Wednesday, August 29, 2007


i really gotta get used to this blog thing

i keep messing up!!

i mean

the previous post... i typed the title

and hit "enter"

and they published it!!!

i ment to hit tab...

im very clumsy at times...


sorry bout not posting on my blog...and this blog...
ive been busy

as u started and hmwk already

thats my school!!!

i have a pretty ok scheduale...

here it is...

1st period: Algerbra 8 Honors w/ Mrs. Hershey
2nd period: P.E w/ Mr. Madrid
3rd period: English 8 Honors w/ Ms. Stevens
4th period: Spanish 2 w/ Mrs. Cunningham
5th period: US history w/ Mr. Dickinson
6th period: Physical Science w/ Mr. Dubois

so yeah
i kinda hoped for Mrs.Griffen for math
and P.E 3rd or 4th period

other than that...its an ok scheduale

bak to hmwk...

-tenshi ♥


starz said...

grrr, light blue's me color!
oh well, I'll live
it doesn't really matter...x]

how's US history w/ Mr. Dickinson? I thought he was BEYOND boring at first...but he turned out ok. I have history 6th period...
doesn't our school look SOO exciting?
and Michi, have you seen Mr. Grear (dunno how to spell) recently?? i thought he more "Young-uns" for us... x]

Anonymous said...

Man, your I miss Middle School. That was back when it was easy...*daze* Anyways, here's my schedual.

1st: Health Science Technology 2
2nd: Health Science Technology 2 Contniue...
3rd: AP Environmental Science
4th: ACC English 4
5th: Intro To Vet Technology
6th: Student Aide
7th: AP Government/Economics
8th: Pre-Calculus (Worst class! I HATE math SO VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!! DIE MATH DIE! *stabs imaginary numbers*

If you don't know AP = Advanced Placement and ACC = Austin Community College classes. Yes, when you're in high school you can take college courses.

One last thing before I go, try not to post a lot of pics cuz' it causes some peoples computers to freeze. Mines fine with it but Jaki's.....well, takes almost 5mins for hers to load the blog without pics. Thanks!


~Lone Wolf~

Silvertongue said...

Who is your pre-cal teacher Lone Wolf?

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

Ah...I have no idea who that is. I have heard the name before, but still no idea.

starz said...

thanks for giving me nightmares of high school work!

just kidding

...high school is scary...

i hate math too, high-five!

The Jester said...

still not as bad as my schedual??

1st AP english
2nd drawing 2
3rd AP US history
4th ASL 2
5th AP statistics (aka math)
6th AP computer science
7th AP physics
8th AP Pre-calculus

*asl= american sign language
