Thursday, August 9, 2007

i'm back...for now guys posted a lot in the two days i was gone... and sorry but tommorrow i will proubably be gone too because i am helping my mom fix her classroom for school...the entire story of my trip is on the blog spot ( oh and tommorrow i am getting a haircut and i am happy... i so need a's too long and yet at the same time too short to pull into a ponytail so i am happy to finnally be getting a haircut... i have been trying to get one since my dad's retirement in july... so you can see how well that has been going... by the way seiri i am looking forward to tennis on friday... it will be a nice time of "relaxation"...

to all of the new people i'm sorry i wasn't able to welcome each of you as you came on but i am happy i am able to welcome you now... so welcome

seiri and tom i look forward to looking at all your posts later, but for now i did you good night because it is like...dark and i have to get up early (although i think it is accually morning due to the fact that i am more nocturnal than not)

anyway i hope to be able to get on tommorrow, but if not then i will talk to you on friday


Anonymous said...

I will go take a look at your eventful trip. Poor Hiei!

Blood Riceball said...

yo dark night. you are back hmm. LOL