Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ok then Intros

Welcome to the Riceball Alliance. This is a side blog created by your one and only permently drunken friend Jaki or as i prefer to be called Shi. I now introduce my friends... Lone Wolf author of jacket something jacket... well yea ask her website... and of course Magic Tupperware aka tom(don't askl how he got his name because i doubt any of us remember... yea so i appoligize in advance for my spelling and lack of capital letters and apploigize if we end up using this as a chat space


Anonymous said...

Too late on the whole chat space thing.

Anonymous said...

See! I'm already doing it! YESH! GO ME!!!

Silvertongue said...

Hey no fair i was about to post about that.

Silvertongue said...

I turn my back for 2 seconds...

Anonymous said...

Ya snooze ya lose!!!

Silvertongue said...

Thanks for reminding me i need to set my alarm.

By the way the snooze reminded me

The Jester said...

Well this will be funny if anyone visits because no one will have any idea what we are talking about... ha suckers