Monday, August 20, 2007

Ranting and raving jaki style

So... if anyone can tell me how the following situation makes sence at all please do...

so i went in to get a schedule change because i didn;t think i would be able to pass latin three and when i asked to get out of it he (the "counsler") was like, so... you're getting out of the ib program, and i said no i was getting out of latin but would still go for the ib certificate and you know what he says next .... he says ...well, we really don't have room in the ib program for people who are only going for the certifricate, but what i don't get is they had PLENTY of room when i was getting the diploma but NO THEY SUDDENLY DON'T HAVE ROOM WHEN I DROP LATIN... BECAUSE OH THEIR PRECIOUS STUDENTS MIGHT NOT GET THE ATTENTION THEY NEED BECAUSE I AM SO GOING TO TAKE UP SO MUCH OF THE TEACHER'S TIME...


so yeah, my prudent silents is going to be SUCH a bother to the other students....

oh and this is the greatest part... the councler was trying to convince me that i would be able to pass latin by saying that i have like a B average in the class... and i said, yes... that was because the teacher gave me leeway...
and do you know what he retorts back...

"well your science isn't much better, in fact it's worse"

that @#^&$%^& (insert bad word here)


yeah he makes a gggreat counciler

i hope no one ever goes to him for suicide he because the only help he'll give you is more reasons to commit suicide

Yippy-kay-a mother _ _ _ _ _ _


Silvertongue said...

I cannot believe that BAKA!!!! That pisses me off so much. What is there a waiting list or something... NO!! Ten why do they push people to try for the IB program if they wont let them go for a certificate. They will reward you for failing to get the IB diploma but wont reward you for trying to get a certificate. I will say it again... BAKA!!!

Silvertongue said...

Ok, sorry Jaki... Then*

The Jester said...

agreed...he's a major baka

The Jester said...

It's hell, I'm in hell, I just know it... eternally and brimstone... burning flesh... abandon all hope..."

starz said...

Uh...huh? o.o
sorry...I wish I could actually understand the situation...komenasie
sry sry sry...:(
I'm just slow...

well anyway, I agree with you! ^^ If you say he's a baka, then he's a baka!

The Jester said...

thanks for the support... in basis i was trying to take the hardest classes in school that i could, but an unfortunate reality occured to me that i couldn't pass latin if i took it so i got out of the class and by doing this i could no longer be in the program i wanted to be in according to the counsler...

sorry for not making the situation clear... you're not slow... i'm simply confusing

but i love you for giving me blind faith like that hoshi


The Jester said...

tom, your pic. still looks like two sea lions nuzzling each other

starz said...

lol, your welcome x]
but im pretty sure its just the fact that im slow...*sighs*
oh well

and btw, can anyone tell what my picture is?

Anonymous said...

BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!!! I can't STAND my consuler but yours kinda sounds worse. I'm terribly sorry that adults are incompetant and absurd. I LOVE YOU!!!!

The Jester said...

nope no idea ... are you on now hoshi...

and yes most adults have no common sence what so ever

The Jester said...

to hoshi:
it kinda looks like a person in a teacup with shaving cream on their head

The Jester said...

i think im talking to myself again

The Jester said...

Is anybody listening? Can you hear me when i call? Shooting signals in the air, cuz i need somebody's help.I can't make it on my own, so i'm giving up myself. Is anybody listening? Listening.

Anonymous said...

I'm hear.

The Jester said...

I've been stranded here and i'm miles away. Making signals hoping they save me. I lock myself inside theae walls cuz out there i'm always wrong. I don't think i'm gonna make it. so i'm sitting here, on the eve of my defeat; i write this letter and hope it saves me

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I said something too late. oh well,....ttyl. Bu bye!

The Jester said...

sorry was lyrics from a song

The Jester said...

you're leaving... but why

The Jester said...

you can't leave... i wish it would up date the comments automatically...have you checked out my other posts... if not you should

Silvertongue said...

Awww... now i am up and i have missed when everyone was on... oh well just my luck.

The Jester said...

nope ...i'm still on... i was playing freecell

Silvertongue said...

Oh, hello.

Silvertongue said...

i was checking the other 4 blogs for things i might have missed.