Monday, August 13, 2007


I realize that i sound like a broken record since it seems that i am always asking about when we will play next, but yet again i will ask. Does Tuesday or Friday sound good to anyone to play tennis? That and i was wondering Lone Wolf, Jaki, Dark Night if you wanted to see about going to the mall someday before school starts?



starz said...

! ! ! ! !
i just realized...
u guys obviously all know each other right??? like face-to-face!!!?

im slow

The Jester said...

hey new person...i'm so excited ...i in case you didn't know amthe founder and hyper/goth/basically emotionless (enless we are talking hyper, which i don't think is an emotion)/extremelly sarcastisc one of this group... and i am esatic... if you can be that with out actually showing it... that you visited... you should visit bookworm alliance at sometime...

and yes we all know each other... face to face that is... and i claim seiri and a sister and twin for the record and tom as older brother and "dark night" (ha ha ... yea right) as younger brother

starz said...

seiri? whoz that??
oooh...hi then! ^^
i dont really count hyper as a emotion...wait...what is it then?


hyper yet emotionless, awesome mix
nice to know you!! x]

The Jester said...

same here

are you on now?

and seiri=lone wolf... it's one of the thousands of nicknames i gave her

The Jester said...

oh... by the way blue is an awesome color (for the type color you picked)

so i'm thinking about changing the background of the blog page to all black... what's your opinion on that


(that's my commonly used other name)

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.....Seiri thinks that black would look AWESOME! *cries* I'm SO HAPPY you're back! I thought you were seriously going to leave FOREVER!

Hai! We all know each other face-to-face. Sometimes I wonder about our sainity when we are together....mainly Jaki's *cowers from shi's glare* LOL! Out of the three of us I must claim that I am the most sane and laid-back.

Anonymous said...

To Tom: Friday would be good for tennis and maybe the mall. What does everyone else say? Oh, and starz.shadow if you live in Texas let me know cuz' then maybe you could come play tennis with us. We play at my house...well, at the park three minutes from my house. And that's walking to the park. That's how close it is.

The Jester said...

i guess your not on... how sad

any way i like your wolfy

and i forgot to say i am also extremly layed back which kinda goes with the whole emotionless think

(and my frinds think i'm dizty... although it could just be that i don't pay attention to much... or anything really...i like my little world i'm in...


The Jester said...

don worry i didn't glare i smirked

is hoshi girl on... and i'm kinda just guessin it's a girl... sorry if i'm wrong

"sanity... i don't recall ever having anything of the sort"
~Kenny. BLEACH

and i'm back all cuse of you guys... love you seiri

The Jester said...

no i'm far more layed back i'm just far less sane, but if you think about it i really don't get mad or upset or even phased by much

starz said...

i, for one, think you guys are...*sniffle* SO HILARIOUS!!!! AHAHAHAAAAA!!


sry, that was meant as a compliment...x__x

black would rock! ^^

The Jester said...

seiri is starz.shadow a girl if not then i wish to appologize

The Jester said...

i love you hoshi person

yea new person

yea hoshi

she likes us she really likes us

The Jester said...

my computer is driving me bonkers...

i think dolly is trying to rip off hiei's ear because i hear yiping down stairs and it's girly so i think it's hiei's

is down stairs one word or two?

starz said...

*question marks floating*

wait, what?



*scratches head*

im a bit ...slow... when it comes to things like this...<_>

The Jester said...

i feel like i'm talking to myself

not that that is any different from the norm

just kidding i don't usually...well... never mind

The Jester said...

so are you a girl or boy???

and i can't make that any clearer

by the way hoshi means star in japanese

The Jester said...

i am bored
oh so bored

oh so very very bored

Anonymous said...

JAKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're on! So are you starz.shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah....where's Tom? I shall call him.

The Jester said...

i so can't count every time my computer refreshes i get all "excited" because i think someone else is talking but their not it's just me talking to always... i feel so alone

hello (*echo echo*)

is anybody out there? (*echo echo*)

were is everybody?(*echo echo*)

starz said...

sorry to have left you undecided

...did that make no sense, or is it just me??

im a ...ready?

