Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wild Horse Racing A Cruel Sport

I just wanted to post and tell everyone to go take a quick look at my blog cuz' I posted about a REALLY horrid sport they have that involves horses. There's pics. Its not like blood or anything just go take a look please and if you could post it on your blogs that would be awesome cuz' I'm trying to end wild horse racing for good. Thanks!


~Lone Wolf~


starz said...

I saw your blog, and I have to say THOSE PEOPLE ARE JUST EVIL!!!!!!
DO they seriously do that?!!!??? since when are they allowed to??? GRRRR, PEOPLE SHOULD DO THAT TO THEN AND SEE HOW THEY LIKE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

I know. At the place I bored at I see a lot of messed up horses. Not from wild horse racing, but just from people who don't know how to handle/train horses. My horse was one of them. Not anymore though. They've helped me a lot out there with retraining her. I don't know what her former owners used her for but she was pretty crazy when I got her. A sweetheart. But crazy.

They've been doing wild horse races forever. It should be band cuz' that IS animal cruelty. Your just forcing an animal ,that's first instinct is to flee when frightened, to accept a saddle and rider in less than an hour. That's wrong. It takes a good week if proberly trained and then even longer to fully accept and like it. Humans are so stupid and vile. I wish a lot of the time that I didn't have to say I was a human cuz' we're a horrible species in my book. hmmmm...*thinks to herself* 'I wonder if its a sin to hate what God made you? I hope not...'