Thursday, August 2, 2007

I have selected my color.

Well, if it's fine I'll be red. Now to all who have not met me before, I am Tom/Magic Tupperware/Rice Riceball. I am an anime freak, video game junkie, and all around weird guy. I have always lived in Texas and THERE IS NO EXTREME SOUTHERN DRAWL HERE!!! Geez, but anyway me and a group of friends have banded together to form a series of confusing blogs. So if you would just enjoy the randomness of this blog instead of trying to make sense of it, it will be better.



Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!!! YESH!!! I love the last part!

Silvertongue said...

Thanks. Sorry for the wait.

The Jester said...

i liky tooo... we have had none of my sarcasm yet.. crys a little

The Jester said...

sorry i'm going back and forth between blogs... so sorry

Silvertongue said...

You're right we are way past due. Quickly say something sarcastic!!

Anonymous said...

...why would Jaki say anything sarcastic?

The Jester said...

i love the conversation you guys had on my blog and don't be mean to my baby, eric, he deserves to have what ever he wants

Silvertongue said...

YAY!!! I was the one to prompt the release of Jaki's sarcasm once again.

Anonymous said... comment.

The Jester said...

sarcasm... there

Anonymous said...

Don't even think about saying it!

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

and no you didn't tom i didn't even know you wrote that untill after i commented about your conversation on my blog

Anonymous said...

Shi, go read the last few comments on "The Insane One."

The Jester said...

yes lw that's why i'm sarcasm queen and not you... but if you hang around me much longer you will definatlly have a princess position at least

The Jester said...

kay then i'm posting somethnig

Anonymous said...

...if I had as much sarcasm as you my parents would have put me in a grave when I was five. No offense of course.

Anonymous said...

Do you agree with posting something around seven every morning? Hai?

Anonymous said...

...I just read your 'ewww...' comment about getting up that early. Nevermind.

Silvertongue said...

As i said, i will.

The Jester said...

yes most people's parent's would put them in a grave... anyway we should pick one thing to comment on and stick with it i have to jump around just to get a whole conversation... then again the conversation prouably does the same yea so i can almost garentte(yea major spelling error) that i won't be getting up at seven but i will go on around 11 if i can... if not i will be on a night because my parents don't really care what i do with my time at night but during the day they usually need my help with stuff so sayonara till tommorrow

nighty night night
