Friday, August 31, 2007


So... i know i don't usually ask but can we play tennis


pretty pretty PLEASE

anyway i'm lonely

someone talk to me

wwwoooollllffffffyyyyy were are you?




seiri... why have you abandon me??!



nobody likes me
(*crys in corner by myself*)


Silvertongue said...

I am here now. Everything is okay. Tennis is mabye this sunday at 6.

The Jester said...

we are all alone in this vast sea called net... all alone... no one to love us...

i can't sunday thats when i do all my homework

four math classes... uuuuuuggggggggghhhhh

at least i have more pages to read for us history.... that book's halarious

Silvertongue said...

We are off monday, so you can play tennis sunday.

Anonymous said...

hey , sorry I just got in a fight with my bro, I was busy cleaning the blood off my bed and picking up the glass ;)

Anonymous said... killed your brother?

Hai, tennis is Sunday at 6pm. I'm gonna finish all my homework today. And I didn't abandon you Jaki I was at work yesterday til' 10pm and then I had to be there at 10am this morning and I worked until 6:30pm. I just got home. Heh...I feel horrid. I dropped a customer's watermellon and it busted all over the floor. I didn't get in trouble for it cuz' EVERYONE breaks something was the first time I broke something and of all things it HAD to be a watermellon. Something I thought that I would NEVER break.

Anyways, love you guys!

Silvertongue said...

Isn't watermelon breaking supposed to be at the beach? Sorry i had to comment on it.

The Jester said...

wolfy... bad boy... are you hurt... if you hurt yourself i'll kill you... and then try to revive you and give you a hug (which will end up causing more injuries)

i hope you didn't kill your brother or him kill you

my poor baby

so quote for you:

"let's settle the scores now, one to one to one till i'm a tower on my feet holdin' a body" ~Jin

Silvertongue said...

Yay!!! Jin's quote.

The Jester said...

i wonder if wolfy is grounded?

i would ask him but if he is grounded i don't think he will be able to answer

The Jester said...

so... what's up in the two seconds since i hung up...

one sec trying to breathe again

Silvertongue said...

Unless he sneaks to the computer just to talk with us.

Silvertongue said...

Are you okay, what kind of breathing complication are you having?

The Jester said...


The Jester said...

thekind where i can't breathe... you know can't intake oxygen

Silvertongue said...

Sarcastic as ever.

Silvertongue said...

It is why we love you so much.

The Jester said...

where is wolfy... im kinda guessing he's not grounded since he was cleaning blood off his bed the last tiem he was on and wrote down everything that happened

Silvertongue said...

Well, one of the reasons.

The Jester said...

yea... i'm loved!!!

though i should kinda figure since i have fans

weird kinda... having fans for being me

i'm like an exotic animal that everyone wants to look at

Silvertongue said...

Since he said it was the reason he hadn't been on, i would imagine he is grounded, or he has been cleaning blood for days now.

Silvertongue said...

an exotic animal with bells. *jingle* *jingle* *jingle*

Silvertongue said...

so amusing, tom is happier now.

The Jester said...

what are the other reasons

so i had a cat nap and when i woke up every one was gone

it would be creepy like if that didn't happen a lot but after they didn't return for a while i was kinda dot dot dot ... ummm where are they???

Silvertongue said...

everyone who?

The Jester said...

you're happy i'm a one person/animal show



in town for one night only
buy ticket before they run out

as i said


The Jester said...


Silvertongue said...

You are fun, smart, you like anime, you are strange like the rest of us (it is a good thing), and you are not like anyone else in the world.

just some of the reasons we love you.

The Jester said...

the quote are 'cause i think families are accually suposed to ecnolige there kids; i'm kinda ignored

though that may part way be my fault

Silvertongue said...

You speak your mind and have strong beliefs.

The Jester said...


i'm ecsentric

and loved

"smart" ????

"all the odvious points to the contrary"~Jack Sparrow

Silvertongue said...

You are smart, you know it as well as i do.

The Jester said...

definatly speak my mind

and get in trouble for it to

i don't think the worlds ready to hear what i think (or don't think) guite yet

or ever

"then again what do i care"~Hiei

Silvertongue said...

I love your quote from hiei.

Silvertongue said...

It makes me want to tell someone that.

The Jester said...

that could be questioned is all i'm saying

though the hard truth is that the person questioning is in for an impossible battle trying to prove me other wise as we all know

The Jester said...

i love my encyclopedia of quote in my head

kinda like my dictionary

though for spelling it needs to be tangible

Silvertongue said...

True, trying to outlast jaki in a verbal battle is a bad idea.

Silvertongue said...

"I have a dictionary in my head but for spelling I need a dictionary in my hand."
-- Jaki

The Jester said...


grabbing a popcicle now

one sec

The Jester said...


as yamiday found out

"you're arguing with the seminarian, you won't win."~yamiday

"and you're arguing with jaki; you won't win"~me

Silvertongue said...

