Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Insane One

Oh never mind i found out how. Tom/ Magic Tupperware here. hmm... well... this is different... and so much... COOLER!!


The Jester said...

this is soooo annoying i keep having to refresh my page and it takes like four minutes to do... sighs... lovely kyo shi (unlucky four)

The Jester said...

oh and you'll get the hang soon

Anonymous said...

heh..too bad for you. It takes mine like two seconds.

Anonymous said...

When will your new computer be working again?

Silvertongue said...

Ditto and i browser can use tabs so it is all in one window.

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, let's ALL use this one blog post to talk on. Okay?

Anonymous said...

Are you guys there?

Silvertongue said...

I am, just posting on multiple topics.

Anonymous said...

Jaki!!!!! Poor poor Jaki! Baka Jaki's computer!!!

Silvertongue said...

Are you saying jaki is baka? or her computer is baka? Sounds like you wre calling her baka.

Silvertongue said...


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOO!!!! Why on earth would I want to call Jaki "Baka?" I meant her baka computer!

Silvertongue said...

I was kidding. I know you would never call her baka.

Anonymous said...

You need to post something. Choose a color too.

Silvertongue said...

I did post something. I posted this topic.

The Jester said...

hey (*crys*) i'm not baka and i was getting a link set up from bookworms sanctuary i got our intros and gave a suggestion on our blog

ps tom that i my thing was confussing

Silvertongue said...

Sorry i diddnt check the post before publishing it and diddnt want to delete it and start over.

The Jester said...

not fair you guys type faster than me... or just less...(*sighs*) oh well... hey tom have you started your school book and what book do you have to read for school lw

Anonymous said...

You know what I meant, Tom. Post an actual blog please! Shi, help me out here.

Silvertongue said...

No i dont even have the book. I need it though.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to read anything.

Silvertongue said...

What do you mean by post something then Lone Wolf.

Anonymous said...

Like, what Jaki and me are doing with the whole titles thing and what not. That! You know how this one is called "The Insane One?"

The Jester said...

sorry lw i accidentlly shut down this window and had to wait for it to reappaer

Anonymous said...

That's fine. Computers don't seem to like you. LOL! But then Radios, Boom Boxes, and the like hate me.

Silvertongue said...

Ya, I named it something random. I figured "The Insane One" fit well enough.

Silvertongue said...

Or does this not count as a topic?

The Jester said...

so boy i think lw means that you should tell a story or something like maybe about yourself

Silvertongue said...

Ah, ok i got it then.

The Jester said...

that stupid unsuccure items thing keeps poppingup do you guys keep getting that too and in my last comment i ment boy as in spieces not expressions as in a sigh

Anonymous said...

Yes, and if you don't say "yes" then you can't see the pics that we chose. Yes?

And Tom, I'm gonna slaughter you if you don't post something. Better yet, I won't speak to you.

The Jester said...

meow it would be a lot easier for me if i could IM you guys and yes comps do hate me did you hear i broke my mom's laptop that she had for two days... i do have a curse or gift depending which way you look at it

Anonymous said...

LOL! Again, I LOVE you Shi!

Hai! Every Boom-Box that I have that has broke, you let it sit in the garage away from me and after about a week, works!!! The bloody thing works again! So very very frustrating!

The Jester said...

yes and i'll help with the murder of tom... TOM I DIDN'T INVITE YOU SO YOU COULD JUUST(underline underline)COMMENT. POST OR BE SORRY

Silvertongue said...

I am composing it now so hold on

Anonymous said...

Where did Tom go anyways...?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind. And you are composing it????? ..... ... .. ..... .???

The Jester said...

i love you more and that was funny... any way i'm going to go in a few(not now... just a few)because i am itching to read the 7th hp book

The Jester said...

yea i'm scared about the it too

his IT's aren't always pretty... in fact they aren't pretty at all

Anonymous said...

That is SO strange. I was about to say that I was "going to go in a few" too. I have work tomorrow and before work I'm going to try to stop by the Animal Shelter and visit Scooby. LOL!

Silvertongue said...

sorry i was gone but i posted something, so be happy.

The Jester said...

animal shelters i love them... not the ones that kill although even the ones that kill are better than the ones that sell pure breeds for like 500 dollars ugggh i HATE that people do that and yes i am ditching you for books , i'm going to go after i see toms post

The Jester said...

we'll see if we'll be happy after we see

Silvertongue said...

Does everyone realize that we have had this blog for under an hour and we already have 2 pages of topics and over 75 posts if you include the topics themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Strangely enough I was thinking the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Alright, before I go I would like to suggest something. I think that we should try to post something of some sort every morning around 7 o'clock. What do you guys say?

Silvertongue said...

I find it funny, and this isnt even counting your blog Lone Wolf, or the original blog.

Anonymous said...

That way the blog can explode from too many comments and posts.

Silvertongue said...

Sounds good to me.

The Jester said...

wow fifty's a new record

Anonymous said...

No, 52 is!

Silvertongue said...

and it took a little over 30 minutes too

Anonymous said...

heh...pretty sad.

The Jester said...

7 o clock ha ha ha um NO WAY... your not gonna catch me up that early again till the start of school

The Jester said...

yea this is funny

Silvertongue said...

I'll start waking up early, i need to get back to waking up at 7 anyway.

The Jester said...

and tom in case you are planning on saying yea more sarcasm... don't

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Magic agrees with me!!!! GO MAGIC GO MAGIC GO MAGIC!!!! YOU ARE WHITE MAGIC!!!!

Anonymous said...


Silvertongue said...

Well really i need to go back to 6, but 7 is a start.

The Jester said...

he i don't need practice i still have an annoying mental alarm that i have been trying to shut off it will go into action of getting me up early the week or two before school starts

Anonymous said...

(Yawn)...okay, this Lone Wolf needs some sleep. Good-night! I LOVE you guys!!! :D

Silvertongue said...

I always get up, take a shower, turn on my computer, make breakfast, then check the internet(i.e. mail, blogs, ect.) while i eat.

The Jester said...

i've tryed shutting down my mental alarm by slamming my head against the wall but all it did was give me further brain damage and a slight head ache that made me run into a wall... hey my typing is getting faster and spelling worse

The Jester said...

well i'm going to post then go to bed also so i guess this is good night to you too tom

Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised, Shi. Anyways, bu, bye now!

Silvertongue said...

I'll probably be off too. Good night Jaki, Lone Wolf, till tomorrow.