Thursday, August 23, 2007


im not really used to group blogs
but i guess this is my first one...
someone sent me the invite and i decided to join
if thats ok with all you guys...?

well bi 4 now


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Silvertongue said...

Nice to meet you, I am Tom.

Anonymous said...

whats up, I guess I'm joining soon so whats up I'm wolfy or wolf boy, but
(I really prefer wolfy)

yeah jaki just gave me the wierd nicknames.

Silvertongue said...

You forgot Hi, and Okami san

Anonymous said...

well duh! those r awsome 2, thanks tom

Silvertongue said...

No problem.

Silvertongue said...

Hey, Tenshi(rebel.angel.7) what color do you want to post in?

Anonymous said...

dude she's not on either

Silvertongue said...

It's for when she comes back.

Anonymous said...

HOW ARE YA DOING!?!?!?! rite now im lookin at the comments posted by..tom and wolfboy...and it says its like 12 sumthing...but on my clock its only 11:51.....hi guys!!!!! ummmm and why is ur name tenshi????? anyways....i luv ya!!! and hi...wolfboy and tom! u dont know kanga :). im soooo bored. i plan to leave the LONGEST COMMENT EVER IN THE HISTORY OF COMMENTS FOR BLOGS!!!!! WOO HOO!!! *pumps fist in air* how are ya doing??????????????????? school in 4 days.....cant wait ta see you.......... :) say hi to julia..............ahahahahahahahahaha so hyper!!!
kk bibi!!!!
MUAH!!!!! <3 kanga!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have one more thing! michi.
does lili ever post on this blog???? cuz im trying to find something that she posted but i cant find any posts and i realllyy wanna comment on her post!!!! kk bibi for nowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Silvertongue said...

Hi, tenshi is a nickname i just decided to call her by, it means angel. Nice to meet you new person.

Anonymous said...

is she really 32.???

Anonymous said...

hi guys!!! im so bored! where is TENSHI *wiggles eyebrows and giggles* ahhh love it! nice to meet u too! and no shes not 32! why would i be best friends with a 32 year old when im only 13! WHERE ARE U MICHI????? i love posting comments sooo much fun!!!!!! hey michi? did u vote on my poll??????????? i did! i think i was the only one who said juicy couture. or maybe there was another person
o well! im gonnapost on lilis post now good byeeeee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YOUR AN ANGEL MICHI!!!!!! and im the DEVIL!!! }:-)
jk no im not!!!! hey what is devil in that language of!?

The Jester said...


hey rouge(rebel angel)

guess what ... to wolfy and tom:
seiri bought me a magnisium fire starter... i'm happy

The Jester said...

hey are you guys still on

Anonymous said...

yeah i'm on jaki

Anonymous said...

ooooooo, fire starter, hmmm.magnisium, I have one of those

The Jester said...

my computer hates me...

sorry wolfy that i didn't respond back i was at seiri's house when i posted then she brought me home and i was cooking dinner

anyway... yeah i had been looking for one of the magnesium starers for awile so i was very happy when seiri said she would buy it for me... her one stipulation was that i don't burn down my house with it; she never said i couldn't burn down someone elses house though...(*cackles manically while thinking of tom's house on fire*)

anyway if you are on please talk to me ... i'm lonely... and that goes for anyone who's on

Silvertongue said...

I am on. I'll talk.

Anonymous said...

hi tom I just got back on.

Anonymous said...

I think she's gone again

Silvertongue said...

Hey, how have you been?

Anonymous said...

I'm good. I just wish I had a place where I could play with fire and not get caught,.

Anonymous said...

so U guys are really into the japanese stuff huh?

Silvertongue said...

Desert? Mountains? Secret underground base?

Silvertongue said...

You could say that...

Anonymous said...

damn all I have is the secret base.

Silvertongue said...

Concrete nuclear blast shelter?

Anonymous said...

I guess I can go to the desert but I want to post it on my blog so U guys can see it

Anonymous said...

I dont know how 2 load pics or vid onto my blog though

Silvertongue said...