I still don't get how the conversation went there.

Silvertongue said...

Such a confusing night. Hey, can i borrow the fruits basket DVDs tomorrow?

The Jester said...

you forgot to mention under my good points that i am also vain, arogant, and cocky

The Jester said...

and have horible spelling

The Jester said...

yea sure

and the conversation got there because yames desided to argue w/ me

Silvertongue said...

Cocky and arrogant are the same thing.

The Jester said...

why do we abriviate with... it only makes it two letters shorter... are we really that lazy as to not write it

Silvertongue said...

and i dont believe you can be called arrogant, you have reasons and logic behind you.

Silvertongue said...

we shorten it so we can type faster, why we want to type faster is up to the person.

The Jester said...

i don't really think they are cocky is like ...

on seconds though never mind you're right

(now there's two words that you can almost never hear me say...or write)

Silvertongue said...

at least together in the same sentence.

The Jester said...

reasons and logic don't make me less arogant they just give me an excuse to rationalize it

The Jester said...

hai, true enough

Silvertongue said...

I will return the favor, you are right about that.

The Jester said...

wow 55 already

The Jester said...

hai... i know

i'm not usually wrong about reasoning (see arrogance)

Silvertongue said...

six of them were older ones.

The Jester said...

where's wolfy

i haven't talked to him for a while

The Jester said...


you're point

Silvertongue said...

Probably being restrained in a jail cell.

Silvertongue said...

I don't think i had a point.

The Jester said...


frozen sugar water for dinner

Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

nani... naze... doshite

we shall break him out

though by the time we get there he will prouably have been released since we have no lisences and little or none driving expiriance so we would have to walk unless you have money then we could take a cab or bus

oh i didn't tell you

so i'm the only person in my statistics class with no money

we did this count to create a graph about money we had on us and when she asked me i was like ... ummm... none

but i said that even if we didn't get the point ... at least we would know which person we could benifit the most from robbing

don't eat popcicles while typing

they melt

The Jester said...

wow... long post...

need to check on dogs, be right back

Silvertongue said...

Yes, tell the class who is in need of robbing when they aren't looking. Your teacher is brilliant.

Silvertongue said...

although it does tell people not to rob you, as if they would dare in the first place.

The Jester said...

still can't breathe

Silvertongue said...

I hope you dont just pass out, because i would never know to call an ambulance. then you would die and i would plunge into depression.

The Jester said...

true enough... but as we know they rob me anyway... but now they can't cause i have nothing of value except my vampire cd player whichi wouldnt care all that much if they took... then i could get another one

The Jester said...

sure you would

let me guess... the depression would come after the party over my cold, rotting, blue corpse

Silvertongue said...

Funny thing is that people who rob someone with a cd player in their backpack will never take the cd player. I guess it is too "big" for them to get away with.

The Jester said...


The Jester said...

i'm hungery

need food

(*thinks of cheese*)

Silvertongue said...

*cries* nooooooo, how could i ever party after that, much less smile or feel joy again.

The Jester said...

funny... and true enough

truefully i would have no use for an mp3 or ipod thingy because my computer and me are simply to old fasion to know how or want to use one

aka my computer rejects them

Silvertongue said...

Does your computer have the soul of a convicted serial killer bound to it?

The Jester said...

with ease i would guess

sorry i'm just joking

i have more faith in you

my family on the other hand would party

and no i'm not saying this to be mean... we're irish, that how our funreals go... better to celebrate the good times then mourn over the sad ones

The Jester said...

hai... you counld say that accuratly

but out of curiosity why did you say that

or the soul of shigure

(it likes tortureing me)

Silvertongue said...

... ummm... partying is celebrating therefore you are saying your death would be a "good time"

The Jester said...


sorry i wasn't trying to say fun reals

Silvertongue said...

i like your response. it will be the soul of Shigure.

Silvertongue said...

Why did i say what?

The Jester said...


that's irish for you

did not i say the irish are hard to understand

truefully i would rather have my death be a happy time rather than a sad time... i mean come on think about what kenshin said; the dead want the liveing to be happy

besides why not

you know i would hate it if you cryed... i would be trying to comfort you from another realm like i try with kurama

you wouldn't want to make me do that would you

The Jester said...

hmmm... let me think


i don't know

(by the way that was sarcasm)

The Jester said...

so if anyone reads the last few comments they will think i have a malignant diease or am about to commit suicide or something

Silvertongue said...

True, i would not want you to be unhappy in the afterlife.

The Jester said...

where's wolfy????


come here boy

come on wolfy where are you

come on be a good boy come here

Silvertongue said...

If they only read the last few, then yes. and considering the amount of posts that is what people will most likely do.

Silvertongue said...

We can call him, but we may also get him into more trouble.

The Jester said...


i'm hungery

going to find food now

be back in a few

Silvertongue said...

Did you not already leave like 5 times to find food?

