Friday, August 3, 2007

Lone Wolf's Driving Theories

Okay, so I was driving home from H.E.B this morning and I pulled out in front of one of those huge 18-wheelers. In the process of doing so I was thinking to myself about one of my theories I have about driving.

Theory One: When you need to pull out of an area (Store, house, hospital, etc.) and there has just been a red light and there are a lot of cars taking off and you don't feel like sitting for all of them.....pull out in front of an 18-wheeler, dump truck, or cement truck because it takes them longer to speed up after a red light and if you do get hit it will most likely be a quick death. Quick and firey maybe, but quick.

Theory Two: When driving on a high-way with two lanes you find someone riding too close to the back of your vechical (when you're driving the speed limit) don't speed up. Instead trap them behind you by getting right beside a car in another lane. The crazed-up speed demon will either A: get the message and slow down (then you let them pass); B: Get even more furious and move back and forth in the lanes; C: Go down the middle lane in their crazy state just to get around you; or D: Ride even closer to the back of you while cursing and flicking you off. If you don't accomplish slowing them down at least you will have accomplished your entertainment need for the day.

Theory Three(Note: this is not really a theory. More of "I'm Bored. What can I do?" type of suggestion.): When you get bored driving with your right hand only (or whichever hand is your more dominant) try driving with your left hand ( I don't recommend no hands...not that I would know that...its not like I tried to drive with my knees or anything...).

Okay, I'm done now. I don't think that anyone should try 'Theory Three' actually, please don't. My mom drives with her knees sometimes and it scares me SO much. Only try to drive with your non-dominant hand when there is no one around to injure.

I changed my font back to normal cuz' Large was cutting words off for whatever reason.

That's it for now!!!!


~Lone Wolf~"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not can say to this mountain, "Go and throw yourself into the sea," and it will be done." ~Matthew 21:21 NIV

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