Sunday, August 5, 2007

Our AMAZING H.E.B. Adventure Where We Learned About Cheese And Hand Puppets!!!!

Hai! We did go to H.E.B. Plus last night at around 10:45pm. LOL! When we got there we went straight to the stuffed animals and picked up the foxes. They were SO CUTE!!! Then we looked at all the other ones and found.....HAND PUPPETS!!!! You can guess where that lead to. We started talking and moving their mouths so that it appeared that they were speaking while we made jokes about sticking them around the cornor of an aile and saying, "Hello!" with them. Luckly, we weren't THAT lame and decided not to do it. LOL! We had the animal puppets try to eat each other too. Tom said that he wanted nothing to do with it, so we attacked his dolphin hand puppet at the same time and forced him into the battle. Next we went to the DVD area and found it closed and locked up with one of those medal chain fence things. We REALLY wanted to look at the Anime so we decided to stand in front of the gate thing and look sad, dejected, depressed, and hurt that they had locked us out of the DVD section. Well, that lasted for like five minutes maybe before we wander over to the pet area where we had to manuver around people and dog food bags. Once we left there we walked down one of the ailes and found a string cheese on the floor still in its wrapper. We surrounded it and stared at it for a few minutes before dancing around it like indians. After that we went to the cheese section in the store and went through the WHOLE cheese catalog. Sadly, we couldn't pronounce half the cheeses that were in there and I said one so TEXAN sounding that Jaki is NEVER going to let it go. Most likely she will tell you how I said this one cheese. As for me,...I refuse to say because I HATE it when people talk with a Texan Drawl and use that horrid word, "Ain't." (shivers) Anyways, once we finished with the cheese catalog we traveled to the produce stands and found pregnant oranges. Yep, they had like oranges in them. It was totally weird. Lastly we checked out...wait for'll surprise you...Hai! The book section. LOL! And that was our wonderful AMAZING trip to H.E.B. Plus. That was how we entertained ourselves for a good hour.


~Lone Wolf~

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