Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back to the old background


Anonymous said...

To jaki: yeah drizzt does rock, I skipped the first 2 books though because I cant stand books that are about caves and anything underground;)

dont kno why but thats how it is...

-wolf boy

The Jester said...

hey.. i did close to the same i skipped the first book but only because i saw the second and third at walmart so i decded to buy them to read... still not as bad as what i did with hellsing and chobits though

The Jester said...

oh by the way

me and my friends don't usually put our names on our posts so this is how you figure out who's posting

Green=me (also called by the names shi, codfish, yaki, hikaru, and last but definatly not ruled out queen of sarcasm)

Yellow= lone wolf (also called seiri, jacket, jackette, kaoru, and tuna)

Red= tom (aka magic tupperware "don't ask" , rice riceball, nii san for me among others"

Blue= hoshi (starz.shadow) or blood riceball (once again yeah right) or some other friend of seiri's

Anonymous said...

unusual but i like it.

well mine is pretty complicated 2 , 2 tell who's posting on my blog:
1, scroll down 2 end of post.

(U following so far) name.

yeah pretty hard huh?.

sorry I couldnt

so why all the unusual names?

-wolf boy

The Jester said...

good question... i'll tell you as soon as i fine an answer

Silvertongue said...

Our minds wander.

The Jester said...

oh... i forgot the names baka red... baka yellow... baka blue... baka pink... etc.

The Jester said...

what mind... i don't recall every having anything of the sort

Silvertongue said...

Ya i had forgotten which one i... oh, yellow, never mind...

The Jester said...

wolf boy are you still there... or have you post jumped again?

and yes it is very hard to read peoples names... becides i have an evplanation for the colors in one of the posts... it went something like in case a person can't read

Anonymous said...

what r u talking about,lol?????????

The Jester said...

i think he left us tom

and jaki's not a weird name... just weird spelling


Anonymous said...

nope, I'll stay here.

Silvertongue said...

Hey, so you will.

Anonymous said...

no I' like ur names I ment the ones that went lik yuruki er sumthin'.

The Jester said...

hmmm... no idea

sorry forgot to warn you we are all very random... i hope you won't hate us (*puppy eyes*)

Silvertongue said...

I will join in the puppy eyes

*Puppy eyes*

Anonymous said...

U should see my school friends,... because of me and matt weve all been arested at least twice.

The Jester said...

yurki... do you mean yaki... it's my name with a y in place of the j and speaking of puppies i have to let mine out in a few

Anonymous said...

so I know how old sum of U are but clue me in will ya?

Silvertongue said...

I love your puppies.

Silvertongue said...

Clue you in on what?

Anonymous said...

how old U are.

Anonymous said...

all of U

The Jester said...

hmmm... i've yet to get anyone arrested

what about you tom?
(with the throwing of the desk and all)

Silvertongue said...

Mine is on my profile.

Silvertongue said...

I have yet to be caught much less arrested.

The Jester said... finger's 5... my brain is 2... and my toes and 8

The Jester said...

caught... you mean you are doing naughty things and didn't invite me

Anonymous said...

I broke a dore in the bathroom of a casino, got arested.

I was out 4 hours past curfew and lit an elementary jungle gym on fire, got arested.

Made a molotov cocktail and started a desert fire, had 2 go 2 pyro school.

cops R 2 strict

Silvertongue said...

So your toes were born then your fingers then your "brain" (don't hate me i had to say it)

The Jester said...

sorry... the age thing was a joke... i'm two

Anonymous said...

so jaki ur 15?

Silvertongue said...

I forgot to invite you, my bad. I'll make sure to ask you next time.

The Jester said...

yes... i was pieced togeather... sorry to say it but like naraku

Silvertongue said...

*cringes* Ewwwww...ewwwwww...ewwwww.. narak-ewwwww...

The Jester said...

umm...nope...i'm two... but seriously if you want my age it is only polite you tell me your's first and if it's on your profile... sorry i don't remember it

Silvertongue said...

his age isn't on his.

Silvertongue said...

I think i am the most open person about age, name, etc. on the blog.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... well can I guess than?

whould U tell me if I got it right ?

The Jester said...

sorry tom... maybe i should compare myself to ahh... frakenstien...

exscuse me for a sec. i have to let my dogs out

oh and tom... i have i picture of hiei on my phone as background now

Anonymous said...

tom did U just blog jump?