IM A HIPPO!!!! -insanity rules-
but u really cannot deny the truth, therefore i am indeed a hippo

talking to urself is not a big deal...seeing how i do it...every day...after i brush my teeth at night, i just stand in front of the mirror and the mirror (which shows a hippo, btw)

starz said...

i forgot to mention
im a female hippo


i dont think thats just wrong no matter how u look at it...O.O*

Anonymous said...

Tom shall be joining us!!! YAY!

The Jester said...

baka computer

yea seiri

please talk to me i feel lonley

hoshi isn't answering my lonly pleas for human interaction

starz said...

I am not playing "Wings of Despair" over...over...over...over...over...and over again on my computer...


it rules


in my dimension, at least

Anonymous said...

I believe she is. *looks at hoshi's comments*

Anonymous said...

That's okay Hoshi, I'm playing Only Hope over and over and over and over on my computer. LOL!

The Jester said...

yae hippo person girl thingy ... i'm just gonna call you hoshi okay

by the way if it's not okay than i'm sorry but im still calling you hoshi... unless you can find a shorter name than starz.shadow for me to call you

Anonymous said...

Poor Jaki! I LOVE YOU! oh, who are you and who am I? For Halloween I mean???? Magic confused us last time and we couldn't decide which twin was the sensitive one and which one was the more agressive one.

Silvertongue said...

Aggressive = hikaru

Anonymous said...

Where did Hoshi go????? COME BACK!!!!!!!!!

The Jester said...

im not playing anything on my computer in fear of causeing it to crash... although i am fearful of it crashing anyway because it knows when i get on and decides to kick me off as soon as i drop my defenses

it hates me(goes to a corner to cry)

Silvertongue said...

sorry for taking so long to post i was reading your comments

Anonymous said...

Ecce! Its Tom!!

starz said...



...that also means I live about...*looks at map* a day or two from you other words, at least 24 hours

I live in sunny California! ^^ and i REALLY REALLY hate the FREAKING weather here sometimes, because it NEVER, NEVER, EVER HARDLY EVEN pours...I WANT SNOW!!!!!!!!!! I HAVNT SEEN REAL SNOW THAT FALLS DOWN IN LIKE 7 YEARS!!!!

Silvertongue said...

Ya its me

Anonymous said...

I will beat the computer up for you until it loves you...well, at least claims to.

The Jester said...

so im hikaru and you are kouru*

*Spelling ?????

Silvertongue said...

Snow doesn't really fall here either. it is sort of fake snow (Jaki and i have gone into this in depth)

Anonymous said...

We got a little bit of snow...well, more like slush, twice this year. What months you guys? January? February?

Anonymous said...

Hai! I agree! "Fake snow." heh....

I've NEVER been to California before. *sniff* I've only been to Arizona and New Mexico. Really pathetic I know.

Silvertongue said...

it always does it once in February, at least for the last 5 or so years.

The Jester said...


i hate the sun...and water...and rain, which is water...and sand... and beaches...

so you should so come visit us sometime... we live near the capital

Silvertongue said...

i,ve been to Oklahoma (the little sliver of it) and Colorado

Anonymous said...

No. Not true. Cuz' last year we didn't get ANY. I almost cried. I HATE and despise hot weather. It should NOT exsist.

starz said...

I am truly sorry...will anyone ever forgive me? *puppy eyes* (cough, Tamaki, cough)

im just a EXTREMELY slow typer...

awww, dont worry...jaki? (btw, what should i call you guys?? i mean, im not good w/ names and all)
my computer loathes me with a passion and always snarls (a.k.a. hums REALLY loud) everytime i turn it on! ^^*

Anonymous said...

Yes! You should come visit us sometime. If you can of course. Lets see, I might be able to come see you once I'm out of high school. I could bring Shi and Magic. If they agree of course.

Silvertongue said...

You can call me tom or magic or magic tupperware, whatever you feel like.

Anonymous said...

You can call me Lone Wolf, Jacket, Jackette, Hikari, Seiri, Sarp, Sarp Soup,...hmmm...what else is there....????

Silvertongue said...

NOOOOOOOOO You can't leave us Lone Wolf!!! When you do jaki will be depressed for the entire next year.

