Saturday, August 4, 2007

helping vent

so i totally agree with seiri... it's not funny


so it think its ironic how people can see millions of flaws in us (vegetarians) and yet are blind to their own flaws... like just because something is a tradition DOES NOT make it OK... if you are going to go with that logic than i wish to enact upon ancient tradition that says i can simply kill people for offending me... what would you think of that... or how about the tradition of killing people who make one mistake in their life and then pay for it with their blood is that an OK tradition too?

i would like to know what makes people think that some traditions should be kept and others not

and to the people wishing to know how this pertains to seiri's ranting... she will know and so will tom but for all of you other people out there this is a certain "discussion" that yami-day said i would not be able to win and i take that as a challenge so I WILL WIN

you don't know what you got yourself in to for challenging me


Anonymous said...

Hey! Aparently I can't leave yet cuz' my parents have my truck. LOL!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH!!!!! It won't let me edit my posts. Jaki, can you make the font on my last two posts normal please. The big font is messing up the blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Tom you're song plays all the way. Jaki's on the other hand only plays 30 seconds of the song. I think it just depends on what the user felt like uploading onto the computer for people to use.

The Jester said...

ok... and in case yami day reads this tell him if he wishes to contunue this argument i can and will find enough hard evidence to even break a stubborn kid (like him) 's ideas

Anonymous said...

Yes! I do understand which leads to another annoying subject that I debated with Yay-Mi-Day about: Us not wanting to eat meat. He quoted from the Bible, "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.'" AND THEN he had the nerve to say, "What else were animals put on the earth for?" I went, "Love, compainionship, friendship....and I suppose for those of us who choose to eat them." he laughed and said that they were put here to be eaten....

SO ANGRY again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shi!!! For fixing my font size!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

The Jester said...

there you go

posts all better

i love you seiri

don't let meany face upset you

The Jester said...

oh and god simply said we were to have domain over them... he said nothing about us eating tham or HAVING to eat them

and you're welcome

Anonymous said...

I'll try. If I didn't have you guys I don't know what I'd do. Well, I actually think that I would probably go jog two or three miles with Toby to burn off some steam. That's what I use to do with my dogs. Now I call you guys OR (Thanks to this AMAZING blog) I post/discuss it with you guys. I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know. He tries to hard to prove a point though. He then said something about Abraham and killing sheep and something God said. I don't know...

Silvertongue said...

Glad we can help you vent your anger