Thursday, August 9, 2007

Stalked! Scary stuff!!!!

Today during work I got stalked and asked out by a man in his mid-thirties or early forties. Yeah, I know, "CREEPY!!!!" I was out doing lot (which means bringing in carts that are left all over the place or in the corrals) when this guy walked from the OTHER end of the parking lot to me so that he could get a cart. I was thinking to myself, 'Why didn't you just go in and get a cart instead of walking all the way to my end?' but instead I said, "Thanks!" = Mistake Number One. A few minutes later the same guy comes out with NOTHING! He just went in and came back out. For the next like half hour I kept seeing him wandering around the lot. I figured he was just waiting for someone = mistake number two. Apparently not because he came up to me AGAIN and was like, "Hi, I'm Josh. You're doing a great job out here and working really hard!" at that point (after I shook his hand) I was thinking 'COOOLLLL!!!! Mystery Shopper!!!!!!!!!' A.K.A. They come in pretending to shop but are really are watching how the workers take care of the store and customers and you can get 'recognized' and honored by them. A. My first thoughts were, ' I look like a hooker to you? Go to a bar!' but instead I politely told him "Nooo. . ." and he asked me again. 'Buddy do you REALLY think that I'm going to go out with someone that's likegain, that's what I 'thought' = mistake number three until he spoke yet again, "Would you like to go out sometime with me?" Yep. That's right. That's what he said thirty or more years older than me?! Someone that has approached me while I'm working? That I don't know? That seems to have issues? I DON'T THINK SO!!!' were my exact thoughts. Me and my stupid politness just told him no again and then he said he was sorry and walked off. I immediately went inside, found my mangaer and told him. He went out to look for the guy and, unfortunetly, couldn't find him.

Uh-huh (nods head). That was my scary and eventful day at work.


~Lone Wolf~


Silvertongue said...

You poor thing!!! I would be really scared too if i was you. Probably more disturbed than scared though.

Anonymous said...

yeah...I was more disturbed. And a BIT paranoid. Lets just say everytime I went around a corner I had my hands up and I was crouched in a fighting stance. I thought that it would be funny if when the elevator doors opened I was standing like that and someone was waiting to get on. LOL! I can see the looks on their faces.

Anonymous said...

hmph, if that guy shows up again I'll give him what for!!!!! xD

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't show up again...

Silvertongue said...

I can see your boss come up behind you to talk and you not notice them. As a result you turn and ... RIGHT STRAIGHT!!

Anonymous said...

YESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!