find him.

Uh-huh (nods head). That was my scary and eventful day at work.


~Lone Wolf~

I Feel Like Sharing Some Pictures

*Pictures deleted due to load times*


it didnt work!!!


*pictures deleted due to loading issues*

um hi?

hello!!!!! =]]

my name is lauren.

whats up you guys?

i think ive met some of you before.
but not sure which of yall. hmmm?

anyway uuuh
about me?
here it is.

my name is LAUREN im a senior at VRHS.
i enjoy life in every way i can.
i have fun.
yes i party, butt i don't smoke cigerettes. i am most certianly one of the nicest person you will ever meet. but i can be a bitch if you give me reason to be. its very hard to make me angry, and even harder to make me stay that way, butt when you do make me mad, youll be crying.

basicly my friends mean everything to me, i consider them all family. doesnt matter if youve been my friend for 3 minutes or 3 years, ill always be there for you if you ever need anything. ask me to kick someones ass for you, ill do it.

i run track, its the shit. i LOVE to run. .

( stole that from my myspace )

and thennn also---

get on my level:
I'm shy, yet out going, both simple and complicated. I don’t trust easily, but told i am easily trusted. I'm hyper yet contained sweet but intimidating. I know who my true friends are, if you don’t then you either don’t have any, or havn't taken the time to get to know them. shame for you. most people don’t understand me, I don’t expect you to. I'm a very complex person that needs good conversation often. it's a must. I hate when people judge befor Knowing. you wouldn’t call your Bestfriend a “bitch” or a “skank”?? Then why People you don’t even know?? just shows how immiture some of us are. I hate shittalkers. Its cliche' But if you really have a problem; please just say it To my face, you might not like how you'll turn out when i'm done getting my name out of your mouth but you'd be in worse shape if you were to keep it behind my back. I don’t like drama. I find it unnecissary, dumb. i'm not fake and chances are you are or have been at some point in your life. everyone Has, It’s good to be nice, but to not mean It is pointless. People have heard i'm a “bitch” Well i'm not. I'm actually the Sweetest person you'll probly ever meet. You just have to take the time to know what im about. I like most everyone and it takes alot to get on my shitlist. I laugh alottt all the time, every day. I like to think im funny, When in reality people are just laughing at the stupid things I do. But that’s my life, entertainment :) I'd say my worst coliti is that i'm wayy to nice. I forgive easy but forget hard. I probably won't know what I did yesterday but i'll always remember what you did to me three years ago, it's the way i live my life. most people don’t understand me, again i don’t expect you to. I represent the 512, 281, & 304 [Austin. Houston. & west Virginia] i've been through more shit than you can imagine, i don't believe in bashing someone for what they did or didn't come from, everyone needs to realize there are more important things in life besides the things you don't or do have, the most important thing for me is to be on good standards with everyone i meet and know, because you never know when your life will be taken from you. life is what you make it, make it unique.<3

( also stole from my myspace )

sorry so long you guys butt

butter to....haha i ment better to put it all down now then figure this thing out laterr



so basicly

thats me. =]]]

Lone Wolf's OTHER Website!

Here's the link to my website:

You guys should go take a look when you get a chance. Except for Shi. It might take FOREVER to load on your computer. LOL!


~Lone Wolf~

i'm back...for now guys posted a lot in the two days i was gone... and sorry but tommorrow i will proubably be gone too because i am helping my mom fix her classroom for school...the entire story of my trip is on the blog spot ( oh and tommorrow i am getting a haircut and i am happy... i so need a's too long and yet at the same time too short to pull into a ponytail so i am happy to finnally be getting a haircut... i have been trying to get one since my dad's retirement in july... so you can see how well that has been going... by the way seiri i am looking forward to tennis on friday... it will be a nice time of "relaxation"...

to all of the new people i'm sorry i wasn't able to welcome each of you as you came on but i am happy i am able to welcome you now... so welcome

seiri and tom i look forward to looking at all your posts later, but for now i did you good night because it is like...dark and i have to get up early (although i think it is accually morning due to the fact that i am more nocturnal than not)

anyway i hope to be able to get on tommorrow, but if not then i will talk to you on friday