I have always wanted to try to make a paint ball gun fire explosive rounds.

Silvertongue said...

But i dont have a paint ball gun...or exploding rounds... damn

Anonymous said...

lol, okay, that I can do.

Silvertongue said...

You can get a laptop w/ a webcam and record it then post it when you get back.

Anonymous said...

the only other thing I do better than fire is bombs, I know how 2 make any bomb U can think of

Anonymous said...

but how do I post it on a post???

Silvertongue said...

Upload it to youtube then embed it into the blog.

Anonymous said...

I dont know how 2 load it 2 youtube, I dont even know how 2 start

Anonymous said...

do U have any vids?

Silvertongue said...

hmmm... wait a sec while i type it.

Silvertongue said...

1) Sign up for a youtube account.
2) Click upload in the top right.
3) Select the file on your computer.
4) Click upload & name it.
5) Click embed, under the video.
6) Select the blogger thing and put in the website name.
7) Tell it to post to the blog.

Anonymous said...

I got 2 get an account?

ugh, they dont make it easy, but thanx tom.

Silvertongue said...

I dont have any videos that i made... unless you want to count the waffle thing...(looks at Lone Wolf) *Busts out laughing*

Silvertongue said...

Well...can you send a video in an email?

Silvertongue said...

If so i can do it for you.

Anonymous said...

I might be able 2 do that,

sorry, btw, Im technologically impaired.

Silvertongue said...

I am technologically savvy

Anonymous said...

first I got 2 make one so it might take me a few days.

how do U add music 2 the vid

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

...with a video editing program. But it isn't necessary. and a good one will cost some money

The Jester said...

hey concrete bomb shelter... we have one of those don't we nii san... you know case it rains cats ans dogs...

sorry just jumping into the conversation... my computer booted me off so i was letting it rest for awlie to see if it would be happer with me

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... well I will think on it

Silvertongue said...

YAY!!! Jaki is back.

Anonymous said...

hey jaki

The Jester said...

sorry *happier

Anonymous said...

tell ur computer I'm mad at it for bieng so mean

Silvertongue said...

Wow, i didn't catch that.

The Jester said...

hello... praying my computer is happy with me again

Silvertongue said...

Shhhh... the computer hears you... it knows things...evil things...

Anonymous said...

pray hard

Anonymous said...


The Jester said...

no i don't think i'll tell it that it may get mad again and it's happy now

Silvertongue said...

I will join in praying.

The Jester said...

i have aim...

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to the song diary of jane

Silvertongue said...

I don't

The Jester said...


Anonymous said...

I need aim, how do U get it?

The Jester said...

minnow says hi

Anonymous said...

tom U need it 2

Anonymous said...

hi minnow

Silvertongue said...

I just dont want the AIM client on my computer it makes it slower.

The Jester said...

no idea... it kinda was another one of those accident things

Anonymous said...

jaki how do I get aim, tom 2

Silvertongue said...

Have minnow post

Anonymous said...

toms right

Silvertongue said...

Accident, like the blog.

Anonymous said...

any kind of instant messaging

The Jester said...

does it ... maybe that's why my computer hates me

by the way minnow is my stuffed fox seiri bought me

Silvertongue said...

Lol, wow we had 6 posts in 1 minute.

Anonymous said...

the blog was an accident?

Anonymous said...

ow okay

Silvertongue said...

The blogs got started by accident, well the first one did, then it kind of snowballed.

The Jester said...

yes accident like the blog... and me deleting the online pass word...

i really should quit clicking on things that i don't know what they do

The Jester said...

hai... a jaki accident ... they aren't always bad

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

(sees button with 'Do Not Push' on it)... ... ... ... *Push*... ... ... ...

Anonymous said...

hai? whats that

Silvertongue said...

Fill in conclusion here

The Jester said...

... I'M COLD...

thats suprising...

i almost expect snow to start falling

Anonymous said...

hey thats whay I do tom?

Anonymous said...

I'm planning on getting expelled from high school with an explosive smoke charge

Silvertongue said...

