Friday, August 17, 2007


Alright, I have no idea what this world is coming to, but i SERIOUSLY think animal abuse/gaming/slaughter/anything that hurts them should just end!!!
Isn't there any way for people to stop???


starz said...

oh...and komenasie if the post was unnecessary, but people do such horrible things to animals nowadays (well they always have...)

*sniff* curses on them

starz said...

and btw,

can i have that color for when I post?

starz said...

this is just to try out a new picture...
its hard to find a good one...*sigh*
and if anyone has time, can they check out my blog and vote on the poll? i'm attempting to gather anonymous data

starz said...

how did my name suddenly change??

starz said...

im just blabbing away here, so komenasie!!!!! -.-'

ok, well this makes me feel beyond stupid, but how do you get that "zodiac and astrological sign" things in your profile??!!

Silvertongue said...

You put in your birthday.

Silvertongue said...

I know how to make animal hunting, slaughter, etc. stop, have the animals rebel against the oppression of the bad humans.

To arms animal friends overthrow the tyrannical rule of man!!!

Anonymous said...

Hah! I could SO see a deer eating grass and a hunter hiding in a bush with a gun and when he shoots the deer jumps aside whips out a gun and shoots the man! YEAH!

Okay, maybe I went a little too far but....I can't stand our methods of killing animals. "Let's hide in a bush a mile away and shoot the oblivous animal!" yeah...that is SO unfair cuz' the animal never knows that the hunter is there. *sigh* Just another reason why I went vegi.

starz said...

Ug, as much as I tried to become 'all-veggie', I couldn't...*sniff*
I'm ashamed to say that I'm 60% carnivorous...*sniff*


starz said...

School starts in a week...NUUU!

Well, I think there should be underground group of people who trains dangerous animals to attack anybody that kills animals...woot! Spiders, tigers, wolves, elephants, hippos and such...
If only...AHHH, I would love it too much if I could actually be able to be with wolves...KAWAII!!! x3

The Jester said...

i say we all assassinate anyone who trys to kill animals... we could just stand in a gun store and anyone who came in to bay a gun for hunting/troruring would be brutally taken out

Silvertongue said...

I don't believe that hunting can be called a 'sport' since sports usually have some athleticism involved, where as hunting is just some baka sitting in a tree with a gun.