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Minor Inconvenience

*Picture deleted due to load time*

Something about today just didn't go well. Everything was just a series of inconveniences. Not big note worthy problems, but just simple things that stacked up. I don't understand why i feel the need to talk about them, just to use up a few more minutes of my life in front of a computer screen i guess. I woke up to my alarm clock (annoying), then when i pressed the alarm off button it refused to stop (inconvenient). So i press it again and still more noise, i then get up, unplug it, and go back to sleep. Later in the day I gather all my papers for my learner's permit and go to the DPS only to learn that they won't accept my passport as proof of my social security number (annoying inconvenience). This is stupid because to get a passport you need your birth certificate, social security card, and a few other things so it basically verifies that you have one. I go back home and find hardly anything good to eat in my house, no different from any other day just today it got on my nerves (inconvenient). I sit down and browse the internet and play games until about 8:00 pm, precisely the time there are good shows coming on, and the cable service gets shut off (inconvenient). By now my dad has left to go play guitar for a band and has his phone turned off so i cannot ask him if he forgot to pay the bill (inconvenient).

Well if you have read this far through my post I applaud you and owe you 1 cookie*. I am done ranting and raving so anyway, have a good day.


P.S. To the picture above. For all who don't know, Itachi means weasel.

*Terms and conditions may apply. Only 1 cookie per account. You must be at least 13 years of age or older to redeem. Under no circumstances is Tom liable to you for any consequential, incidental, or special damages caused by the product. Cash value estimated at 1 cent. See local Tom for details.

heh....I get to work til' midnight!!!

Yep, that's right. I get to work til' midnight (PANCAKE PUFFS!). LOL! It'll be interesting that's for sure. My point: I won't be on the blog until sometime after midnight. LOL! Anyways,....I apparently have nothing better to do than post about my day. I shall......DRINK LOTS OF CHOCOLATE MILK SO AS TO STAY AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~Lone Wolf~


* picture deleted due to downloading issues*

If you would like to play tennis with us on Thursday (or Friday) at 6pm then please comment saying yes or no. I of course will be playing.


~Lone Wolf~

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Three Big Pups!!!

Today I went for a walk with Toby (my dog). We left the house in the middle of the afternoon, around 1:30pm. I decided to take him all the way down this LOONNNNGGGG road that makes a HUGE circle and eventually leads to the park and back to my house (I'm not naming the street sorry). Several times I almost chose to take a short cut home because of how hot it was but something kept nagging at me and telling me to go all the way around. Later I found out why. Two dogs were loose on the busy street! They were on the opposite side of the road from me and when they saw me they bolted across the street right in front of two trucks pulling trailors! They gave me a freakin' heart attack! When they got to me I was telling Toby to sit and I had the leash ready to pull him away if they tried to attack him. Luckly, they didn't. I knew I couldn't leave them on that busy street so I caught the fat black lab and tied her up with Toby on the leash. The pit-bull mix followed us but I got nervous by how far she kept going from us so I told Toby to sit again and I took the leash off of him and looped it up and put it around her neck. Then I slide it underneath the black lab's collar and hooked it back up to Toby. I then proceeded in walking/being dragged back home. Poor Toby didn't know what to do because I had trained him NOT to pull but the two dogs were dragging him along with me and he didn't want to be dragged. So, he cowered on the leash while I kept telling him it was okay. By some miracle we made it home and Blood Riceball (my brother) helped me find their owners, who were out for the day. Apparently the pit-bull mix (Shelby) liked to bust out of the fence and the black lab (CoCo) would follow her.

Hai, that was my eventful afternoon. I didn't get home until 4pm.


~Lone Wolf~

More Quotes

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"Revenge is a beast that begets itself and solves nothing. It only leads to more pain."
-- Old Man

"Even in the darkest of suffering a man can sleep. But for the man who inflicts the suffering his mind cannot rest, ever."
-- Old Man

Ariel, Gypsie, and Sabrina running!!!

*Image deleted due to downloading issues* I uploaded an image but I don't see it. This is basically just an experiment at the moment to see if it displays my picture. So, here you all go.


~Lone Wolf~

Jaki's Trip so Far

So Jaki has been forced to go on a trip to Corpus Christi and thus has no internet. I am here to relay details of that trip. They got up at 5:30 am and left on their way, they have gone 90 miles and due to a carsick dog (Hiei) have had to stop twice to clean up throw up. There is still 180 miles to go, lets place bets on how many more times Hiei will throw up.

I am Confused. More Than Normal.

