Thursday, August 9, 2007

um hi?

hello!!!!! =]]

my name is lauren.

whats up you guys?

i think ive met some of you before.
but not sure which of yall. hmmm?

anyway uuuh
about me?
here it is.

my name is LAUREN im a senior at VRHS.
i enjoy life in every way i can.
i have fun.
yes i party, butt i don't smoke cigerettes. i am most certianly one of the nicest person you will ever meet. but i can be a bitch if you give me reason to be. its very hard to make me angry, and even harder to make me stay that way, butt when you do make me mad, youll be crying.

basicly my friends mean everything to me, i consider them all family. doesnt matter if youve been my friend for 3 minutes or 3 years, ill always be there for you if you ever need anything. ask me to kick someones ass for you, ill do it.

i run track, its the shit. i LOVE to run. .

( stole that from my myspace )

and thennn also---

get on my level:
I'm shy, yet out going, both simple and complicated. I don’t trust easily, but told i am easily trusted. I'm hyper yet contained sweet but intimidating. I know who my true friends are, if you don’t then you either don’t have any, or havn't taken the time to get to know them. shame for you. most people don’t understand me, I don’t expect you to. I'm a very complex person that needs good conversation often. it's a must. I hate when people judge befor Knowing. you wouldn’t call your Bestfriend a “bitch” or a “skank”?? Then why People you don’t even know?? just shows how immiture some of us are. I hate shittalkers. Its cliche' But if you really have a problem; please just say it To my face, you might not like how you'll turn out when i'm done getting my name out of your mouth but you'd be in worse shape if you were to keep it behind my back. I don’t like drama. I find it unnecissary, dumb. i'm not fake and chances are you are or have been at some point in your life. everyone Has, It’s good to be nice, but to not mean It is pointless. People have heard i'm a “bitch” Well i'm not. I'm actually the Sweetest person you'll probly ever meet. You just have to take the time to know what im about. I like most everyone and it takes alot to get on my shitlist. I laugh alottt all the time, every day. I like to think im funny, When in reality people are just laughing at the stupid things I do. But that’s my life, entertainment :) I'd say my worst coliti is that i'm wayy to nice. I forgive easy but forget hard. I probably won't know what I did yesterday but i'll always remember what you did to me three years ago, it's the way i live my life. most people don’t understand me, again i don’t expect you to. I represent the 512, 281, & 304 [Austin. Houston. & west Virginia] i've been through more shit than you can imagine, i don't believe in bashing someone for what they did or didn't come from, everyone needs to realize there are more important things in life besides the things you don't or do have, the most important thing for me is to be on good standards with everyone i meet and know, because you never know when your life will be taken from you. life is what you make it, make it unique.<3

( also stole from my myspace )

sorry so long you guys butt

butter to....haha i ment better to put it all down now then figure this thing out laterr



so basicly

thats me. =]]]


Blood Riceball said...

this is Dark Night. I hate when people judge you befor knowing you to. so I just right people like that off.

Silvertongue said...

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Tom.

Blood Riceball said...

Dark Night is slipping into the darknes.

thuglifeXgangsterX said...


thuglifeXgangsterX said...

i think ive met you before.
i used to go to leander and i think you were in my english class or something last year. =]]

Silvertongue said...

Hmm, if you were i wouldn't remember. I have a bad memory for people and names.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you guys!!! I doubt anyone is on right now but, HI ALL YA'LL'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thuglifeXgangsterX said...

yea its ok.
im bad with names too but i thinkkkk i remeber you.
i posted kinda a lot of pictures
( couldnt miss them )
so if you still dont remember me then maybe i didnt know you
i can get to know you! =]]

The Jester said...

don't cuss

i'm jaki, and i know the feeling about being judged before i am met but care less about it than most... as most people know i am VERY layed back and take offense to almost nothing... it is pretty much imposible to get me mad but stupidity does annoy me

anyway nice to meet you... and although i can edit or delete anything the only thing i will personally ever delete without asking or telling you is cussing if it gets too bad but even then i'll prouabaly just ignore it

welcome and pease have fun