The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

nope. i have been here the whole time.

The Jester said...

he prouabably did

sorry about the spelling error

Silvertongue said...

where did i blog jump to?

Anonymous said...

ur 16, im guessing.

Anonymous said...

my profile 2 check my age tom

Silvertongue said...

because as far as i know i was here.

Silvertongue said...

i have it open in another tab.

Silvertongue said...

so more like flipping than jumping.

The Jester said...

sorry... i'm back

hiei says hi

Silvertongue said...

Yay Hiei. Tell him hi for me.

The Jester said...

ok... i'm very confused

Silvertongue said...

Confused about what?

The Jester said...

ok... teh-teh, buf-buf, doll face, and buger say hi too

Anonymous said...

who R all these people, and tom I guess thats okay then

Silvertongue said...

Tell them i say hi to them too.

The Jester said...

what you and wolfy were talking about

Anonymous said...

so jaki R U 16?

Silvertongue said...

Ya, you can call me Tom.

Silvertongue said...

The names were her dogs.

Anonymous said...

blog jumping duh!!!!

Anonymous said...

okay if I tell U my age U tell me ur right?

The Jester said...

um... those are my five dogs... but they do consider themselves among thhe People (and no not among the filthy race of humans)

The Jester said...

yep... you got it right you tell me yours i tell you mine

Anonymous said...

so jaki whats ur answere?

Anonymous said...

im 15

The Jester said...

and i'll tell them all you said hi when i feed them tom

Silvertongue said...

Ok, that works for me.

The Jester said...

seriously... you sound a lot older

i'm 2956 years old

Anonymous said...

umm I only have my one dog Myra and she just got hit by a car so she aint doin so good.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, ur a vampire I'm guessing?

Silvertongue said...

That is sad.

Anonymous said...

well if U meant how old literally then I'm only bout 1500

The Jester said...

if you are wondering why i sound so yound it's because i am half elven

the other half is demon... i claim no connection to humanity

Silvertongue said...

A demon actually.

Anonymous said...

bu tI'm 15 on the outside

Anonymous said...

well isnt that diffrent

The Jester said...

aww... that's so sad

and as i said before NO


Silvertongue said...

I will claim to be a spirit being, not bound by time.

The Jester said...

oh... on the outside i'm almost 17

Anonymous said...

ur connection counts as this blog so u rscrewed neway

Anonymous said...

u guys are crazy random , but then again U dont need me telling U that, u already know dont U

Silvertongue said...

Then say Half-demon on your profile.

Silvertongue said...

I am not exactly like puu

The Jester said...

to wolfy:
you meany... you just crushed my pride

besides all the people who help out on this blog are demons, vampires, spirits, or in my case half demons

Anonymous said...

once again anybody want to clarify on the demon baka and puu thing half demon as well, I'm confuzled

Anonymous said...

once again anybody want to clarify on the demon baka and puu thing half demon as well, I'm confuzled

Anonymous said...

'sigh' I apologize

The Jester said...

i thrive in my world of randomness

ok i will change it on my profile then

Silvertongue said...

Puu is a being hatched from an egg fed by Yusuke's spirit energy.

That may be more confusing though.

Silvertongue said...

Baka = idiot.

Anonymous said...

baka then?

Anonymous said...

hmm, sounds like me.

Silvertongue said...

Half Demon = a being with one demon parent.

Silvertongue said...

Does that cover it?

Anonymous said...

what about her other parent?

The Jester said...

it kay... i only stay sad for a short while

Puu=spirit beast in yuyuhakusho(a manga)
and i am a half demon half elf mix... my dad was a demon... my mom was an elf... i can't get any clearer than that

Anonymous said...

is jaki still here?

Silvertongue said...

other parent is a different race.

Anonymous said...

no /u cant can U

The Jester said...


sorry we have a tendancy the through other languages into our talking

it has come to be known as jaki language

you'll pick it up soon

The Jester said...

well if you like i could be more confusing which may end in a better understanding

Anonymous said...

so what's u rfav book? both of U

Anonymous said...

how would that help?

The Jester said...

jaki logic for you

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

I have never put a lot of thought into it, but the Legend of Drizzt series is one of, if not my favorite series.

