Friday, August 17, 2007


So I was on my porch feeding my guinea pigs who were squealing their heads off demanding veggies, when I came across...IT

IT is a HUGE spider (ok, so about the size of a mini snickers bar) that was just danging there...*shudder* IT is black and terrifying

I think my dad shall have to take over feeding my guinea pigs from now on...seeing how I don't think I will EVER go out on the porch again
The sad thing dad will just say "Its a little spider...if it bites you, bite it back" He says that...every single time I scream for him to 'get rid' of a spider that's in my path. *sighs* that I think about guinea pigs are on the porch...with IT...alone with spiders bite guinea pigs/or suck them dry?????? uh oh


Anonymous said...

LOL! Do you have Arachnophobia? I have a friend at the place I keep my horse that is. Its funny cuz' she won't open a gate if there is a spider on it and she demands me to get rid of it. I won't kill it though. I just swipe it off the fence. I can't kill anything unless its attacking me or if its a mosquitoes. I HATE those nasty itchy bugs. YUCK!

By the way, no. Spiders don't eat animals. Not the little ones like that anyways. Now tarantulas do. They eat small animals such as mice or birds. As long as its not a tarantula they're fine. If it the poor pitful little creatures.

Oh, you never told us your guinea pigs' names. What are they?

starz said...

Ah...well, first off...I think I have 80% Arachniphobia
If I see a spider on a gate, I would take a stick and fling it about 10 feet away and use the stick to poke the gate open...^^*

Well do they suck them dry? O.o like vampires...

Their names are Huamao and, see if any of you guys can understand their names...x]

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i finally found a post!!! yes!!!

Anonymous said...

hi lilio!!!!i mena lili!!!
typing problems!