Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day Back To School

Well, today was the first day back to school and it was... amusing, tiring, stupid, fun, and just about everything else. I will start at the beginning...

I woke up at 6:00 and did my morning routine. I got a ride with Jaki from her dad to school to find out that they wont let people in the library yet. The library is like home to us so being homeless was not fun. So we ended up making the lunch area into a temporary meeting spot. Then when it came time for classes to start we all went to our separate rooms for 'orientation', a room to get us our schedules and any other papers we need to get. After that ended we went to a shortened 1st period, i had pre-calculus and had to take some notes. Second period was Drawing 2 with me, Jaki and two other friends so i believe it will be fun. However, we will be getting assigned seats so the likelihood of us being at the same table is...doubtful. Next was Basic Computer Tech where i found out that i was getting a different lunch period than i had been told, now i have lunch with Lone Wolf, Tim, and Sky. For last period i have English which was... interesting. I got to write a very depressing/evil/homicidal poem (I will type it if anyone wants to see/hear it) and await the reaction from the teacher after reading it.

Now for some bad news. Chase or as we sometimes call him, Momo, moved to Arizona (I think that is where) over the summer. He was our anime club president and friend. This leaves open spots in the anime club hierarchy that need filling (Hopefully by Riceballs) , but more importantly it means that Mr. Aizen's plan to get rid of Momo has succeeded. Truly a dark day in the school's history.

Well that was the first day back, i will report news of the second day/first day of the last four classes tomorrow.


Here is the poem I wrote/filled in the blanks to.

Today I'm canceling humans.
Because of the rampancy of them, a virus.
I'm getting rid of life.
Because of the pain it brings, a nightmare.
I'm releasing their souls from physical ties.
I'm doing like soldiers do when they fight, writing off casualties and forgiving nobody.
There are some things that need to be written off.
Some people too.

*Italicized words were what i filled in the blanks to.


Anonymous said...

I love you Tom! Heh, Mr.Aizen Got rid of Momo...poor Momo.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 hear that poem.

Silvertongue said...

Okay, ill post it under this.

The Jester said...

so tom now your pic is a flying bird right

The Jester said...

so headed to my blog now

Silvertongue said...

It is basically the same picture just without "2 sea lions nuzzling each other."

starz said...

I like your poem

Silvertongue said...

I think it was prompted by the animal discussion, but i can't say for sure since i have no idea what my "brain" thought at the time.