Saturday, August 18, 2007


I'm SO very tired. I had to get up at 4:30am this morning cuz' I had work at 6am. I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep do to the fact that I stayed up late watching 'Vacancy' with Jaki and Tom. Well,...Tom came in towards the end. I shall be going to sleep in a bit and I will be back on later tonight. But first I will write about whatever I feel like right now.

First off I feel like a horrible weight has been lifted from me because I discovered that my favorite character from Trinity Blood does NOT die like my brother Dark Night said. He apparently saw the episode where it appeared that he had died but really hadn't. *sigh* I will NEVER believe a word he says again. My fav. character by the way is Ion. He tis' SO CUTE!!!!

Second my older brother is leaving to go back to school in Lousianna today. ANNNNDDDDDD....*drum roll* I GET THE HOUSE TO MYSELF TIL' TUESDAY!!!!! *dances* YEAHHHHH!!!! In reality my close friend Ryan shall be here too and my neighbors will be checking in on me occasionally. But other than that; the house tis' all mine!!! I see blaring music, such as Linkin Park, in my future. *sings* I GET THE HOUSE I GET THE HOUSE I GET THE HOUSE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYYY SEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third: Tomorrow morning my outside kitty is getting her shots. I'm paying for them. YAY!!! She FINALLY GETS SHOTS!!!!

I am tired by the way,...but in a hyper crazy way cuz' I'm on my last bit of energy supply!!!!!!!

Alright, that's pretty much all I wanted to talk about.


~Lone Wolf~


Silvertongue said...

I got up at 7:00, then went back to sleep until 8:30 then got up wished my sister a happy birthday, gave her her present and had to go shopping since it is tax free weekend or whatever. I manage to convince my dad to go to the mall where i run into Tim, which if i run into anyone while i am out it always seems to be him, and we talk for a bit then rather than cloths shop i scamper off to the bookstore (FINALLY!!!). Where i find they have Bleach 20 and Ouran High School Host Club 9, but sadly they do not have Prince of Tennis 8 (Sorry Jaki).

Anonymous said...

*yawn* I'm up and its ten til' 4pm. I'm gonna go out and see my horse and work her. YAY! That's if I start feeling better cuz' right now I feel REALLY sick. I can barely stand to sit at the computer right now.

That's so cool! I wish I had the money to buy the next two books of Fruits Basket. *crys* I'll get them next week maybe...yeah...maybe...

Silvertongue said...

I like your new picture. Is it of Ion?

Anonymous said...

Hai! It is.

Silvertongue said...

He is the best character in Trinity Blood.

starz said...

Is Trinity Blood good? I've heard of it...
I'm running out of animes to watch...NUUUU!!!!!!!!

starz said...

these darn profile pictures are so tiny! can't see the picture clearly most of the time...Grrr

Silvertongue said...

It is good, but it would make more sense watching from the beginning.

starz said...

hai, but of course.
aren't you supposed to watch anime from the beginning...?

Silvertongue said...

Usually, yes. But due to certain circumstances you will occasionally be forced to watch from the middle.

Silvertongue said...

Although i don't believe i have had one of those circumstances yet.

starz said...

forced to watch from the middle...O.o

okay...for example?

Silvertongue said...

If you found a show airing on TV that you liked but it was in the middle of it when you started. You liked it so much however that you wanted to keep watching, so you start in the middle.

Unknown said...

is Trinity Blood the full name of the anime Ion is in? cuz i watched an episode and it seemed...really different??


The Jester said...

Ya it is the full name of it, but Ion is not the main character. He appears later on in the anime.

starz said...

aligato! ^^