The Jester said...

you call him then post me

that way i can blame you if he gets in trouble

wolfy should be here

then i could make him my slave and he could go get food for me

The Jester said...

my hair's soft

The Jester said...

nope haven't left yet

or at least haven't found anything eatable yet

i get distracted with the pups when i go downstairs

Silvertongue said...

I dont want to feel responsible for getting him into further trouble.

The Jester said...

hiei's soooooooooo cute

i got food this time

The Jester said...

now to deside wether or not to eat it

Silvertongue said...

...Boredom ensues... ... ... I am a superstar, with a big big house and a big big car...

Silvertongue said...

You got food to decide if you want to eat it? What is it?

The Jester said...

neither do i

i'm getting off for now

call me later okay

Silvertongue said...

Later as in when?

The Jester said...


i'm a super star and i don't care who you are

Silvertongue said...

3:30 a.m : HELLO JAKI HOW ARE YOU!!!

The Jester said...

after i eat

use our telapathic link to tell when that is

Silvertongue said...

Ok, well good night and have a good sleep.

Silvertongue said...


Silvertongue said...


The Jester said...

don't you mean good morning seeing as it is night time

Silvertongue said...

You're right, how could i have been so careless. Good Morning.

The Jester said...

yeah you better if you wake me up then

because if you do, none of your gods will be able to save you i will find you and when i do... before your life fades away you will be begging me to kill you

just joking i will make it quick so i can get back to sleep (*chuckles to self softly and innocently*)

Anonymous said...


The Jester said...


bravo tom

he finally got the good byes right

Silvertongue said...

... i don't know whether to be relieved or scared.

Silvertongue said...


Silvertongue said...

You're back.

The Jester said...


no i'm not seriously ill and no tom won't definatly die tonight

just maybe

The Jester said...


just don't wake me up at that time and you wont have to be either

Silvertongue said...

I wont definately die tonight, mabye. ... ... ...??!...

Anonymous said...

So I was 'attempting' to read your comments but...half of them don't make any sense whatsoever.

The Jester said...

food is staring at me wanting me to eat it

stomach complaining

i'm hungry!!!

Silvertongue said...

Sorry, things tend to get random.

Anonymous said...

Is your stomach resorting to eating your liver?

Silvertongue said...

Then you should eat Jaki.

Anonymous said...

Jaki? Random? noooooo.

The Jester said...

i know

you love me right tom

you might not maybe die tonight

such fun words allow me to lure you into a confusingly false sence of a sort of security

Silvertongue said...

Yes, i am in a state of sort of security right now.

The Jester said...

i know... who would have ever thought

The Jester said...

good point... our conversation is hard to read ... expessoly when you try to read it backwards

The Jester said...

food now











Silvertongue said...

never tried to confuse myself more by reading it backwards. I'll try that.

Anonymous said...

heh. So I was doing my homework and I found several quotes that I think you guys would like. I diffenetly like them. Here they are:

"Every person was free to do what he or she needed to do to survive. As a result, everyone suffered from, 'continued fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.'"


"As soon as man enters into a state of society, he loses the sense of his weakness, equality ceases, and then commences the state of war." ~Montesquieu

"...the state of war among individuals and nations led to human laws and government" ~Montesquieu

"When people began to claim ownership of property,...inequality, murder, and war resulted." ~Rousseau

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." ~Rousseau

"It is impossible to live in peace with people you think are damned." ~Rousseau

Silvertongue said...

Ok, jaki should eat. Then i'll call you in a bit. Where did Lone Wolf go?

Silvertongue said...

Never mind, there she is.

Anonymous said...

I was typing up quotes. Sorry.

Silvertongue said...

I like them.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll post them.

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

SOmethings wrong with the blog. It won't let me post. THis box keeps popping up saying "Send Error Report" and then closes me out of BlogSpot. I've had to re-enter BlogSpot three times now.

Silvertongue said...

First time i have ever heard of that. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Gahhhh!!! Four times now!

Anonymous said...

I went to my Blog and clicked on "New Post" and it shut me off! Bloody computer!

The Jester said...



eating 1/4 a pound of sharp chedder cheese in one sitting

not the best idea
(it wasyummy though)

Silvertongue said...

Hey, i was just picking up my phone to call you.

Anonymous said...

Alright. I'm gonna go. I think shutting off the computer might fix the problem. I'm gonna do that and then go to bed. Bye! Love you!

Silvertongue said...

Sayonara, good night.

Silvertongue said...

good night/ good morning.

The Jester said...

don worry seiri

it did the same to me earlyer

you can ask tom

i was crying and yelling at it

(not litterally about the crying)

Anonymous said...

wow you have a lot of comments, no I was not grounded but I still couldnt get on the computer.

lol, thanx 4 the concern jaki, yeah I'm fine. No niether of us is dead, in fact that was one of our mellower fights.

wierd huh?

awesome, I'm liked so much you would kill me and then spend time 2 revive me.