The Jester said...

so i'm from illinois and my grandparents all live in missouri so i see snow quite a bit and it is one type of weather i don't mind


by the way my dad's military thats why i live here but he retired so i won't be moving anytime soon

...not that i ever really moved at all...

starz said...

where are the people who fight for justice? what were they called, warrior sailors? no, SAILOR WARRIORS!!
ya, thats it

there is NO justice in, and just about everything else too

*sniff* lucky, at least sludge isnt boiling sun...

wait, isnt Texas really hot too????

Anonymous said...

Of course TUNAFISH RICEBALL!!!! OH, have you chosen a flavor riceball yet?

Silvertongue said...

I will miss you too!!!

Silvertongue said...

"Without a higher cause behind it, justice is nothing more than slaughter." - Kaname Tousen

Anonymous said...

Yuck! Yes it is! Texas is like the KING OF wise. It got to 102 today. I thought I was gonna die!

Silvertongue said...

I felt like sharing that quote, i just got it today.

starz said...

*sniff* once again, i am being surpassed by my own kind in the area of typing

did that sound offensive? ...cuz it wasnt supposed to be...*sniffle*

as much as i would love to see you all, i cant imagine my parents getting too psyched up to go to Texas...too hot!

heh, azns ya know

Anonymous said...

Horseback riding is no fun when its smoldering hot outside. I took ice and put it out on the road and watched it melt. Then I put some on the side walk and road to see which one melted fastest. The road won cuz' its black.

The Jester said...

next year i think you mean more like the rest of my short pathetic life with out you


i love how you didn't say you would miss her tom

and you can call me whatever you choose but most call me jaki(pronounced jackie)or shi (pronounced she)

and seiri you know iwill flow you to the ends of the earth if you would let me

Anonymous said...

Its 87 degrees outside right now and its after midnight. Ewwww...

Silvertongue said...

I have had training in typing fast. Playing Battlefield 2 online made me type fast.

Anonymous said...

I know. Sucks that we are not in the same grade. You guys should skip a year. *POOF* We graduate together.

starz said...

ah...lets see now
if its alright with all of you...i shall call ...uh...tom...M.T. (magic tupperware)

uh...I think i shall call Jaki...Jaki

and Seiri



Silvertongue said...

I need to find a better place for my phone when i am at the computer. every time it rings it makes this loud noise if i am wearing headphones. nearly deafens me each time.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silvertongue said...

The name works for me.

The Jester said...

i hate the heat w/ my body temp. the temp around me reaches adout 200 on norm days

and if they were syced about coming here i would have to say they were insane... and i'm not all that fast of a typer... or at least not as fast as seiri and tom

Anonymous said...

That's fine. Jaki tends to always call me that. Mainly when she wants me to pay attention to her...or just wants me. LOL! I think Jaki is the only one who calls me that. YAY! Another person who calls me Seiri!!!!

Silvertongue said...

Wow, and here i was going to tell you that you look good for a 2005 year old person.

Anonymous said...

I kinda HAD to learn to type fast because of Computer Science. I REALLY hated that class!

starz said...

i feel so wittle compared to u guys...


and i officially am now declared sad that Seiri gets to RIDE HORSES while I, being in love with horses and all, haven't been on a horse for A SUPER LONG time (a.k.a. 3 years??)

Silvertongue said...

I like that class. The best class to start the day with.

Anonymous said...

*bows* why thank you! I am beautiful! *chuckles to self* yeah...right...

Silvertongue said...

*Crosses fingers, Hopes for computer science 1st period*

starz said...


ok, i was definitely on the right track when i said u guys were fast typers!! -.-

AWWWWWWHHHHH DARN IT!!! NO MATTER HOW hard i try, i can never...never spell definitely right

(spell check has its uses)

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry. I have a horse. That's the ONLY reason why I get to ride. I didn't get to ride a horse until I was 11 years old. Then I went two years without riding again. When I was 15 I finally got my first horse, Ariel.

Anonymous said...

Its alright. I tend to spell things wrong too.

Silvertongue said...

Why do you hate the class so?

The Jester said...

i think im 2

as in age but every one tells me otherwise

and i can;t really tell you not to call me by my name now can i...

i want rice

and seiri i am going into the school records to make you fail

actually i could prouabaly graduate w/ you if i wanted to

not that i don't but i just want to get in all the free education i can before they make me start paying for it

i want rice

and to find my book

and my cds

and my brain

Anonymous said...