Texas snow or real snow?

The Jester said...

hai= yes

what's lmao mean... we should create dictionaries for each other

Anonymous said...

the ingreidients cost alot though ,...ALOt

Silvertongue said...

Oh yeah, do you know a good recipe for a smoke bomb?

Silvertongue said...

Dont ask why i know because i dont know why either.

Anonymous said...

yep tom:

sugar and potassium nitrate.

The Jester said...

real snow... and to wolfy... HUH...what are you talking about

(*very very confusedid*)

Anonymous said...

about 10 pounds of sugar and $175 dollars worth of potassium nitrate

Silvertongue said...

Or Leaning Me Against Oranges

Silvertongue said...

I made the last one up if you couldn't tell.

Anonymous said...

(sigh) jaki

Silvertongue said...

I don't have 175 dollars let alone access to that chemical.

Anonymous said...

we could tell

Anonymous said...

I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jester said...

... hmmm... do you watch any anime wolfy

Silvertongue said...

... or i might... *Looks for Ms. Reyna*

Anonymous said...

and It's gonna be my crown jewell

Anonymous said...

did I spell that wrong?

Anonymous said...

yeah I do

The Jester said...

ms. reyna doesn't hide her chemicals well does she

Silvertongue said...

Ya you did.

Anonymous said...

naruto, FMA, stuff like that

Anonymous said...

no tom I mean I do watch anime,silly

Silvertongue said...

Ha, true. Or the body bag (i.e. the fire blanket)

The Jester said...

what kind of anime (looking for titles)

Silvertongue said...

I was saying you spelled Jewel wrong

The Jester said...

yes... i still ned to post things from the RBR

Anonymous said...

idk, inuyash, full metal, trinity blood, cowboy bepop, ...etc

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

sorry tom (puppy eyes)

The Jester said...

so... i'm bored... and cold which is starting to creep me out...

maybe i'm getting sick... or maybe a vampire came into my room last night and sucked my blood

Silvertongue said...

That's fine *pats head*

The Jester said...

maybe it was seiri

Anonymous said...

(waggs tail)

its okay jaki, then ur like me

Silvertongue said...

Jaki isn't supposed to be cold... that goes against everything we know.

The Jester said...

yes RBR... hey... wolfy would like our idea of how to use a fire extinguisher

Anonymous said...

And I have like a temerature malfuction with my body anyway

Anonymous said...

okay, u have my attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Silvertongue said...

He would love all of our "ideas"

The Jester said...

yes.... i'm suposed to me hot and seiri cold

Silvertongue said...

I had to say it.

Anonymous said...

I want 2 see if ur more baka than me

The Jester said...

yes... so what's your temperture malfunction... mine is noramly about 101-103 or higher as normal

Silvertongue said...

I might take a while to type the whole book...and replicate our raining cats and dogs page...

Silvertongue said...

Jaki, you should let be borrow the RBR so i can scan the pages into my computer.

Anonymous said...

I'm freezing durring summer and sweeating from heat durring winter

The Jester said...

yes... hey wolfy did you know if it's raining cat's and dogs you should go it a bomb shelter

and more baka maybe not... but do have many interesting theries

Silvertongue said...

My internal temperature is fine, my external one is cold though.

Anonymous said...

I wish I went 2 the same school as, u guys( mine sux by the way)and ur fun

Anonymous said...

I dont have one jaki

The Jester said...

i'm always sweating from heat and i could me standing in a freeze (thinks of yesterday)

so what state/country do you live in

and sure you can borrow my book/ our book tom

Silvertongue said...

You should move down here... I'll house you for a while.

Anonymous said...

tha'd be cool tom,. I live in vegas

Anonymous said...

in fact I'm going 2 taxas next summer to be with my friend matt.

Silvertongue said...

It would be fun.

Anonymous said...

its like 110 right now

Silvertongue said...

Where does he live?

Anonymous said...

where in texas do U live???

