Friday, August 24, 2007

2 bad vegetarians!

I just wanted 2 make the animal subject clear, now I dont want 2 hurt anybody but I'm gonna be a smart ass, so if anybody gets mad, dont worry I love U I'm just being me.

Its fair 2 give an animal a chance,... so if they can run faster than a bullet, than they deserve 2 live. Hey if God didnt want us to eat them why'd he make them so tasty, (no offence to anybody who doesnt believe in God). I LOVE venison, duck's okay, pheasent is GOOD. Sorry but our body needs meat, we might be able 2 live without it but I still think we need it. And if ur dads a farmer and U had 2 work on a farm like me than U know that if a racoon or rabbit gets in ur grain than U need 2 kill it. No YOU CANT LET IT GO! do you think thats its gonna be gratefull, NO!!!!!!!!!!!! the animal hasn't ever had a better meal so it's coming back, so u HAVE 2 kill it. And I had 2 kill them numerous times.

I just wanted 2 make it clear annd I love U guys so dont get mad,

your animal killer,


Silvertongue said...

If we CAN live without it then technically we don't NEED it.

Anonymous said...

well I'm gonna eat them anyway.

Anonymous said...

and I need it, I became crazy sick when I went like a week without meeat

Silvertongue said...

Prepare to be verbally mauled by Jaki and Lone Wolf. As for me i'll take a back seat on this one after stating my opinion.

I don't believe in that philosophy, it is essentially saying that no animal deserves life. Can your dog outrun a bullet? No? Then go ahead and kill it, come on you said it didn't deserve to live.

You don't have to kill an animal that is in your grain, you can just improve your defenses so it cannot come back.

Animals regulate the world's balance, that includes humans. If there were no animals then we would die out not of starvation alone, but of everything else too.

starz said...

I suppose I sorta agree with you, Wolf Boy, but I think it's wrong how we humans can just kill any animal in our path.
like take tigers for example, humans kill them, but they don't eat tiger meat; they only kill for their fur and/or bones. thus, we are disrupting nature for the sake of decorative furniture?! and elephants too, people kill them for their tusks, not to eat. basically, the whole elephant goes to waste, besides the 2 tusks. sharks also fit that category, how their fins are cut off and everything

Silvertongue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silvertongue said...

Ah, who am i kidding i cannot take a back seat to this.

Silvertongue said...

If you got sick after not earing meat then it means you either had a disease or you just were lacking something you normally got from meat, meaning you had not thought out your food choices very well.

Silvertongue said...


starz said...

I'm wondering, is it wrong to raise animals (like pigs and cows and chickens) until they're nice and fat, then kill them and eat them? Sure, we may be the smart ones here, "farming" animals for food, but in the end, we deceive the animals who have done nothing to us. How is that fair?
And also:
Earth was doing perfectly fine before the first humans appeared, dinosaurs lived amongst each other quite peacefully, and even though there were carnivores, the weaker ones got eaten while the stronger survived. They lived that way for millions of years.
How long have humans existed? During this relatively short time that humans live, we have made species extinct and also most importantly, caused global warming. I doubt we can stop the greenhouse affect, it was all our greediness that caused it.
Now polar bears are dying out because there's not enough icy land for them to live on. Sometimes they have to swim miles to find somewhere to rest. Do they deserve all this?

starz said...

whoa, its not often that i get serious...ah well

Silvertongue said...

The same with me Hoshi.

starz said...

Heh, cool.


I wish people wouldn't harm animals anymore for unnecessary reasons. We don't need expensive leather or fur rugs, we don't need stuffed animal heads displayed on our walls like trophies, we don't need special soups with shark fins inside, we don't need to kill all those animals for our own greedy reason. If it's for meat, I understand, but even so...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I'm not mad but I shall go into some facts. First off, have you ever seen/read about how animals are slaughtered? Its inhumane and cruel. I won't go into details for the softies here but again its not a pretty sight.

Next I would like to state that I didn't say ANYWHERE that eating animals was bad. I just said that I didn't and won't ever again. For one I have IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) where my digestive juices respond horrible to most foods, and cause immmence pain fo me, and ever since I stopped eating meat, I have felt MUCH better and to be technical meat is scientifically bad for you. Its hard on your digestive system. Look it up. It is true.

I agree with Tom's quote too. "If we CAN live without it then technically we don't NEED it." Its more of a WANT than a necessity of life. Now I know that that's also not true in all cases because some people have disorders that REQUIRE meat. One of my family memebers is like that.

On the 'animals running faster than bullets' and 'giving them a fair chance' I must ask what is so fair about hiding in a bush, tree, long grass, etc. and then shooting the unaware animal? Last I checked that's not very fair. If someone wanted to kill me I'd love a fighting chance to either run-away and if they catch me well, I lose. Or to kick there sorry little human butts.

starz said...

Heh, well said! ^^

Anonymous said...

I didn't say kill them all I just said that if we were meant to eat meat then its okay, some animls are pets but that just derived from us using them 2 help us hunt, like dogs.

Anonymous said...

sorry if I offended you

Anonymous said...

starz.shadow, I think you are completely right,

My dad made one rule clear, you eat what U kill. if I ever find somebody who does that with the fur or tusks than I'll kill them myself and find some animals that would like some food.

Silvertongue said...

It's okay, you didn't offend me. I really don't see how you could, since to offend me you would have to say something about me and even then i wouldn't care.

Silvertongue said...

Actually if you said something about my friends or family, then it would offend me. Anyway, we all were just saying our opinions on this topic.

Silvertongue said...

You're still fine by me Wolfy.

Anonymous said...

thanx tom.

Anonymous said...

I thought that I was introuble and I hate blog detention;)

starz said...

I'm so hungry...I want meat...


I know I'm weird

Anonymous said...

Hai! Tom is right. Again, I saw my chance to state my opinion on animal abuse/slaughter, grabbed it and ran. I LOVE animals and plan on becoming a vet/animal cop or nurse someday. So yeah, get me started and its hard to stop me.

Anonymous said...

I still love you!!! I could never hate anyone. And no. You did NOT offend me.

The Jester said...

so let me just put this out there... if you believe that its ok to kill animals if they can't outrun a bullet then i will hide in a spot that you would never think to look at your house and point a gun at you and if you can outrun the bullet that you didn't even know was there then i say you can live but if you can't out run it then you deserve to die right? because that's what i'm getting from you. Oh and out of curiosity how would you feel if you knew you were born only so you could die?but that was just some logic to throw at your statement beacuse i am taking a guess that you didn't know seiri and me would react so strongly to that ... but in truth you are not at any fault because i don't care what you eat as long as you don't try to get me to eat it. So yes i still love you but i would advise you against starting another discussion about this subject because i will have more input next time
still love you'