Thursday, August 23, 2007


im not really used to group blogs
but i guess this is my first one...
someone sent me the invite and i decided to join
if thats ok with all you guys...?

well bi 4 now


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 243 of 243
The Jester said...

nani... oro... naze... doshite

Silvertongue said...

Speaking of hoshi where is she?

The Jester said...

ah... yes i prouabaly should delete that... one sec

Silvertongue said...

Ah, glad i served as a reminder.

Silvertongue said...

And do you like the quote from Tosen(Blind guy) in the last post?

The Jester said...

hai... no idea where hoshi is... maybe she is mia like seiri

hey seiri, hoshi, jaki, hi, shi, okami...

they all rhyme

Silvertongue said...

Because of the i.

The Jester said...

don' rememder it post it as a comment again please

The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

"Without a higher cause behind it, justice is nothing more than slaughter. But slaughter in the name of that higher cause is justice."
-- Kaname Tosen

The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

I like the first part of the quote better.

The Jester said...

oooooooh yes me l ikey a lo t. .. s od oy ou wa ntt o tal kon t he ph on ebe ca use i ts qu ic ker?

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

i like the last part because now we can slaughter people and say it's justice

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

kay... talk to you in a few

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

whats up tom, sadly, yes I did read, so I guess we could do a phone number exchange and then delete these comment.

Anonymous said...

I hope U get on soon

Anonymous said...

TOM! JAKI! where R U.*cry*

I'll be good, *grinning evily*

please*puppy eyes*

Anonymous said...

tom I'm on but U dont know cause the blog wont show the new comment on the post!!argggggggg

Silvertongue said...

Sorry i was caught up in finishing reading a book for school, since it starts on monday i thought i should get done soon. But i am back now if you are still here.

Anonymous said...

u guys better get on quick my moms kicking me off so get ON! then mabey I can talk on the phone.

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm here

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

umm. my mom is kicking me off do I get a phone number or do I have 2 give U puppy eyes?

Silvertongue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

okay i'll call U want mine?

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

delete these comments when were done right?

Silvertongue said...


Silvertongue said...

that works.

Silvertongue said...

I'll see if i can get jaki on too

Anonymous said...

seya tom.

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

Dot dot Dot dot dot dot dot dot ! ! ! You guys have 242 comments! Does no life ring a bell? Several? LOL! Anyways, I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm included in that love *puppy eyes*

Anonymous said...

Is everybody gone ??????????????

dang, not again

Silvertongue said...

Sorry Fullmetal Alchemist stole my attention from the blog.

starz said...

hey you two!! ^^ lol
glad to see you joined...heh

...i sent you that invite...

Michelle said...

i didnt know i was gonna get so many comments on my first post!!!

thanks kanga
and nice to meet u everyone...:)

im thirteen btw...

and i LOVE the name Tenshi!!!
but u can call me Michi or Tenshi...

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