*Picture deleted due to load time*

Okay, i believe we should say if we know the random people that begin appearing on the blog. For instance, Lone Wolf, there is now a new person on your blog. Just out of curiosity, who are they?

P.S. i just wanted a random picture in here

Monday, August 6, 2007

"Chocolate Wheat Thins"

Okay, so just a little while ago I tried to burn some wheat thins some more in the oven. I LOOOVVVEEEE them burned. Although, I tend to love most things that are burned. Anyways, I left them in there for about ten minutes while I ate my wheat thins with melted cheese and when I went to get the ones out of the oven....they were CHOCOLATE BROWN!!!!! It smelled pretty gross too. I tried one and so did my younger brother. He spit his out in the sink and I just swallowed it and was like, "It taste pretty nasty. Not too bad though. Just really burned." LOL! I made a vid of it but I'm not gonna post it. Sorry to all who are wanting to see it. You'll live.


~Lone Wolf~

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Our AMAZING H.E.B. Adventure Where We Learned About Cheese And Hand Puppets!!!!

Hai! We did go to H.E.B. Plus last night at around 10:45pm. LOL! When we got there we went straight to the stuffed animals and picked up the foxes. They were SO CUTE!!! Then we looked at all the other ones and found.....HAND PUPPETS!!!! You can guess where that lead to. We started talking and moving their mouths so that it appeared that they were speaking while we made jokes about sticking them around the cornor of an aile and saying, "Hello!" with them. Luckly, we weren't THAT lame and decided not to do it. LOL! We had the animal puppets try to eat each other too. Tom said that he wanted nothing to do with it, so we attacked his dolphin hand puppet at the same time and forced him into the battle. Next we went to the DVD area and found it closed and locked up with one of those medal chain fence things. We REALLY wanted to look at the Anime so we decided to stand in front of the gate thing and look sad, dejected, depressed, and hurt that they had locked us out of the DVD section. Well, that lasted for like five minutes maybe before we wander over to the pet area where we had to manuver around people and dog food bags. Once we left there we walked down one of the ailes and found a string cheese on the floor still in its wrapper. We surrounded it and stared at it for a few minutes before dancing around it like indians. After that we went to the cheese section in the store and went through the WHOLE cheese catalog. Sadly, we couldn't pronounce half the cheeses that were in there and I said one so TEXAN sounding that Jaki is NEVER going to let it go. Most likely she will tell you how I said this one cheese. As for me,...I refuse to say because I HATE it when people talk with a Texan Drawl and use that horrid word, "Ain't." (shivers) Anyways, once we finished with the cheese catalog we traveled to the produce stands and found pregnant oranges. Yep, they had like oranges in them. It was totally weird. Lastly we checked out...wait for'll surprise you...Hai! The book section. LOL! And that was our wonderful AMAZING trip to H.E.B. Plus. That was how we entertained ourselves for a good hour.


~Lone Wolf~

Saturday, August 4, 2007


So... this is so awsome... my mom bought me a venus fly trap... his name is yoko... now kurama (my grass) will have a friend
i think gluttony, wrath, rage, lust, envy, pride, greed, and sloth(my cacti) are also very exited

my glup glups and jade(the water plants) aren't all that thrilled though


I think that we should post our favorite quotes under here. Or just interesting ones, your choice.

And I agree with Jaki and Lone Wolf. The heartlessness it takes to laugh at a dying animal, human, or otherwise is not a something to pride yourself with. The fact that they could help the animal and did nothing is like adding fuel to the fire.

Before i go, Ill make a quote not pertaining to that as to not upset myself more.

"The pleasure of a dream is that it is a fantasy, if it happens than it was never a dream."
-- nameless guy

helping vent

so i totally agree with seiri... it's not funny


so it think its ironic how people can see millions of flaws in us (vegetarians) and yet are blind to their own flaws... like just because something is a tradition DOES NOT make it OK... if you are going to go with that logic than i wish to enact upon ancient tradition that says i can simply kill people for offending me... what would you think of that... or how about the tradition of killing people who make one mistake in their life and then pay for it with their blood is that an OK tradition too?

i would like to know what makes people think that some traditions should be kept and others not

and to the people wishing to know how this pertains to seiri's ranting... she will know and so will tom but for all of you other people out there this is a certain "discussion" that yami-day said i would not be able to win and i take that as a challenge so I WILL WIN

you don't know what you got yourself in to for challenging me