Hold on for a bit. I need a new song to listen to. This ones getting old.

starz said...

are you guys all Caucasian?

sorry if im being nosy...*whines*

oh, and i apologize a lot...-.- no idea why though

Silvertongue said...

Did you ever find that book jaki?

Silvertongue said...

Are you being Ritsu with your apologies?

Silvertongue said...

Oh and to your question, yes.

starz said...

i'll lend you my brain, Jaki

but its extremely dusty and theres some recurring errors with it, so i wouldnt be offended if u dont want it

but seriously, anything to get me away from math...and math textbooks...and math worksheets...and numbers...and x's & y's...and variables...@__@

The Jester said...

im bored... and seiri i always want your attention...

its cause i love you

(starts confessing love for you to the computer screen)

by the way ...


i like wolves

i wonder if they would let me ride them

so hoshi how old are you

Silvertongue said...

Well, Jaki's brain cannot subtract. it does... oh how to put this... Jaki math.

starz said...

i am not Ritsu, but i would love to be a monkey...
well...we basically are...

that was not to be offensive

AH! I DID IT AGAIN!!! I APOLOGIZED!!! im sorry for saying sorry

Silvertongue said...

*Claps happily at your response*

Anonymous said...

ahhhh...much better. Linkin Park Rocks!!!!

Jaki, if you make me fail I will have no other options but to drop out or leave the state. Not really. But I shall not be very happy. *shakes head* not at all. I'll still love you though. I'll even love Tom still if he helps you.

OH! LOOK! I found Jaki's brain. *sticks it through the screen* here you go. //////

I hate that class cuz' it was too hard for a person like me who dislikes most of if not all of technology. If it wasn't for technology our planet wouldn't be as polluted as it is.

starz said...

meee??? you really want to know how old i am???

alright, i see it now. the time for confessions have come at last

i am 7

people say i act mature for my age

starz said...

lets swap brains Jaki

PUH-LEASE?? *puppy face*
then u can have my disoriented one


Anonymous said...

My ice fused together into a HUGE ice chunk and I can no longer eat it. *sniff* I must get more crushed ice!!! Be right back!!!! xD

The Jester said...

i think im a demon

i claim no connection to humanity

but yes i'm irish in case you didn't realize by my love of words and willingness to use them

still claim no link to humanity

i thinky i be dark angel

pretty black wings... i wanna fly

(*crys like little kid*)

Silvertongue said...

Or crush the ice lump.

starz said...

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh noooooooo

me mom is here

something about "too late, sleep time"

(i shall ignore her)


didnt work

Silvertongue said...

Awwwwwww...tell me that doesn't mean you have to go.

starz said...


and i dont think anyone believed i was actually 7...

im a horrible liar
because i start laughing hysterically everytime i tell a lie

*i must not tell a lie...i must not tell a lie*

Anonymous said...

Are you really 7??? Or are you just speaking figuratively(spelled wrong yes yes I know)?

That was quite amazing. I got more crused ice from the fridge and went to grab some. It got stuck to my fingers and I was like, "Ow, ow, ow! Let GO!" and tried to eat it fast, which ultimately lead to me almost chocking on a piece and then I went and almost killed myself with the head phones cord.

Silvertongue said...

I don't think i am a horrible liar, just a bad not truth teller.

starz said...

alrighty then, i will not tell you

*maniacal circle pacing*

just as another FYI, when i'm sleepy, i tend to switch to "hyperactive grumpy mode" which basically means im hyper yet i fall asleep every 20 seconds, then start jumping around again


Silvertongue said...

That would have been weird if Lone Wolf died while getting ice.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* apparently I fell for it. I'm SO gulliable. Jaki, shoot me please.

starz said...

i find this world oddly amusing with a spoonful (no, a GALLON/BUCKET) of irony

irony is funny


i think i fell asleep for a second there

starz said...

forgive me for saying this, Seiri, but if you died while getting ice, i would:

1) wet my pants laughing
2) sob and fly over to your funeral
3) have nightmares of giant ice cubes

Anonymous said...


