Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to School (Day 2)

Well today was the second half of the first day back to school. More of the same stuff as last time but still a good day.

I started with US History which was just boring. We listened to her talk about the year the whole time, and when we went down to get our school text books we got there late and there were too many people there for them to finish getting everyone. I was right at the door to be next when they said no more too, needless to say i was pissed off. Next was BCIS 2 with a different teacher than i had last year which saddened me because i liked my old teacher. We just did some quick assignment in the class. Afterwards i had Physics (YAY!!!) with Jaki and we found a teacher that we like, and will inadvertently scare off. He did not give us a long boring lecture on how his class will be, he even listened to both of us ramble on randomly. Last period i had Computer Science 2 with one of my favorite teachers ever, Mr. Mitchell. We just talked about how the year will be for a little bit, then introduced ourselves to the class, and finally just talked the rest of the period about random stuff, wherever the conversation led us. We did this because the computers in the room were not ready yet so we could not do any work on them. That and the class is laid back. Well i hope everyone is having as good a day as me.



starz said...

you guys do US history in high school?

Silvertongue said...

Is there one in middle school? I can't remember.

starz said...

there's one in middle school
and so far, it's soo boring

Silvertongue said...

Ok then i do remember right. Ya, the one in high school is more in depth than the one in middle school, and with a harder curriculum.

starz said...

. . .


high school sounds SO fun