Anonymous said...

sooo, I'm guessing U kno each other personally

The Jester said...

no idea ... i'm hearing noise down stairs and no one's home but me ... it sounds like a door knob opening... i should prouabably cheak it out

Anonymous said...

yeah its pretty cool huh?

Silvertongue said...

Ya, we do.

Anonymous said...

no idea what?

Silvertongue said...

What book is her favorite i am guessing.

Anonymous said...


The Jester said...

i guess legend of drizzt

which makes sence since i'm the one who forced you to read it tom

Silvertongue said...

True, you did get me hooked.

The Jester said...

hmm... i love how neither of you are concerned with my well being

the again niether am i really

Silvertongue said...

I would worry about the sanity of anyone who tried to break into your house.

Silvertongue said...

And what you would do to them.

Anonymous said...

o yeah , umm... so R U okay, nobody in ur house right?

Silvertongue said...

Would she by typing if there was?

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

yeah... firegolds a good book too... i just haven't finished it four the second time yet or i would let you borrow it

i would say yu yu hakusho but i don't know if i really like the book or just kurama and hiei

maximim ride is good too

you know you really shouldn't ask my favorite book if you're curious just look at my profile it will give you a good enough answer

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, what would U do 2 somebody if they broke in jaki

Silvertongue said...

Under the Favorite Books section mostly.

Anonymous said...

good point

Anonymous said...

so what would U do jaki?

Silvertongue said...

Jaki... She would probably invite them in and serve them tea. Then she would want to know their life story.

To roughly quote Kyo and Yuki.

The Jester said...

yes i would be typing if their was because as you inplyed 1st i don't care 2nd if they got close enough to me to be of consern they would be dead and 3rd i'm too lazy to check anyway

but thanks WOLF BOY for at least showing concers were tom could careless about me he's more worried about the person who broke in

Silvertongue said...

I need to memorize what they say. Oh, crap and i forgot to give you the Ouran dvds, I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, a womans greatest weapon, nagging....
'scary music'

The Jester said...

i don't like tea

Anonymous said...

herbal or regular?

The Jester said...

hmm... i'm not a woman i'm an arogant little girl... and my best defense is cutting people down and making them feel like akito(aka crap)... basically i would make them commit suicide and if that didn't sucseed i'm sure i could come up with another plan

Anonymous said...

which tea dont U ,like?

Anonymous said...

a mini kelle

The Jester said...

either i like water and milk

Silvertongue said...

I like milk. In fact that sounds good. *pours a glass of milk*

Anonymous said...

my friend kelle has gotten huge guys to cry with her remarks, its not just insults, it..more, hard 2 explain.

I try 2 keep her happy always,

The Jester said...

all tea is nasty...

long time no hear from tom...

Silvertongue said...

I just couldn't find a good time to insert myself into the conversation.

Anonymous said...

got 2 go eat Ill be on later if U guys are.

like 45 or an hour. seya.

-wolf boy

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

ahh... i cut people down for the fun of it, it's not a issue of wether or not i'm happy besides i don't get mad just ticked off and even that's hard to do

unless you're mr. aizen

stupid bastard...just thinking about him ticks me off

Silvertongue said...

Well, 150 posts in 2 hours, not bad.

Silvertongue said...

mr. aizen...I cant wait to just randomly shout that out to him.

The Jester said...

ah... i say we take a break until he comes back on... you can call me and we can "talk" ...or listen to eachother breathe

Silvertongue said...

Make sure the other one is still alive.

The Jester said...

yes that will be amusing

The Jester said...

ahh... so you shouldn't try to swallow cupcakes whole...

so if anyone say my dogs eat they would think they we didn't feed them for weeks at a time

i want candy

The Jester said...

"I don't care; they looked at me the wrong way so they are gonna die."~Gaara

The Jester said...

"It's too bad that i don't think of you as my big brother at all; if you get in my way i'll kill you"~Gaara

Anonymous said...

wow I just get on and now I got to go watch a movie,lol. I 'll comment in like 3 hours,.... sorry,.. if ur not on no prob.

an dI still dont know what ur talking about in ur comments lol


Anonymous said...

wow, I've only gotten as far as 96 comments in one post

Silvertongue said...

We got 177 in like 2 hours before.

Anonymous said...

i only got them in like 1 hour