The Jester said...

i like ice and i don't belieave that you are seven because you have to be at least 13 to have a blog... although you may not have to be that old to comment on one in that case i believe you

curse technology... just think about it right now we could all me talking to each other useing morse code's cold...kinda, untill you boil it then it's hot... but technica;ly no longer ice

and thanks for finding my brain seiri now i can stick it back in fermaldahide... the scientists got mad because i lost it (they are keeping it under observation for its being the smallest brain ever)

Anonymous said...

*laughs* You almost made me gag on the ice I was eating by what you said! LOL! I LOVE YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Strange...I love you for almost killing me...

starz said...

mom's here once more


i shall go and bribe her with chips...wish me luck


well, lets just say that didnt work well (and i was serious about the chip part, my mom loves chips)
she...sadly, grabbed the bag and started munching away


you can only hope so much, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that gagging on ice was for what Hoshi said.

The Jester said...

then i would have to hate every form of water...

on second thought i think ill just stick to liking my element... FIRE

starz said...

lol Jaki

you can always lie about your age, u know ^^

but if u must know, i am NOT 7, im 8 1/2

Silvertongue said...

Sorry i disappeared i was working on something.

The Jester said...

oohhh...113 yea cool number... hey it equalls 23 like the movie

stupid movie

Anonymous said...

Seiri doesn't really like fire. Its pretty but...I despise all hot things. I prefer cold and dreary.

starz said...



the (excuse me for saying this) WORST drink in the entire galaxy and beyond flavor

Silvertongue said...

i like Fire, and people that can manipulate ice.

Anonymous said...

heh...wanna help me burn that movie?

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with that comment on water. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its pretty much the ONLY thing I drink. I like orange juice next. After that....nothing.

starz said...

i feel like a worn out teddy bear with a marker nose and a missing eye

any ideas on how i feel this way?


ok well i shall go and ask my mommy to tuck me in to bed, because im ONLY 8 1/2


The Jester said...


well, i guess you could...

didn't think of that...

on second note... i don't think... at least not over the summer

i love seiri

love Shi

Silvertongue said...

MMMMMIIIIIILLLLLKKKK!! The best drink in the world.

starz said...


a...a...water fan!

i concur with you about orange juice, but i like "exotic" juices too

Anonymous said...

Nu-uh! I LOVE you more-er-est!!! YESH!!! Maybe you haven't slept enought or you ARE a teddy bear! *pictures a teddy bear walking towards her all worn out and missing an eye* ...scary thought. *runs to a cornor and hides*

starz said...

the best drink in the world, is not water, is not is...


*insane laughter*

ice cream rules all *drools*

Anonymous said...

Yes! I LOVE water. I prefer tap water. The one at my house has a coppery taste to it. Everyone in my house disagrees and says it has NO flavor but...I have good taste buds. One reason why I don't like lettuce. WAY TOO BITTER!!!! EWWWWW!!!!

Silvertongue said...

ice cream = mostly water and milk.

starz said...


thank you Seiri for that lovely description of me and how you hid once looking at my beautiful furry face


i would like to be a purple bear

The Jester said...

yes, yes, we burn movie and fire dance around it so it wont come back

and water does to have flavor

and fire is no longer hot after you burn all your nerves off,
desides... its pretty and warm when you and freezing to death in the middle of adeserted mountain during a blizzard and have ice cycles hanging from the snot dripping from your nose

Anonymous said...

I LOVE ice cream! I can't have too much of it cuz' I get sick from it. BUT IT SO ROCKS!!!!! I almost had some tonight but then decided on hot chocolate and cookies!

starz said...

well...if it does i wouldnt know
my taste buds dont recognize the flavorless flavor of water

ok so it has a metallic ting to it, but nothing cream

Anonymous said...

. . . yeahhhhhh....iciciles hanging from your nose thanks to snot.....ewww and eww and ewwww. I still like cold things better and prefer blankets over a fire.

Silvertongue said...

Hey Hoshi, you should try this url see if it is the one you were wanting.

The Jester said...

i think my favorite drink is liquid fire ... problem is they have yet to invent it so for now i stick to liquid nitrogen

Silvertongue said...