The Jester said...

he like us... he really likes us

thats kinda suprising since me and you togeather usually annoys people tom

hmmm... lets see... we got locked out of class, told the answer to every question, and asked by the princapal why we were in school... people really don't want us to get an education

Anonymous said...

las vegas, nevada, btw

The Jester said...

we live near austin

Anonymous said...

hmm, me and my friends took the teachers computer keaboard , broke it in halk and threw it away, so she couldnt work

Silvertongue said...

I live in Leander TX, But close enough to call it Austin TX

The Jester said...

nevada ... i've been there

i like colorado and illinios they are cold

Anonymous said...

my friend steven put a male extremety shaped lolli pop on her desk

The Jester said...

... i forgot what i was going to say

Anonymous said...

I like florida

Silvertongue said...

I've been to Colorado, my cousins live there. My dad has been to Nevada

Anonymous said...

U remember yet jaki?

The Jester said...

oh yea... he yif wolfy's name is hi and mine is shi... does that make us pronouns (hi pronounced he ans shi pronounced she)

The Jester said...

so where does your friend live...if it's close enough you/we could visit

Anonymous said...

lol,.. that makes sence I guess

Anonymous said...

no idea, I'll tell U later tonigh when my mom tells me

Anonymous said...

no idea, I'll tell U later tonigh when my mom tells me

The Jester said...

sorry he yif= hey if

Silvertongue said...

Deviating from topic, Jaki, i think we should act like Sentarō and Kiyone from bleach for a day. They are the ones from 13th squad who are always in competition with each other.

The Jester said...

okay... by back hurts... someone rip it out for me

and while your at it i wouldn't mind if you amputated my leg as well

Anonymous said...

what ?

Silvertongue said...

I'll give you my spine.

The Jester said...

yeah ... i need a bit more info then that tom... like what they look like for instance or what they say

Silvertongue said...

Do you have any pain medication?

Silvertongue said...

You should take some in case it might help.

Anonymous said...

btw, I'm not good with knives,I'm not emo! but I juggle knives and spin em, U know baka things.

I have 33 scars on my right arm JUST from knives

not counting numerous shrapnel from explosives or burns

The Jester said...

no your's would make me too tall

to wolfy: i have a theory that causing more pain to already presant pain makes it feel better

Anonymous said...

yes it does, Ive tested

The Jester said...

oh... i have about that many scars form animals(mostly puppies) and expiraments

Anonymous said...

my new scar didnt heal right cuz i refused 2 get stitches

Silvertongue said...

I can post the picture of them if you want jaki. i can take it off afterwards

Anonymous said...

what pic? what off?

Silvertongue said...

of the characters i mentioned

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

So, should i post it or will we not risk crashing your comp?

The Jester said...

so are you saying you agree with me and will therefore rip out my spine to make it feel better

and yes tom i have an entire bottle of prescription pain killers but seeing as i wouldn't take them when the doctors told me to i sure as hell aren't going to take them now just because of a little annoyance with my back

Anonymous said...

I got 2 go 2 the vet, I'll be back later, (stupid dog getting hit by a car) well I'll get on later, seya

Silvertongue said...


Silvertongue said...

So when will you take the pain meds?

The Jester said...

no posting pics... just print it out and give it to me on sat or sun... and wolfy you sound a lot like me.."never wantin' to do anything they way people tell us to.. even if we don' make sence... better to be messy on your own than right under someone elses watch. Am i right?"~jin

The Jester said...

never MWA-HA-HA

Silvertongue said...

Ok then.

The Jester said...

wolfy left... he left me (*crys*)

anyway i think i'll take a nap you should call me when he gets back on... on second thought wolfy could just call me...

should i give him my number

The Jester said...

... so "what says you"~ Aragorn

Silvertongue said...

I'll ask him next time he is on to give it to us.

The Jester said...

nii san where are you

Silvertongue said...

Provided he doesn't read the post.

Silvertongue said...

At the computer.

The Jester said...

no i ment should i give him my number

Silvertongue said...

Ah, just so long as it is deleted after he gets it, like your email you gave to hoshi

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