I want to see a black flame.

starz said...

somethings mutated with my wolfy picture

all i see is a blank rectangle
either im going crazy...or its...real


heh, this is random
but I am an Asian, and PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!! >.< so there

try and guess where im from

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....I still Love water and no one can change that! *chants* "Water rules water rules!" while dancing to the song "Mr.Wonderful"

Anonymous said...

We have 139 comments on this post.

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

in about 2 hours none the less

starz said...

i thank you for your valiant efforts, M.T.

but...the song is 30 secs long

^^ oh well

i want to see a purple flame
i also want to see a green horse
and a purple firetruck

then i declare my life accomplished

Anonymous said...

I'm half German, with a dash of Irish, Scottish, Chek (sure...that's how you spell it...yeahhh...), Cherokee, and too many others too name.

Silvertongue said...

Dang that always happens when i upload it it always turns out 30 secs long.

starz said...



2 eyes are dead
funny how i just noticed that

Anonymous said...

I'll dye my white horse green and take a pic for you...yeah, not really. My horse would NOT be happy.

The Jester said...

...i like fire it's prettier than any blanket...yet you still prefer no fire even though it is the only think during this said blizzard that could melt your pressious ice bricks into your beloved water... and yet you still push it away... because no its not wet and pnemonia causing... well, SORRY...

poor fire i will never desert you

although for fire to be usefull first you would have to be able to start it which would prove to be a bit difficult to do during a blizziard

Anonymous said...

*laughs* while imagining Ariel green.

starz said...


im begging you guys

*falls to knees*

guess where im from!!!!! pleaaaase
if u do

i shall...
sing for you

wait...hold on, thats a punishment

Anonymous said...

Fine. I like fire but ONLY when its cold outside or if its Christmas time. Otherwise, shouldn't exsist. *runs and hides from Jaki* While yelling, "I LOOOOVVEEE YOUUUU!"

starz said...

you amaze me Jaki


i want ur autograph...

Silvertongue said...

try this one now i know it will work... well actually i don't but it can't hurt to try.

Anonymous said...

hmmm....Asia? Africa,....wait NO...JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jester said...

your asain... totally no fair... anyway sorry guys but i have to go my parents just got home and i think dolly killed hiei because the yiping stopped...

love you all and fair well

Silvertongue said...

Sayonara. Have a good sleep.

Anonymous said...

dot dot dot odd. Why does he live in a guinepid home? Bye Jaki! I love you! Save Hiei for me!!!

Silvertongue said...

It might just be a little strange.

Anonymous said...

*guinea pig

starz said...

i know, everyone is jealous of my Asianness

^^ woot

oh, and i bow down to you M.T.
the songs right! x]

im not Japanese...*sniff* sadly

Silvertongue said...

...guinepid... i love it!!

Anonymous said...

Seiri shall be signing off too. She just realized that its 1:18am and that she has to be up at 7am to go out and see her horse. Bu bye now! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!! :D

Silvertongue said...

YAY i finally got it right!!

Silvertongue said...

Sayonara. Good night. Have a good sleep.

Anonymous said...

You too!!!

Anonymous said...

5 hours of sleep here I come!

starz said...

well my lovely, adorable (not really)
cousin want to put his bird in with my guinea pigs

well actually, its more like animalbolism, cuz when the bird was in the hutch, he started staring at my guinea pigs and clacking his 2 fur balls ran away from the bird, and then the parakeet decided to settle for the bedding instead, and started munching away

Silvertongue said...

Hmm... cant think if i actually need to do anything tomorrow... oh well *Stays up*

Silvertongue said...

A very dysfunctional pet family.

starz said...


everyone left


i shall talk to myself, how lovely

its now 11:20 eyes are officially declared dead
and i think sometime during this conversation my hair screamed...

^^ well sayonara everybody!

Silvertongue said...

Sayonara. Good night. Have a good sleep to you too.

starz said...

a light...someone's on!

well i g2g anyways

yes, its the most insane family in the world
u should see what my cousin does to his cat

poor thing...i mean-lucky cat!

Silvertongue said...

We should do this again sometime.

starz said...



u 2

starz said...


ok, definitely gotta go

Silvertongue said...


Blood Riceball said...

... ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok.